Friendship Insider Iss. 132: Say Cheese! It's Picture Day!

September 19, 2022

Learning Model: In Person

Hello, Friendship Family!

Welcome to the 2022 - 2023 School Year! We are excited for everyone to join us on the journey to excellence via the "Friendship Way!" Our theme this year is:

Reflection - Refinement - Results 

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September 23, 2022 is Picture Day at both Primary and Intermediate! Your child(ren) may come dressed in their uniform or in their Sunday Best. No fee  of $1 to "Dress Up". Please be aware that students might have PhyEd. class that day and will need a change of clothing or footwear to participate in class activities. Please encourage your children to bring out their best "Friendship" smile! Information on retakes will be communicated at a later date.

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6-8 NWEA: Mon, Wed, and Thurs

3-5 NWEA: Tues, Wed, and Thurs

K-2 NWEA: Tues, Wed, and Thurs

Please make sure your child(ren) are well-rested and have a good, solid breakfast, especially on these days, either at home, or here at school. Test results greatly improve when mood and comfort are in their most optimal state!

Classroom Teacher Teams will use the results of testing to directly target individualized learning plans and maximize the scope and sequence of teaching and learning for all students! 

Please ask your child(ren) how they think they did on the tests! Please encourage them to celebrate their successes, great and small. Every bit more toward personal excellence is the key!

FAA is proud to be a Uniform School! This means that students dress for success as they come along the "Friendship Way" to Excellence.


-All-black shoes.

-Blue jeans only on "Dress Down Days" $1 to participate. Money goes to funding events and donations to local charities.

-Sweaters and sweatshirts will be plain, in Friendship colors, and without hoods (no hoodies).

-Hats/baseball caps not permitted, not even on "Dress Down" days.

-Purses and bags, to be stored in lockers.

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Cell Phones for students are not allowed to be visible or in use between the hours of 10:00am and 4:15pm, the duration of the academic school day. They are encouraged to not use them during Enrichment Classes and Dismissal Clubs, as it takes away from being present, even though the academic day has not yet started. Students are encouraged to store their phones in their backpacks and lockers. We have Support Staff and Hall Monitors in each building monitoring the safety of students' belongings. However, if backpacks or lockers are left open (or combinations) are shared, students run the risk of their property being subjected to theft. Please talk with your children about proper containment of their cell phones should you allow them to bring them to school. If you need to contact your child(ren) during the school day, please contact the main office of each campus.

We are excited about continuing our commitment to the community by working hard, everyday, to create confident, competent, and creative learners, scholars, educators, and community partners! We have high expectations rooted in integrity, intention, and inspiration.

WELCOME to the 2022 - 2023

School Year!

Dr. Brittany Clausell, Ed.D.

Executive Director

[email protected]

Weekly Resource!

Check out Tom Coverly's thought-provoking message on addressing the untold stories of bullying and its impact on student life in schools. Please talk to you children about being advocates for healthy behaviors and boundaries in school. See something, say something. Be kind and friendly, for we all are fighting silent battles.

Key Dates

September 15th-October 15th: National Hispanic (Lantinx) Heritage Month

September 19th-22nd: NWEA Testing (Both Campuses)

September 23rd

Picture Day! (Both Campuses)

Daily School Schedule

7:30am - Building Opens

8:15am - 8:55am - Freedom School

9:00am - 9:55am - Enrichment

10:00am - 4:15pm - Core instruction

5:00pm - Building Closes

2022-23 General School Calendar

2022-23 School Activities Calendar

Bus Safety Memo 2022

Please read the Bus Safety Memo 2022 with your children, especially with those who ride the bus, often. All students can benefit from this information as FAA takes frequent Field Trips that require proper behavior on the school bus. For regular riders, please read and sign off on the information by no later than Wednesday, September 21st. Please contact Mrs. Verlon for more information or questions.

Dr. Clausell, your Executive Director, is a proud member of the Latinx Community! Please ask your children to share with you a few of their "take-aways" from their lesson on Latinx culture, language, history, art, and geography shared by Dr. Clausell and other staff members of heritage during this month-long celebration of cultural pride and the fight for independence! ¡Sí, se puede!

(Yes, we can!)

FAA is still looking to meet our goal of enrolling 400+ students! Please use our best marketing tool- "Word of Mouth" to spread the good news about what we do at Friendship! Refer other families to us and win prizes! More info to come!

Click Here to Enroll!

Check out an inspiring message from FAA's Core Leadership Team, welcoming all of us to the 2022 -2023 school year!

JMC Student Registration Portal
Health Form
School Supply Lists
Bus Registration Form
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Friendship Academy of the Arts
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