The Future of Work is Diverse, Inclusive, Just and Equitable

GlobalMindED is an Inclusive Success NetworkTM dedicated to creating a capable diverse talent pipeline, closing the equity gap for women and people of color, and connecting underrepresented/ underserved students to role models, mentors, internships, and jobs.
Since 1976, every American president has designated February as Black History Month and endorsed a specific theme. The Black History Month 2024 theme, “African Americans and the Arts,” explores the key influence African Americans have had in the fields of "visual and performing arts, literature, fashion, folklore, language, film, music, architecture, culinary and other forms of cultural expression".

GlobalMindED celebrates Black History Month by highlighting and elevating influential black voices. Meet Robert Tibbs, Founder, Board Chair and CEO of ConSol - Linked by Technology, Bound by Humanology. Robert is an entrepreneur with over 30 years of international technology ventures on four continents. Former founder and CEO of Forbes Digital Commerce; Accelon; Africa Venture Partners; and Actel Ltd. Former board member of NY Technology. You can meet Robert in person this June at GlobalMindED in Denver, June 17 (Inclusive Leader Awards dinner) 18-19 (conference).
From High School Dropout to Air Force to Global Serial Entrepreneur Across Multiple Continents: Meet Robert Tibbs, CEO of ConSol

What is your personal/professional story?
Born into poverty in Southern Jersey, my early life was a lesson in resilience, surrounded by a loving family despite our hardships. It was an amazing life, full of love and fun and happiness and I actually didn't know I was poor until I went to school. My journey wasn't straightforward, marked by personal challenges within my family, but it laid the foundation for my relentless pursuit of growth and making a difference.
After dropping out of high school, I found direction in the military. The military was a game-changer for me, giving me the chance to uncover abilities and then education and college degrees I never expected to achieve. That experience kickstarted everything. I dipped my toes into the corporate world, made my mark, and then dove into consulting in New York. Before I knew it, I was setting up a branch in Switzerland, embracing challenges and opportunities I never imagined possible. That adventure in Geneva was just the beginning.
Meeting my incredible wife and starting our family in Switzerland was a life highlight. But then, the entrepreneurial bug bit me, leading us to South Africa for my first venture in telecommunications. Over the years we have started, grown, and sold multiple businesses in telecom, satellite broadband, and ecommerce. Our journey took us from Switzerland to South Africa, back to Switzerland, and eventually to Asia, expanding and selling businesses along the way. Each company attracted acquisition by large, global, industry leaders.  
Now, back in the U.S., my focus has shifted towards creating inclusive opportunities through technology. I'm driven by the belief that there are countless individuals with untapped potential, much like I had, waiting for an opportunity to shine. My current venture (ConSol USA) is an outsourcing company that champions inclusivity, aiming to dismantle barriers and create a more equitable business landscape. This mission holds a deeply personal significance for me. It's about creating a legacy that reflects my transformative journey—from a childhood enveloped in poverty to reaching heights that, as a child, I would have deemed impossible. It's about the multitude of individuals who grew up like me and the paths I’ve crossed, each story enriching my own. My goal is to pay it forward, utilizing the wealth of experiences I've garnered to create opportunities for others and to spearhead progress by championing inclusivity and fostering innovation.
What key moments in your life led you to where you are today?
Key moments that have shaped my path include my time in the military, where Sergeant Paul Ridley played a pivotal role in steering me toward education and growth. 
Discovering that I am a descendant of Lott Carey, a freed slave who, upon gaining his freedom, returned to Liberia and founded a school, has been a profound revelation. Finding out that individuals I've hired, including a former COO, and others I've met, such as an Uber driver, were both educated by the schools established by this freed slave and my ancestor, Lott Carey, has significantly highlighted the lasting impact of educational legacies.  
My recent involvement with the White House, where I was tasked not just to share insights but to help devise a comprehensive workforce development plan for the country, has also marked a significant milestone in my journey. This visit, combined with the support of my wife and family, and the realization of my ancestral contributions, underscores the philosophy that our origins do not limit our potential.  
Where does your passion to serve come from?
My passion for service stems deeply from my childhood, heavily influenced by my mother's boundless generosity and a series of global experiences that broadened my perspective, realizing that we are all connected. My mom was the embodiment of kindness; if you had visited our home as a child, she would've immediately welcomed you, asking your name and what you wanted. Our home was a sanctuary not just for people but for any soul in need.
My passion to serve is also fueled by witnessing the transformative impact on communities that gain access to a better life and basic needs through our business efforts. Moreover, the countless young individuals I've met and mentored over the years have enriched this passion deeply.
How Can GlobalMindeED help you reach your goals?
GlobalMindED aligns perfectly with my commitment to education and mentorship, foundational elements that have been crucial in my life and career. I've dedicated time to understanding workforce development and have always made myself available to mentor young individuals, recognizing the transformative power of guidance and opportunity. My company's commitment to supporting the White House's Workforce Development Strategy by training and deploying 11,000 Cyber technicians underscores our shared goals with GlobalMindED. The mission of mentorship, combined with the openness to learning and exposure to many perspectives, resonates with my experiences across four continents. I believe that together, we can make a significant impact, finding and nurturing talent, awakening them to their potential, and connecting them with opportunities to thrive.

Robert will be one of GlobalMindED’s many esteemed speakers and participants at our Ten Year Anniversary this June. We are honored by his mission and thrilled that he is one of the role models for the students we serve who learn, through him, that they can achieve their wildest dreams.
GlobalMindED’s 10th Anniversary Conference

Powerful Voices Across Generations: Past, Present, Future
Denver June 17-19

The 10th annual conference in Denver will gather national thought leaders across sectors including education, business, health, policy, tech, and more. If you have never been to a GlobalMindED event, you will be in for a treat, as this year will be a reunion for many of our graduates, speakers, and Inclusive Leader Award winners who have been honored throughout the years. 

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Thank you to all of the Sponsors, Speakers, Students, and Attendees at GlobalMindED 2023
GlobalMindED | 303-327-5688 | [email protected] |
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