We have unfortunately lost 2 past presidents in September, and we ask that you keep their families in your prayers. William “Billy Robbins passed away on September 2, 2023, and was president in 2004 & 2005. Jimmy Cox Passed away on September 22m, 2023, and was president in 1992.
The August KFA Conference was a success and I look forward to hosting the 2024 KFA Conference in Owensboro. Registration and information will be out very soon. The current Board Members are: President Marc Henderson, 1st VP Kyle Carpenter, 2nd VP Eddie Rucker, 3rd VP Chris Crawford, Secretary Eric Philpot, Treasurer Bonita Bobo, and VP at Large Pat Thompson.
The KY State Fair Booth was well received, and we hope to have information out earlier next year and invite any department that would like to come up and use it as a recruitment tool for department.
The Legislative Session will begin soon, and we will work to keep everyone abreast of anything that could affect the fire service.
The KY Fallen Firefighter Memorial will be held 10:00am EST on October 4th in Juniper Hills Park in Frankfort, we hope to see everyone there.
The next KFA Meeting will be held in Maysville during the Buffalo Trace School on Saturday October 21st, 2023, beginning at 9:00am EST at the Maysville Community and Technical College.
We appreciate the relationship with the Kentucky Association of Fire Chiefs, and please reach out to us if you need any assistance.
Marc Henderson
KFA President