May 27, 2020

Follow this link for an excerpt from Dr. David Lamb , Dean of Faculty and MacRae Professor of Old Testament's article.

A Note From Dr. Lamb: A couple of years ago I was invited by the two editors to participate in this two-part series of character studies in Samuel and Kings. Both volumes had high quality scholars from around the world, so it really is an honor to be included in this collection contributors.

Dr. Kyuboem Lee , Assistant Professor of Missiology and Director of Doctor of Ministry Program at Missio is interviewed by Dr. Cyndi Parker on the Context Matters podcast.
Prospective Students, Admissions Virtual Open Houses in June
Pre-pandemic picture, Interim Admissions Director, Dr. Michael Heath busy connecting with prospective students by email. Now, he is doing this from home or with a mask on!
Pre-Pandemic picture, Graduate School of Counseling (GSOC) Admissions Counselor Stacy Bartholomew enjoys helping students find answers to their questions as they seek to discern the Lord’s leading. Now this is happening online!

Information on GSOC Open House coming soon.

Missio and  Cornerstone Counseling Ministries  will be hosting a Zoom webinar on Thursday, June 18, 7-8:30 PM, featuring Major Marcus Millen of the United States Army who will share helpful strategies to navigate through this season and prepare for its impact.

Integrating Faith and Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic
In this online Faith in the Marketplace Conference, Tim Haahs (CEO of Tim Haahs & Associates), Ron Bergey (CEO of Bergey’s Electric), John Duerksen (Executive Vice President of Univest), and Maura Derstein (Director of Experience at Lacher) talk about the integration of faith and work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Come back to this link on June 6th at 11 AM for our live-streamed Commencement ceremony celebrating the accomplishments of our graduating class of 2020 !
Knowing that prayer is the primary work of the people of God, we will be hosting a prayer call via Zoom each Friday morning at 9 am to pray for the ministries, churches, and communities represented and served by our students, alumni, supporters, and partner organizations.
Zoom Meeting ID: 712 684 948
New Part Time Internal Employment Opportunities:

  • Administrative Assistant to the Business Manager
  • Financial Aid Coordinator
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Missio Seminary
421 N. 7th St., Suite 700
Philadelphia, PA 19123
We are a Christian seminary located in Philadelphia, PA. Our focus on missional theology and missional training will help prepare you for ministry no matter where you serve.