Dear Friends,

As promised in our Reopening Update for January, we are sharing with you a renewed Community Commitment. Friends Select School values a return to school in person and we realize one of our greatest assets in making that happen safely lies in the connectedness and sense of collective accountability that exists within our community. With the prevalence of COVID still higher than desired and vaccines not yet widely available, it is of utmost importance that all of us strengthen our commitment to the safety of the collective whole by committing to the safety protocols and behaviors that will keep our community healthy. 

During this pandemic, each and every member of our community should prioritize not just their own health but also the health and safety of the whole community, seeing the health and well-being of others as their own individual responsibility. All parents, caregivers, and employees who work in the building need to review, sign and commit to the expectations laid out in this Community Commitment. With your agreement to this commitment, we trust that you (as an individual and as a family) will adhere to these community expectations and that you will support others in upholding and sustaining these standards. 

If you wish to return to work or if you wish for your student to return to school in person, we require that you (and your family) commit to the following expectations. If you have questions about these expectations, please email us at [email protected] and someone will be in touch with you. We wish you a healthy and safe new year!


Michael Gary
Head of School
Community Expectations Requiring Your Commitment

I will adhere to these health and safety protocols while I am away from school (during vacation or a period of virtual learning) and
at all times when school is in person during this pandemic. I will: 
  • Wear a mask at all times in public and when near non-household members 
  • Wear masks at all times and practice social distancing to the extent possible when spending time with family or friends outside my household (including during playdates, when with a babysitter, and during group sports activities)
  • Refrain from traveling and, if I do travel outside the state of PA, I will quarantine for 10 days prior to returning to school or until I have a negative COVID test result  
  • Refrain from moderate to high risk activities as much as possible, activities such as: 
    • High risk: indoor dining, large gatherings, sharing a meal indoors in close proximity (i.e., around a table) with people outside of your household, working out in a gym, etc.
    • Moderate to high risk: outdoor dining (without masks) in close proximity to people outside of your extended family, indoor socializing with anyone outside your household without masks, traveling by plane, attending a wedding or funeral, etc.  
  • I will choose low risk activities whenever possible (i.e. outdoor activities vs. indoor activities, ordering takeout versus eating in a restaurant, reducing trips to stores, etc.)
 Before returning to school in person, I will...
  • Practice strict adherence to health and safety protocols (listed directly above) for at least 7 days leading up to my COVID test at school, beginning on the following dates: 
    • Starting January 2: Pre-K-1st grade families and employees (to be tested Jan. 8)
    • Starting January 6: 2-4th grade and 5-8th grade families and employees (to be tested Jan. 13 or 14) 
    • Starting January 20: Upper school families and employees (to be tested Jan. 27 or 28)
  • Show up for the COVID test provided by the school to students and employees on the date assigned. 
  • Continue practicing strict adherence to health and safety protocols (listed above) for the days between my COVID test and the date that I return to school in person: 
  • Complete Ruvna screenings accurately and consistently (on a daily basis) when they are sent to me. (Note: For most grade levels, Ruvna will resume at least 7 days prior to their re-entry date.) 
  • Consult with Nurse Kelly and follow FSS quarantine procedures, in the event that I (or someone in my family) have been exposed. 
  • Reach out to Nurse Kelly to discuss my individual situation (or my family's situation) if needed (e.g. ways to increase the safety of your situation, steps to take if I cannot make my testing date at school, etc.) 
When I return to school in person, I will...
  • Comply with FSS COVID testing protocols
  • Follow all of the health and safety protocols required by the school
  • Accurately complete RUVNA on a daily basis
  • Wear the school-provided contact tracing device daily (students and employees only)
Please indicate your commitment and hand this in on your test date.
For custodial adult(s) of a student at FSS, please indicate your commitment below.
  • My family and I will meet the community expectations of this agreement so that my child(ren) can return to school in person. 
  • My family and I will meet the community expectations of this agreement, but I have told my child's division director that I have chosen remote (virtual) learning for my child. 
  • I am not able to meet all of these community expectations so my child will learn remotely.   

Student name(s):

Signature of custodial adult: 

For employees of FSS, please sign below to indicate that you agree to meet these community expectations:
  • I agree to meet these community expectations so that I can return to work. 

Employee name:
