Your Weekly Update From


10800 Bell Road

Johns Creek, GA 30097

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P.J.'s Corner

Contact Information for Pastor Joel Saucedo

Mobile: 361-944-9379


Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 10:00am until 2:00pm.

NOTE: Call ahead to confirm Pastor Joel's availability during office hours as needs of the congregation or community may require him to be out of the office during scheduled office hours.

Hebrews 11:6 NRSV

And without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would approach him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.


Psalms 27:14 NRSV

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!


Waiting is a difficult discipline to embrace. We want everything to be at our convenience at the moment that we desire it. We live in a world of fast food, drive-thru, instant downloads, on-demand and pre-approved. But the Lord finds ways to make us wait. Waiting and faith go hand-in-hand. Waiting is the embodiment of faith.

Advent is about faith and waiting. We are called to remember the years of silence as God's people waited for the Messiah. Take time today, right now, to reflect on the fact that God's timing is quite different from ours. 


The story of Jesus' birth gives us assurance and joy because even though the waiting lingered for generations, God broke through at just the right time. In Christ we are assured that all of God's promises are faithfully fulfilled. Today we await his second return.

Jesus instructed his disciples, "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move." People all around us are waiting for various things. People are waiting for a solution to financial difficulties, a wayward child to come home, a breakthrough recovery from a terminal illness or a kind gesture that gives hope. 


Let's encourage someone we know who is weary of waiting. Remind them that God's promises are faithfully fulfilled. Lord, let us remember the years of waiting for a Messiah. Help us to be patient in faith. Remind us that when we think we're waiting for an eternity, it really isn't. 


This is a great time to invite someone to church, as we study and practice the concept of faith and waiting. God bless you church!

In Christ,


Sunday's Focus in Worship:

Join us in the Sanctuary at 11:00 am or on Facebook Live Stream


Pastor Joel Saucedo

will share his sermon

"Prepare The Way of The Lord"

inspired by

the Holy Spirit and

Luke 3:1-6

(click to read passage)

Sermon Nugget: The church has no alternative because it has a mission that it cannot abandon. We are responsible for proclaiming a gospel of peace to a society who knows so little peace. 

Click HERE For

This Sunday's Order of Worship

Next Sunday's Scripture (12/12):

Luke 2:4-20

(click to read passage)

Congregational Meeting This Sunday

Join us Sunday in person or Facebook Live Stream following worship for our congregational meeting. Nominees for the 2022 Calendar year, as well as our budget will be presented for approval by the congregation. To view the nominees, and the budget, click HERE


Poinsettias For The Sanctuary                                  

Would you like to honor ot remember a loved one with a poinsettia this Christmas? Poinsettias will decorate the sanctuary beginning December 12th and will remain throughout the Advent season. Names of honorees and donors will appear in the Order of Worship Sunday, December 19th.  

Order forms for these lovely plants may be found in the sanctuary November 28th and December 5th.

Each poinsettia is $10 and can be paid by check in the offering plate or click HERE to go to our online giving site. Please indicate "poinsettia" and the total amount of your order. Orders will be accepted through December 8th. If more convenient, feel free to email the same information to Cheri Lawson (

You may pick up your plant(s) following our Christmas Eve service.

Opportunities To Share at Christmas

Our Angel tree for this year is in the sanctuary, but we also have the opportunity for those not able to worship with us in person to sign up to brighten a child’s holiday this year. Click HERE to sign up.

( Note: at publication time, there was only one item available. More will be added by the end of the day. Please check back for additional needs.

Items need to be returned to the church no later than 12/12/2021 (deadline has been extended from the originally announced date), or contact Ann Riza to make arrangements for pickup. 


Unwrapped toys for the North Fulton Community Charities Toyland can also be brought to the church by 12/12 and they will be delivered to NFCC for parents to shop for their kids’ Christmas gifts. 

Coming up In The Life of The Congregation

Leadership Team and Congregational meetings

  • December 5th--Congregational meeting (in person and via

Facebook Live)

  • December 12th-Children and Youth Christmas Pageant during worship
  • December 19th—Leadership Team Zoom meeting


Notes of Thanks Received By The Church

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Church Family,

Thank you so very much for the beautiful flowers sent to us when Charlie passed on. They were lovely and the first we received. How appropriate for our church to be the first that reached out! Although you haven’t see us for almost two years, we both were with you each Sunday via my iPad! We joined you for communion each time, even though ours was animal crackers (which proved to be the right size and convenient for us). 


I’m looking forward to when I can rejoin you in person. Charlie’s passing was very peaceful and God was in charge! I am so grateful for his release to a better place after 10 years of dialysis. I miss him as you would expect after 61 years of marriage but happy to know he can hear music and sing again! 


Blessings to all of you for your cards and emails.


Phyllis Cole and Dawn Brown

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JCCC's Mobile Giving App Is Now Vanco Mobile Faith Connection

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Our mobile giving App has changed from Give+ to Vanco Mobile Faith.

If you routinely donate to the church from an app on your phone or tablet, please download our new giving app, Vanco Mobile Faith right away. Once you've added the app to your phone or tablet, you'll be asked to enter your name, Johns Creek Christian Church's as an intended donation site, and your bank and/or credit card information. Once Johns Creek Christian Church is among those you list at Vanco Mobile Faith, you can make donations whenever you like, and with whatever frequency you select. Special funds will be added as needed.

Once you've added the app, choose Johns Creek Christian Church and you'll see our logo and address information on your screen.

Our Prayers For Others

Global Ministry Partner- Victor Makari, Israel/Palestine


Ann Riza-mother, Nancy Brewer (grandmother to Jake and Luke Riza and Katie Brewer-Calvert) passed away


Craig and Ann Koenig- Craig’s brother Steven Koenig, and Ann’s brother, Dexter Hoffman are both undergoing treatment for Prostate Cancer


Suzy Green-father, Fred Williams, has been diagnosed with leukemia. Hospice services have been engaged. Mother, Betty Williams, hospitalized with pneumonia


Jim Snyder-is back home at Manor Lake Assisted Living, where he is doing reasonably well


Donna Parra-recent tests indicate cancer is in remission, and Donna is now to be tested less frequently. While successful, radiation therapy has taken a heavy toll, requiring regular visits to an ENT and the radiologist until after-effects have healed.


Cheri Lawson-

. Jennie Springer-husband (Dennis) passed away following an extended illness

. Margie Switzer-(friend from Peachtree Christian Church) died unexpectedly


Ron Downing-

·        Friend, Milton Leathers, died in tragic circumstance

·        Martha Bell (wife of Peachtree Christian Church Minister of Music, Jim Bell)-is recovering from bladder cancer surgery

·        Friend, Lance Lanier- cancer treatment continues; In-home dialysis is ongoing


Ann Suhs-friend, Deb Carter, continues chemotherapy and radiation therapy for brain cancer, with several more weeks of treatment to come before doctors reassess her tumors

Please let your prayer request be known by contacting Ron Downing at, or by mobile phone at 678-596-7509. Confidential prayer requests should be sent to Ron, and will be shared only with our Ministers and the Elders. Prayer requests are removed from the list after three weeks if not updated with a new request.
