Chuck Cary's Weekly Email for February 24, 2019
Members and Friends,
Three members of First Church have died and joined the church triumphant of late. Prudence Fowler, Sandy Anderson, and Katherine Tureski. Prudy's service was last Tuesday. Sandy's is tomorrow, Saturday the 23rd at 11:00. Katherine's is Friday March 1 at 11:00. You have heard me say it before. The church is at its best when we grieve with those who grieve and rejoice with those who rejoice. Reach out to the family members of these sisters in Christ. Words and gestures of support mean so much.

Sunday worship will include our regular prayers of intercession on behalf of the above. We will also read a challenging text from Luke 6:27-38, Luke's interpretation of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. The sermon title is "The Difficult Sayings of Jesus", and our hymns will glorify God:"Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee", "I Am Thine O Lord". and "We Are Called to Be God's People". Soloist Adam Judd sings a familiar hymn as the offertory, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness". Honor God and respect your church by being present in worship.

I received an email from Peter Larsen, former pastor of the Episcopal Church to our south. He and his wife were vacationing in Aruba where they met Kevin Luss and family of FPC. Small world! Peter is a regular recipient and reader of our weekly correspondence. It's nice to hear that he is keeping an eye out for friends from these parts. Those of you who have been traveling, come back safely, and rested.

Many of the programs which were cancelled during vacation week are back in business. Check out the Tuesday Bible Study, Youth Group programs, and upcoming events. March 3rd is Gifts of Women Sunday, and our Bell Choir is hosting the Spring Ring for area Bell choirs March 7-9, with a wonderful concert March 9 at 5:00. Watch for the beginning of Lent with a service on Ash Wednesday at 6:00 in the Parlor.

The first two months of the new year are almost in the books. Please make sure you are current in your giving. Also, the 2019 Per Capita obligation is $40 per confirmed member. Thank you always for your faithful support of Christ's Church. Welcoming a new pastor by preserving a balanced budget is a good thing, a sign of health.

Prayer for the Day: Almighty God, you have taught us that all our deeds without love are worth nothing. Send your Holy Spirit and pour into our hearts your most excellent gift. Strengthen the bond of peace and goodness in First Church. Though members die, let those who survive do so with gratitude and Resurrection Faith. Help us consider our legacies, forgiving one another just as Christ has forgiven us. Help us attain a higher righteousness, that we may show forth agape love in every relationship. Through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

See you in Church!!