Sunday Worship
June 14 @ 10:30 am
"The Gift of Sacrifice"
In this week’s readings, we witness people called by God to perform marvelous acts – giving birth in old age and curing the sick. Accepting these callings require a willingness to sacrifice one’s own comfort to serve God and others. All of this week's texts invite us to explore sacrifice in our own lives as we seek to live out God’s call. Join Sanctuary and Hillside as we share our collective response (in small circles) to the question(s): What does love call us to sacrifice? What do white people need to sacrifice for justice and equity for our black and brown siblings? What gifts have you gotten from sacrifice?
Prayer for This Sunday:
 Healing God, help us to open ourselves to your call to love, to serve, and to work for justice for all. Teach us how to sacrifice our own comfort and expectations to better serve the needs of our hurting world. Grant us vision, strength, and joy for this work. Amen.
Sundays Online
9:45 - 10:15 am - Guided Meditation w/ Sarah D
10:15 am - Gathering Time (say hello and get settled in)
10:30 am - Family Worship (children, reflections, music, prayers)
11:30 am - Virtual Coffee Hour (small group conversation)
"I Don't Want to Do This Anymore!"
by Rev. Don Remick, Conference Minister
"I don't want to do this anymore..." or how about, "I can't do this anymore!"
Can you relate? We do not know how to do this and many feel overwhelmed by it all - the Coronavirus and the Virus of 1619 in high relief these past few weeks - alongside questions of what is to be the new normal? I suspect that you, like me and so many of our siblings in the world, feel like we are reaching the end of our capacity to be in the midst of this, let along, be gracious about it. Our UCC Conference Minister offers a pastoral blog post this week - that helped me - a lot. I pray that it is a blessing for you as well!
Do you need some pastoral care?

Please join the Tuesday/Friday Drop-In time on zoom (see link below); send me a message or call!

Rev. Wendy
June's Faith & Film is Around the Corner!
June 19 @ 6:30 pm
"Jojo Rabbit"
Prayer, Meditation, and Reflection
Tuesday, June 16 | Friday, June 19
Drop-In Lunch On-Line @ 12 pm
Join Rev. Wendy for prayer, meditation and reflection - check on your heart and soul space!
Everybody needs a little sanctuary.
especially now!
Have a topic, prayer, or reflection to offer?
Contact Rev. Wendy
Announcements - Mission & Service
Medford MicroPantry Mission
Micro pantries around the city are open and needed more than ever!
Please donate if you have the capacity during this time to help our neighbors!
Bread of Life Food Donation Opportunity
Due to the current climate, Sanctuary UCC is unable to volunteer with Bread of Life in April. Instead, we are collecting food donations to support the folks who need these items. Please help if you are able!
List of Desired Items:
cup-of-soup to microwave
meals ready to eat, such as ravioli, beef stew
cheese - half-pound packages of American or cheddar, etc.
frozen dinners
frozen vegetables
mayonnaise; tubes or small bottles
Please arrange for drop off with Julie Roberts or email s o we can get the items properly secured.
Thank you for your generosity!
For any further information on the virus, events, or how we can still be Sanctuary for ourselves and others, please check out the website:
Sanctuary United Church of Christ  
458 High Street, Medford, MA 02155 • (781) 395–3360