M A R C H 2 0 2 0
Wild currant, Dimond Canyon by Andew Aldrich
FOSC is a volunteer-based, community organization. We need donors like you to support FOSC education and restoration programs in the Sausal Creek Watershed. 
Community Talk
Nature: The Newest Health Craze
Join Friends of Sausal Creek in learning more about the movement to prescribe time in nature as a health treatment!

Since 2014, EBRPD has partnered with healthcare providers and community leaders in prescribing nature as a preventative intervention for chronic illnesses.

Come learn about their program Park Prescriptions: Stay Healthy In Nature Everyday (Rx SHINE) and the many benefits of spending more time outside.

Nature: The Newest Health Craze
Wednesday, March 25
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Dimond Library Branch, 3656 Fruitvale Ave
Job Openings
Help us find the new Education and Outreach Coordinator
Friends of Sausal Creek is hiring an education and outreach coordinator and you can help.

We are searching for someone who is eager to connect our community to the Sausal Creek Watershed, support citizen science, and grow environmental education and stewardship in Oakland.  

The education and outreach coordinator will be responsible for coordinating and leading FOSC’s environmental education programs as well as being the organization’s lead on outreach for all organization programs—education, restoration, and monitoring. The coordinator will track field trip and community outreach data, will contribute to grant writing and reporting, and will assist with other fundraising efforts.

This is a full-time, hourly position. Deadline to apply is March 20 .

Please see this link for the full job description.
Citizen Science
Intro to iNaturalist Workshop
Join Friends of Sausal Creek for a hands-on training in how to use iNaturalist to observe and identify the natural world. iNaturalist is a FREE app/website to record observations!

No experience necessary, and all experience levels are welcome.

This workshop is designed to prepare you to participate in many of the Bay Area bioblitz events happening this spring.

This training will focus on benthic macroinvertebrates from Sausal Creek. Together we will practice recording our observations in iNaturalist and identifying organisms found throughout the watershed.

Please bring a tablet, smartphone, or digital camera, if you can.
Intro to iNaturalist
Sunday, March 22
10 a.m.-12 p.m. (lunchtime social hour following workshop)
Dimond Park
You must RSVP HERE or via email to attend,
To RSVP or for questions, contact education@sausalcreek.org

District 4 Local Heroes
Congratulations, Mark Rauzon!
Mark and Laney Community College Dean Denise Richardson
On February 22, FOSC Board Member Mark Rauzon was recognized as a Local Hero for his wonderful contributions to Oakland City Council District 4 and beyond. The awards ceremony, hosted by City Councilmember Sheng Thao, was attended by several hundred folks, including Mark’s family, his fellow FOSCers, and his colleagues, Laney Community College President Tammeil Gilkerson and Dean Denise Richardson.
 One of the founders of FOSC as well as a professor at Laney, Mark has been a tireless advocate and leader for ecological restoration and citizen science. His work and leadership continue to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards for Oakland. 
Thank you Mark, for continuing to support and empower positive change in our community!
Mark and Oakland Councilmember Sheng Thao
Explore the Watershed
Hunting for Osoberry
In search of Osoberry cuttings for the nursery, Jay and I located the famed female plant easily on the Old Canon Trail, a short distance from the Benevides Trail.  It has already started to bloom, and a close examination of its flowers confirmed that it was indeed the plant we were looking for . Osoberry is dioecious, with male and female flowers on separate plants. In our area male plants far outnumber the female plants, almost 9 to 1.
Photo credit: May Chen
Kudos Korner
Map Fishing at El Centro
Major Kudos go out to Board member Rob Leidy for keeping our trout pools clean!

On February 25, FOSC was notified that watershed trail maps had been dumped into the El Centro trout pool.
In response, Rob waded in the water and 'fished' out the maps, one of his many efforts to restore our rainbow trout habitat.

Remember to always report trash dumping or suspected contaminants to OAK 311.

Thank you Rob for your dedication!
FOSC Friend of the Month
Hilary Powers
Hilary Powers first joined FOSC in the early 2000s. She started with the quarterly bird monitoring program and then added the seed collection hikes, and later benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring in Dimond Park. For Hilary, they were all great ways to "get out under the trees with congenial people." The seed hikes still draw her out almost every time.

Hilary volunteered to lead crafts at the Annual Native Plant Sale and has then joined the education docents, specializing in bird monitoring. She shares her passion for and knowledge of the watershed, as well as her spirit of fun, with students in our environmental education program.

We appreciate Hilary's many years of support!
If you would like to nominate a Friend of the Month, contact Becca Sanchez at education@sausalcreek.org.
Event Calendar
Beaconsfield Canyon  
(Last Saturdays)
Sat., Mar. 28, 9 a.m.-noon

Bridgeview Trail Restoration
(2nd Sundays)
Sun., Mar. 8, 9-11 a.m.

Bridgeview Trailhead Pollinator Garden
(1st and 3rd Sundays)
Sun., Mar. 1 & 15, 9-11 a.m.
Dimond Park Native Plant Demonstration Garden
(1st Saturdays)
Sat., Apr. 4, 10 a.m.-noon
Marj Saunders Park
(1st Mondays)
Mon., Apr. 6, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Montclair Railroad Trail 
(3rd Saturdays)
Sat., Mar. 21, 9 a.m.- noon

Wood Park 
(3rd Saturdays)
Sat., Mar. 31, 10 a.m.-noon

Watershed Work Day
Barry Place - Varies Monthly
(2nd Saturdays)
Sat., Mar. 7, 9 a.m.-noon


Dimond Library Branch
Wed., Mar. 25, 7-9 p.m.

Dimond Park
Sun., March 22, 10 a.m-noon

Various Locations
Sat., April 18, 8:45 a.m.-noon
Get Involved
Our mission is to restore, maintain, and protect the Sausal Creek Watershed. We educate future generations, involve the community in local environmental stewardship, and collaborate with agencies and other nonprofits to have a positive impact on the local ecosystem. 
FOSC needs your support --  
Amazon Smile purchases donate 0.5% to FOSC --
Connect with us:
Becca Sanchez
Education and Outreach Coordinator

Jay Cassianni
Restoration and Nursery Manager
Anna Marie Schmidt
Executive Director
Photo Credits : Andrew Aldrich, Harmony Miller, Nicki Alexander, Anna Marie Schmidt, May Chen, Jackie Van Der Hout, Hilary Powers