The Book of Job (Iyuv) is found in Writings (
Ketuvim), the third of the Trilogy of Jewish holy texts known as Tanach- Torah, Nevi’im (
Prophets) & Ketuvim. The story of Job/Iyuv deals with the issue of God & human suffering. Why do bad things happen to good people?
Catastrophe strikes Job, a successful man with family, health, wealth & community. He loses his family, his wealth and his health and becomes deathly ill. The Midrash, a collection of ancient commentaries on Torah, the Prophets & the Ketuvim, tries to interpret a segment of the story of Job where he is visited by three friends. They barely recognize him so gaunt and covered in rashes. Job loses his faith and is unable to reconcile why God inflicted him with loss and disease.
The Midrash relates the following story. God decreed that Job be afflicted with all these losses but the angel of death was not permitted to kill him. The Midrash asks why friends are permitted to visit. Job has lost his family, his possessions, his health and his good name. So why allow friends to visit, then complete the misery by leaving him in isolation, all alone?
The answer given in rabbinic literature is that losing one’s friends and human contact is the same as killing a person. Since God had decreed Job could not be killed, the angels were forced to allow his friends to visit.
We can apply this lesson to today’s frightening virus pandemic. While we are required to social distance, for some the subsequent loneliness and isolation can be life threatening. But we are seeing a positive side to this new reality. We are witnessing a global surge in the healthy use of modern technology that enables friends and family to see, speak to, support and console each other. Technology is a blessing that cheers us up during these difficult times, by keeping us connected and close from afar.
Refuah sheleimah to all who are ill and prayers that everyone stay well, safe and connected.
Shabbat Shalom,