July 2018
Summer 2018 Newsletter!
After the amazing generosity we experienced at the Highmark Walk, we reflected on the accomplishments that were only possible with the help of our amazing volunteers. From elementary schoolers helping at the clothing bank, code purples, youth group and ministry volunteers, and generous grants from local organizations. We are truly grateful for the help from our volunteers, donors and everyone active in our mission.
Highmark Walk Highlights

We would like to thank everyone who came out to walk with us on June 9th. With your help, we raised 60,000 dollars to support our mission, and we were blown away by the generosity and the amazing turnout we had. We hope to continue the great work next year! Click below to see the album of photos on our Facebook Page!

Annual Picnic
This year our annual picnic is on Sunday, July 22nd, at 1pm, at Brandywine Springs State Park! Come for a chance to share your stories and allow us to thank you for all that you do.

Congrats and Thank You Gina!
Click below to read Gina's success story with Friendship House, and how she continues to be a tremendous supporter of our mission!

4th of July at the Clothing Bank!
Our mission is to lend a helping hand to those who need it. Our Clothing Bank work program is no exception. Our Clothing Bank Director, Kathy- Griffin Graham reflected her sentiments on this program on July 4th.

Thank You Capital One!
In late June, Capital One workers volunteered their time and equipment in order to renovate the Wilmington Empowerment Center by laying out new carpet, applying a fresh coat of paint, and cleaning up the workspaces. We are so grateful for Capital One's support, as one of our donors, and as volunteers!
Thank you Christiana Rotary!
Christiana Rotary invited our Executive Director, Kim Eppehimer, to share about Friendship House at their weekly meeting. She was pleasantly surprised when David Allen, a rotary member, presented her with a donation to Friendship House. Thank you, Christiana Rotary!
Friendship House | 302-652-8133 | friendship-house.org