How Hypnosis Can Help You Overcome An Addictive Behavior

June19, 2024

Addiction: How to Quit Smoking, Drinking or Overeating for Good


Do you want to know the gritty truth about addictions and destructive behaviors?

They’re the sneaky shadows, creeping into our lives when we least expect it, promising a quick fix to numb the pain or escape the chaos.

If you wake up feeling angry, anxious, or addicted, it’s likely because you’re trying to numb an old emotion that was never properly processed.

Whether it’s smoking, drinking, or overeating, these habits are just attempts to feel better, to quiet the storm raging inside us. 

But here’s the kicker: it never works. Instead, it becomes a vicious cycle, a habit that’s hard to break.

Read the full article

Release All Doubt Workshop - June 28th

The virtual Hypnotic (Mind) Trip is coming to DALLAS...we are getting off the hiking trail.

This trip is in the relaxing offices of Inwood Chiropractic. Group hypnosis June 28th 6:30 pm - 8 pm.

Program details, cost and registration at the link in teal bar.

More info and registration

As promised! An Audio / Visual version of my latest article on Addictive Behaviors (at left).

EP 21 is in two parts, beginning with a short intro from my tiny tiny farm. Link to article is to the left, link to podcast is below.


Hypnosis for Breaking Addictive Cycles. Now Playing on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Listen Now

Come in for some emotional resilience.

Emotional resilience, the ability to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity, is at the heart of personal growth. 

Hypnosis helps to cultivate resilience by shifting one’s perspective on traditionally negative situations. 

Schedule yournext session.
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