Heritage Christian School

the premier PSP choice in San Diego serving homeschoolers since 1984

Friends of HCS Newsletter

October 2023 | VOL5

Principal Corner

Dear Friend of HCS,

It is usually around this time of the year some families realize that the educational choice they made this year may not be working as well as intended. We wanted to remind you that HCS accepts new students all year long. It is not too late to join us for the 2023-2024 school year.

For more information about anything found in this newsletter or about HCS in general, please visit our website at www.hcssd.org. You are also welcome to contact the office anytime where someone on staff would be happy to talk through your questions.

Let us know how we can help,

Vicki Stormoen


Need Help Planning or Purchasing Curriculum?

We can help! 

We offer curriculum consulting, as well as a Curriculum Lending Library. Members may sit down with the Principal and talk about various curriculum options for their students. Non-consumable curriculum items are kept in the library and may be checked out for the school year. Don't let the thought of selecting curricula deter you from homeschooling. We can help!

You Do Not Need To Do This Alone!

Want extra accountability? Want someone checking in on you periodically? Want someone to reach out to with questions as they arise? Find out more about our MENTORSHIP program. We can assign an experienced homeschooling parent to you for the year to give you a point of contact as needs arise. Mentors are just a text, email, or phone call away!


HCS provides several extra-curricular opportunities for students. Visit the Sports and Clubs webpage for more information. The following returning sports and clubs will be offered for the 2023-2024 school year:


Fall Indoor Volleyball


Girls Softball

Spring Beach Volleyball


Performing Arts

Band (4 levels)

Choir (2 levels)


Academic Clubs


Honor Society


Specialty Clubs

Outdoor Club


Special events throughout the year provide further opportunities for fellowship and encouragement for the whole family. Visit our Events webpage for more information. Some of our regular events include:

Moms Bunco Nights

Dads Prayer Breakfasts

6th-Grade Camp

Monthly 6th-Grade Socials

High School Formal

Back-to-School Rally

Christmas Program

Dads Golf Outing

Field Trips

Senior Dinner

Monthly Senior Socials

Annual Heritage Conference

Pillars of Homeschooling Seminar

Promotion & Graduation Ceremonies

Summer Activities

Used Curriculum Sales

Coffee Meet-ups with the Principal

High School Service Opportunities

Save The Date!

Our Annual Heritage Conference will be held on Saturday, February 24th this year at Del Cerro Baptist Church in La Mesa. This is an all-day event that includes both lunch and childcare (for an additional fee). While HCS members receive a discounted ticket price, everyone is welcome to attend. Come hear three different sessions out of nine possible choices that all relate to homeschooling.

This year's topics include:

Special Needs

Classical Education

Homeschooling With Littles

Teaching From a Biblical Worldview

Managing Stress and Homeschooling

Meal Prepping Strategies

Dad's Only Session

The State of Homeschooling Today

Thoughts from a 35+ Year Homeschooling Veteran

Registration and detailed session information will be available on our website soon. We will be sending more information in the weeks to come.

Got Drama?

Auditions for our Spring Musical, Singing in the Rain Jr., are happening at the beginning of November. Participants must be members of HCS. Visit the website for more information.

Visit Drama Club Website


Basketball Camp and Tryouts are happening in mid-November. Enroll now and ensure you are ready to join the team! Visit the Basketball website for more information.

Visit Basketball Website

You Are Invited!

Take a peek at our Music Club's various opportunities in both band and choir by attending our Back to School Concert on Tuesday, October 24th at 6:30 pm at Bonita Valley Community Church. Two levels of choir and four different bands will showcase all they've been working on the past couple of months. See the website for more details.

Visit Music Club Website

Listen In

Want some help and encouragement in your homeschool endeavor? Tune in to our podcast, Homeschool Talk with HCS. This podcast offers support and information on the various areas of homeschooling including curriculum, socialization, academics, college-bound preparation, co-op classes, and so much more. Visit the website for more information.

Visit Podcast Website
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