The voice for pharmacy compounding 20 October 2023

This edition is sponsored by PCCA

Stay in the know with The PCCA Blog, including: "USP Chapter 795-Related Changes to Formulations" – and update on what we’re doing to ensure PCCA formulas for CSPs — BUDs in particular — comply with the new USP 795 revisions that take effect November 1. Read and subscribe to The PCCA Blog at

From our CEO

Shortage drug compounding ads reach 800k+ during CCH

It’s called geofencing — the ability to target digital messaging to individuals who meet a defined demographic criteria within a defined geographic area.


Scott Brunner

It’s technology APC employed with positive effect during Compounders on Capitol Hill last month to put messaging about our shortage drug compounding bill, HR 167, in front of members of Congress and congressional staffers.

Our campaign delivered 816,992 impressions of ads like the one shown at left, and created 354 “engagements.” An engagement includes a web page view, form fills, or button click. Here’s the landing page for that campaign.

APC is also using geofencing technology to reach prescribers attending upcoming Age Management Medical Group and A4M events to spread the word about the threat to compounded hormone therapy.

It’s just another way we’re putting to good use your investment in our Compounding the Joy of Living Campaign. Please invest if you have not yet done so for 2023.

Read on for more news …


Scott Brunner, CAE is APC’s chief executive officer. Email him at


This week’s news

Another APC member takes helm at NCPA

Plus: Letendre honored and APC represents at recent convention

For the second year in a row, NCPA’s president is an APC member. Compounder Lea Wolsoncroft, RPh, of Birmingham, AL, was installed as 2023-2024 NCPA president this week at NCPA’s annual convention in Orlando. Wolsoncroft owns Remedies Pharmacy in Hoover. “My practice is focused on compounding, so we specialize in customizing medicines specific to our patients,” said Wolsoncroft. “There’s nothing more rewarding than helping a patient when all the traditional medicines were just not the right fit.”

Outgoing APC President Hugh Chancy of Hahira, GA, is also an APC member.

Also at the NCPA event, longtime APC member and former treasurer Bill Letendre of Cornelius, NC, and Naples, FL, was awarded the 2023 John W. Dargavel Medal by the NCPA Foundation.The award recognizes individuals who have provided exemplary and sustained support of the causes, issues, and programs that strengthen independent pharmacy. The medal is sponsored by the McKesson Corporation.

In addition, APC was well represented at the convention. CEO Scott Brunner presented a compounding policy update to state pharmacy association executives on Saturday and shared “Threats to Your Compounding Practice” in an expo hall presentation on Monday. APC also had a booth at the event, courtesy of NCPA, where we connected with several APC members and courted quite a few member prospects.

Lea Wolsoncroft

AT THE NCPA CONVENTION: Left, long-time APC member Bill Letendre receives Dargavel Medal. Center, APC’s Scott Brunner with NCPA President Hugh Chancy and PCCA President Jim Smith at the PCCA reception. Right, an APC digital ad targeted to attendees during the convention (funded by the Compounding the Joy of Living campaign).

VIDEO BRIEFING: Reduce your credit card swipe fees

Missed our briefing a couple of weeks ago about APC’s new group purchasing agreement with WorldPay? No problem: Here’s the video of that session.

The GPO is open to Pharmacy-Facility Members of APC. Under the deal, many pharmacies could see their credit card swipe fees cut by 50 percent or more. For details, contact

Draft GFI on ophthalmics, final GFI on alcohol testing issued

FDA has released two new guidance documents this month that APC members will want to familiarize themselves with. The first is a draft guidance titled “Quality Considerations for Topical Ophthalmic Drug Products.”It addresses evaluation of visible particulate matter, extractables and leachables, and impurities and degradation products, the use of in vitro drug release/dissolution testing, and recommendations for container closure systems and stability studies. The comment period is open until 12/12/2023 for this draft GFI. 

The second is a final guidance intended for immediate implementation titled “Policy for Testing of Alcohol (Ethanol) and Isopropyl Alcohol for Methanol.” It discusses the importance of properly testing pharmaceutical alcohol to detect methanol contamination or substitution due to the potential public health hazard and establishes a limit for methanol in alcohol of 200 parts per million. Though this GFI is final, the docket remains open for comments at any time.

Pharmacy Compounding Foundation offers technician grants

The Pharmacy Compounding Foundation will be offering up to ten (10) pharmacy technicians a grant valued at up to $495 to attend the APC, PCF, VCU online 15-hour curriculum "The Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Foundations of Pharmacy Compounding".

All applications must be submitted by November 10, 2023 at 11:59pm EST. Please contact the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation at with any questions.

All applicants will be notified of the Pharmacy Compounding Foundation's decision by November 30, 2023.

All technicians awarded the scholarship must complete the curriculum by December 31, 2023.

Apply HERE.

Short takes

Physician’s license suspended after patient dies at MedSpa. A Frisco, Texas, physician’s medical license has been temporarily suspended after a woman died at Luxe Med Spa in Wortham, Texas. “The patient received an IV with vitamin B complex, ascorbic acid, vitamin B12 and TPN electrolytes. According to the Texas Medical Board report, TPN electrolyte solution requires a prescription and is known to cause complications due to the potassium chloride in it,” reported the Dallas NBC affiliate.

Remember to vote in APC elections. Voting for seats on the 2024 APC Board of Directors is open through October 25. Voting members of APC can click here to vote. (Note that there is no vacant seat in District II, so members in that district will not receive a ballot.)

Oh, and don’t forget to complete the compounder profile survey. In the past two weeks, you should have received an email from our research partners at the University of Utah School of Pharmacy asking you to participate in our 2023 compounder profile survey. It’s a big deal. Look for it in your email box and please take time to complete it – the result are how we’ll define the compounding profession for policymakers over the next two years. Can’t find the link? Email as us at

Save these dates

October 24: An APC webinar, Internal Audit Processes – facilitating Optimal Operations and Compliance

October 25: APC Board elections close. Vote here.

October 26–28: PCCA's International Seminar 2023 in Houston.

November 2: OutcomeMD Express Lunch & Learn for existing users. Free but registration is required.

November 9: An APC webinar, Automation and USP 797 Don't Mix

November 10: PCF Pharmacy Technician Education Grant deadline.

December 12: An APC webinar, Quality assurance programs for compounding pharmacies: A medication safety survival guide for the compounding pharmacy. Registration coming soon.

December 14–16: A4M Longevity Fest 2023 in Las Vegas


January 28: An APC webinar, Survey of State Compounding Law Changes 2024. More details coming soon.

April 4–6: Owner Summit, La Jolla, CA

June 20–21: EduCon Virtual: The Ethical Compounding Conference

September 17–18: Compounders on Capitol Hill (CCH) in Washington, DC

On demand

Now available: The FDA Compounding Quality Center of Excellence is announcing the availability of these self-guided, online courses:

Quick links

APC Career Center

• Job seekers

• Employers

APC's Code of Ethics

Compounding Connections archive

Compounders on Capitol Hill

Continuing education

• Live webinars

• On-demand webinars

Current issues:

GFI #256 on animal compounding

Urgent-use compounding (HR 167)

Adverse events reporting framework 

Saving compounded hormones


Owner Summit

Prescriber Briefing Resources

Invest in APC efforts

• CompPAC

• Campaign to save cBHT

• OneFund


• Renew

• Pharmacy/Facility Membership (PFM)

• APC Logo agreement for PFMs

• APC Logo agreement for individual members

Affinity service providers

Accounting & Tax Services: Rx Advisors

Audible Sunshine

Office Equipment: TUI Solutions

Online Payments Platform: HealNow

Patient-Reported Outcomes: OutcomeMD

Pharmacy Technician Certification Board

• Shipment Trackers, a shipping costs auditor 

• TUI Total Solutions

• TxtSquad

Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding |

APC is committed to addressing any concerns or complaints within one business day.

Please send them — and, of course, any compliments — to

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