What do children learn through the program?
Children learn about a wide range of topics, such as Locomotion, Illusions & Special Effects and the Science of Toys in year one; Amusement Park Physics, Electricity & Magnetism and Wonders of the Human in year two; and Amazing Architects, Geology and Dinosaurs and Energy Explorations in year three. These are just a few examples of topics; it is a very robust program!
Some lessons touch on concepts children may have been exposed to in school, but this program gives them the freedom to dive in a little deeper to certain aspects of a topic that particularly interest them. For example, during our Castles and Catapults program in year two, we sometimes have kids who want to get lost in the physics of building the best catapult and testing its launching power, so we let them take an extra day to perfect and test their structure. Others—the kids who are obsessed with castles, castle lore, knights and kings, and stories of the Round Table—want to create the best mini castle and include all of the necessary rooms and components. So, we let them spend an extra day perfecting their medieval structures. Kids get to move at their own pace (within reason), and it’s a great mechanism for keeping all students engaged with low levels of frustration.
This Spring, we planned to provide BGCP students with Illusions & Special Effects, the Science of Toys and Slime, Ooze and Mysterious Concoctions, but we soon realized that the kids really wanted animal programs. We pivoted to start with four lessons learning about our vertebrate and invertebrate Zoo residents, and added an additional two lessons that involved the students making enrichment toys for the animals. They really enjoyed that.