Spring 2019 Newsletter
Tending My Garden
By Marcy Perkins, Assistant Executive Director and Director of Housing

In this blessed Spring of 2019, my thoughts turn to gardening. Like so many before me, the garden represents my relationship to creation and to my Creator. Planting seeds, tending plants, watching them grow and mature are deeply satisfying activities. Nurturing the soil and the plants feels as if I am giving thanks to God who has given me so much.

At Friendship House, we have actual and symbolic gardens. Through our “Mother’s Day Garden” fundraiser and with the help of hundreds of volunteers, we have created a small paradise behind each site in Women’s Transitional Housing. As we weed, plant and prune the actual garden, I am reminded of the living “flowers” whom we also tend: the women and children living in our houses. The creation of beauty in the garden is symbolic of the re-creation of the lives of our residents.

See the full article by clicking here .

A Graduate's Story
Eileen Taylor came to the Friendship House Transitional Housing program after she graduated from a program at the Salvation Army in February, 2016. Struggling to remain out of her addiction and homelessness, Eileen was determined, scared and just stubborn enough to overcome every obstacle.

While employed as a job trainee at the Friendship House Clothing Bank, Eileen applied for a position at BJ’s Wholesale Club. Although the position was part-time, Eileen was thrilled to receive the job.

Eileen worked hard on herself and at her job. Once she graduated from our program in January, 2017, she and another graduate shared an apartment for a year. Lacking part time experienced workers at our Clothing Bank, Eileen agreed to come back to help manage the warehouse. At this point, Eileen was self-sufficient enough to rent a place of her own. She was working hard, often tired, and going strong.

Then, in November of last year, tragedy struck; tragedy accompanied by a miracle.

To read more of Eileen's story, click here .
Mother's Day Garden Fundraiser
Started over 25 years ago by our dear friend Jane Ashford, this fundraiser is an opportunity for you to celebrate someone in your life—whether alive or gone on before us— by making a donation to our housing program. With each donation, we send a beautiful and colorful floral card to that person with your personal message acknowledging your donation (no dollar amount is listed). A card can also be sent to a family member in honor of someone who has died. Many use this opportunity to celebrate a woman on Mother’s Day. Some will also do this for a special man for Father’s Day or even as a way to honor a recent school graduate.
Highmark Walk 2019
This year’s Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is Saturday, June 8 at Frawley Stadium, when we walk for and with those we serve every day. Highmark invited Friendship House to join their Walk for a Healthy Community the first time in 2016 and we raised $20,000 with 200 walkers. The second year, we raised $40,000 and had almost 400 walkers, and last year we had 400 walkers and raised over $60,000! We are so honored to be a part of this event again for the fourth year. 100% of the money raised by our walkers goes to Friendship House. Our goal this year is $50,000! 

The walk is Saturday, June 8 at Frawley Stadium. Check in will start at 7:30 am, group photo at 8:30 and the walk officially begins at 9:00 am!
New this year is the chance to be a sponsor.  Sponsorships are $250 and each sponsor will get mention on the Friendship House web site, Friendship House newsletter and Friendship House e-mailings about the walk. Sponsors will also be prominently displayed next to the Friendship House registration table at the walk. For more information, contact Kay Preston [email protected] .
Annual Meeting
Come join us the morning of Friday, May 10 for our annual meeting to hear about the great things Friendship House has been able to achieve in 2018 because of your support! We will also share what we are working on for 2019. All are welcome! If you know you can come, please RSVP to [email protected] .

May 10, 7:30 am, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1502 W. 13th Street, Wilmington, DE

Can’t make our Annual Meeting? Join our Executive Director, Kim Eppehimer, for an informal and intimate conversation Sunday, May 19 at 1:30 pm at the Friendship House office: 1503 W. 13th Street. Please RSVP to her at [email protected] .
On Saturday, May 4, the annual garden tours will be held by this wonderful organization as a great community event to see beautiful and personal gardens up close. This year it will feature one of Friendship House’s own gardens, located at the Palmer House. We have been blessed to be one of the recipients they choose to donate their proceeds. This donation supports the women and their children in our transitional housing program. We are so grateful for their support!
Annual Volunteer Picnic
Sunday, July 21, 2019
1:00-4:00 pm
Brandywine Springs Park
Rudy William Pavilion
3300 Faulkland Rd
Wilmington, DE 19808
Please come and bring a friend!
Volunteer Opportunities
Do you or your group want to volunteer with Friendship House? We have several ways to get you involved. From gardening, cleaning, serving a meal, helping in our computer labs, answering phones, working with our clients and sorting clothing—there is something for everyone and any age!
Go to our website and visit the “I want to help” page or reach out to our volunteer coordinator, Rashita Lewis:
[email protected]  or 302-652-8133.
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