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We're on a roll Sally...

Several times a year we print custom film for a Canadian acrylic bath product manufacturer. Tens of thousands of feet of their thin, heat-sensitive film are shipped to us on a roll. It takes three days, printing 24-hours a day, to print this delicate film consistently and accurately.

Beeline's printing is part of an international manufacturing process.

Reed Lechner, Pre-press (above left and on the right with Production Supervisor, Kenny Bradley) has managed this intensive printing process for over three years. Reed sets precise controls to monitor the speed of the printing and image dry-time, insuring the product quality is consistent from the first square foot to the last.

The finished roll is shipped to their manufacturer in Mexico who bonds the film to sheets of acrylic. The sheets are then molded into bathroom shower and tub surround systems that have the look of natural stone.

No job is too large or too small for Beeline and Blue!

We'd like to help fulfill your printing needs.

April is Architecture month!

Please join us as we salute the contribution architects make to our quality of life. Thanks to their expertise, we have more functional and beautiful spaces to live, work and play in.