
Many outstanding monitoring reports have been sent in over the past month. A few more reports are likely to trickle in, but currently we have 70% of the expected reports handed in. We have run a quick analysis on that data, and included those results in this newsletter.

To thank all of our wonderful volunteers, The Couchiching Conservancy will be having a volunteer appreciation event on September 23rd at Couchiching Beach park. We hope to see you there!

Thank you,

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Volunteer Appreciation Event
You are invited to the Couchiching Conservancy Volunteer Appreciation Celebration! There will be lunch, dessert, and prizes. Dietary options will be provided.

When: September 23 @ 12 pm

Location: Couchiching Beach Park, Biindigen Pavillion

Early results for 2023
The above figure shows the monthly average calling code for each frog species in 2023. This does not include incidental observations.

It was an unusually warm year for monitoring. The average temperature of monitoring visits made each month were: April (16°C), May (17°C), June (19°C). It is not surprising that we heard toads, leopard frogs and gray treefrogs calling as early as April.
Frogs in Fall
Some frogs will start to call again in the fall. This fall calling does not result in mating, so why do they do it?

The short days, angle of the sun, combined with wet and mild weather can create environmental cues similar to springtime.
Frogs experience physiological changes in the fall, before hibernating, so that they are ready to breed as soon as they emerge in the spring.

The combination of these factors may trigger some individuals to let out a few out-of-season songs. Read more on this topic here.
Notes from the field
Curious about what other monitoring teams have seen this year?

We post photos and information about interesting activities happening with community science and land stewardship in our blog called Notes from the Field.

Photo: water monitoring volunteers participated in a benthic biomonitoring workshop at Scout Valley this August
Connect with us
  • help with EdApp
  • species ID
  • help with Landscape
  • frog monitoring questions
  • someone to monitor with
Aiesha Aggarwal
Conservation Analyst
Phone: 705-326-1620
Alysha Henry
Youth Stewardship Coordinator
Phone: 705-326-1620
You are receiving this email because you are a Frog Monitor with The Couchiching Conservancy. Please let us know if things have changed and you can no longer volunteer, or do not wish to receive these emails. 
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