O C T O B E R   2 0 1 6
Thanks to the 200 folks who helped in the 'shed on Creek to Bay Day! Check out more photos.
FOSC is a grassroots, community-based organization. All donations through October will go into our For the Future Fund endowment. Help us achieve our goal of reaching $100,000 in the endowment by the end of the year! 
Trails, Community Art, Creek Access, Urban Greening
Express Your Watershed Vision
Fruitvale neighbors and all Friends, we need your feedback on the Sausal Creek Walkable Watershed Concept Plan. The Walkable Watershed Plan is our exciting project to increase creek awareness between I-580 and the estuary. Please bring your family, friends, and neighbors to one of the upcoming open houses. If you can't come on October 4 or 15, visit the community room in Chávez Library anytime in between these two dates to review the concept maps and fill out a card.

Sausal Creek Walkable Watershed
Community Open Houses
César E. Chávez Library
3301 E. 12th St., Suite 271
(Fruitvale BART)
Tuesday, October 4, 6-8 p.m.
Saturday, October 15, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Everything the Native Plant Gardener Could Want! 
Join us on October 23 for FOSC's annual Native Plant Sale and Open House. This year our theme is native pollinators. Settle down at noon for a presentation on Gardening for Bees with the U.C. Berkeley Urban Bee Lab and at 2 p.m. for Karen Paulsell's workshop on Propagating Native Plants. All day we'll have our pollinator-friendly plants for sale and informational booths about pollinators and more. We are excited to offer free native bee house construction--come early for this as it is only while supplies last. Bluegrass music (1 p.m.), face painting, and sale sponsor EBMUD with water conservation info--we have
something for everyone!

Native Plant Sale and Open House
FOSC Native Plant Nursery
Joaquin Miller Park
Sunday, October 23, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Explore the Watershed

Monarchs and Milkweed
Of all the interactions between bugs and flowers, the best-known may be the intimate relationship between the monarch butterfly ( Danaus spp.) and the many species--72 in the US and Canada--of milkweed ( Asclepias spp.). This mutualistic relationship benefits the insect (receiving pollen and nectar for its offspring) and the plant (using the insect to transfer pollen from blossom to blossom).

Friends of the Month:
Oakland Environmental Stewardship Team 
FOSC is fueled by volunteer power. But who provides the tools and green waste bags? Who makes sure debris bins are delivered and picked up? As we revel in our Creek to Bay Day accomplishments, it's the perfect time to laud the City of Oakland Environmental Stewardship Team. We work most closely with Jen Stern and Deidre Martin as they oversee the Adopt a Spot programs that support FOSC's staff and volunteer-led work sites, but we also have Gordon Matassa, Brazile Clark, and Daniela Milian-Cavenecia as resources, and, of course, their intrepid and ever-helpful leader, Mike Perlmutter. We appreciate their exceptional commitment to stewardship and strong partnership in FOSC's work. Thank you for making the details seem easy as you support our volunteer efforts in countless ways!
Just Like That, FOSC Staff Doubles!
We are thrilled to introduce our new Outreach and Education Coordinator Aubree McAtee and our fall Environmental Education Intern Rebecca Armstrong. Together Aubree and Rebecca will be leading our usual hands-on restoration field trips at sites throughout the watershed. They will also be reaching out to schools around the creek's mouth to start our new "Follow Your Creek" field trip program funded by the California State Coastal Conservancy. Aubree will greatly expand our outreach capacity, enabling us to begin implementing the first  Walkable Watershed pilot projects after the concept plan is completed. Rebecca will assist FOSC staff and volunteer site leaders with upcoming public workdays and help us prepare for and host our plant sale. Check out our staff web page to learn about the great experience they bring to our staff.
Invites from our Sister Organization
Like FOSC,  Friends of Five Creeks is celebrating its 20th anniversary year. From Berkeley to Richmond, this all-volunteer powerhouse leads work parties to restore native vegetation and wildlife habitat and hosts a variety of public education walks and talks. This month, their walk for folks 50 and over is going to be in the Sausal Creek Watershed. They also extend an open invitation to their Bay Currents talks--free presentations on natural history and environmental issues with emphasis on positive solutions.

Future Shorelines: Fresh Ideas from Around the World on Coping with Rising Seas by Dr. Kristina Hill
Tuesday, October 18, 7 p.m. Refreshments/7:30-9 p.m. Presentation
St. Alban's Parish Hall, 1501 Washington Ave., Albany

Walk for ages 50+: Sausal Creek--History and Future
Thursday, Oct. 20, 9-11 a.m.
Meet at the Dimond Park entrance at the east end of Canon Ave. at Wellington

Visit  www.fivecreeks.org or email f5creeks@gmail.com for more info.
Event Calendar

Beaconsfield Canyon 
(last Saturdays)
Sat., Oct. 29, 9 a.m.-noon
Bridgeview Trailhead Pollinator Garden
(1st and 3rd Sundays)
Sun., Oct. 2 & 16, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Chabot Space and Science Center
Pallid Manzanita Habitat Enhancement

(2nd Saturdays)
Sat., Oct. 8, 9 a.m.-Noon
Rain may cancel. Check calendar for updates.

Marj Saunders Park
(1st Mondays)
Mon., Oct. 3, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Montclair Railroad Trail
(3rd Saturdays)
Sat., Oct. 15, 9-11 a.m.

WD Wood Park
(3rd Saturdays)
Sat., Oct. 15, 10 a.m.-noon

Bridgeview Trailhead
(last Sundays, locations vary)
Sun., Oct. 30, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
FOSC Native Plant Nursery
Joaquin Miller Park
Sat., Oct. 8 & 22 , 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Fri., Oct. 21, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Sat., Oct. 22, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 

Save the Date
Dimond Library
Wed., Nov. 16, 7 p.m.
Bob Lewis, Birds of the Bay

Park Blvd. Presbyterian Church
Wed., Oct. 12, 7-9 p.m. 
César E. Chávez Library
Tues., Oct. 4, 6-8 p.m.
Sat., Oct. 15, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. 
FLYER (English)
FLYER (Spanish)

FOSC Native Plant Nursery 
Sun., Oct. 23, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Get Involved
Our mission is to restore, maintain, and protect the local ecosystem, educate future generations of environmental stewards, involve the community in local environmental stewardship, and collaborate with agencies and other nonprofits to have a positive impact on the environment.  

FOSC needs your support -- 
Amazon purchases donate 0.5% to FOSC --
sign up today  
Michelle Krieg
Restoration & Nursery Manager

Aubree McAtee
Outreach & Education Coordinator
Kimra McAfee
Executive Director
Photo Credits: Kathleen Harris, Jean Krieg, Michelle Krieg, Kimra McAfee, Lech Naumovich
Friends of Sausal Creek   www.sausalcreek.org
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