From The Executive Director
As we've mentioned before, the NCFA does not believe the Marine Fisheries Commission can make any changes to the Blue Crab FMP without an updated stock assessment or a peer reviewed and approved benchmark assessment.
We have emailed DMF Director, Kathy Rawls, outlining our concerns and are waiting for a response explaining why the DMF believes they can move forward using the adaptive management strategy, approved in Amendment 3, and the results of the 2018 stock assessment, which, when updated, was not approved for use.
Until we have that response to review, we are standing by our interpretation of the Amendment 3 adaptive management strategy and State law, and do not see a legal way to move forward with changes to the Blue Crab FMP.
That said, we encourage everyone to attend the upcoming MFC meeting, and the following Advisory Committee meetings, to voice your concerns while we wait to see what DMF and the MFC decide to do.
Glenn Skinner
Executive Director
MFC Meeting
The North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission (MFC) meeting has been rescheduled for next week in Kitty Hawk. The location and the agenda remains the same with only one item removed. Although the Blue Crab Adaptive Management discussion was technically removed from the agenda, this plan is still moving forward and the final vote before regulations will be implemented is still scheduled for May 2025.
It is imperative for all fishermen to come to this meeting and demand accountability and justification for all the cuts we are facing in so many fisheries!
Meeting Time: March 12th 2:00pm-until and March 13th 9:00am-12:45pm
Location: Hilton Garden Inn, Kitty Hawk, NC
Agenda: Meeting Agenda
Meeting Webpage: MFC Meeting Webpage
Public comment will be allowed at the meeting on Wednesday, March 12th at 2:00pm and 6:00pm. If you are bringing a handout to present you will need to bring 12 copies.
Written public comment will be accepted until Monday, March 10th at 4:00pm.
Public comment can be submitted online, mailed, or hand delivered.
Comment online here: Submit Online Comment
Mail comments here: Marine Fisheries Commission Meeting Comments,
P.O Box 769, Morehead City, N.C. 28557
Drop off comments here:
Division of Marine Fisheries’ Morehead City Headquarters Office at 3441 Arendell St., Morehead City
We at NCFA are continuously fighting for your fishing rights and will be sending out additional information throughout the week regarding all of the upcoming issues we are facing at this meeting.
As always reach out with any questions, concerns, or comments.
Thomas Newman
Fisheries Liaison
SAFMC Meeting This Week
The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC) meets this week. The meeting starts today, Monday, March 3rd at 9:00am and goes through Friday, March 7th until 12:00noon.
You can listen online or attend the meeting in person in Jekyll Island, Georgia. The Council will provide a public comment opportunity at 4:00pm Wednesday, March 5th.
I will provide meeting links and go over a few agenda items below.
Join the Meeting Online: Join Meeting Online
Meeting Webpage: Meeting Webpage
Meeting Agenda: Meeting Agenda
Submit Written Comment: Submit Written Comment
Sign Up To Comment Online: Online Comment
A Few Agenda Items of Interest
Monday 9:00am:
Snapper Grouper Commercial Sub-Committee
S/G Sub-Committee Webpage
Tuesday 8:30am:
For-Hire Electronic Reporting Improvement Amendment
For-Hire Reporting AP Feedback
SEFHIER Reporting Presentation
For-Hire Reporting Amendment Decision Document
NOAA OST For-Hire Reporting Amendment Document
Topics for the Dolphin Wahoo AP Spring 2025 Meeting
Dolphin/Wahoo AP Spring Meeting Topic Discussion
Wednesday 8:30am:
Snapper Grouper Fishery Management Unit Revision
S/G Fishery Management Unit Revision Document
Golden Tilefish Assessment Response
Golden Tilefish Assessment Response Decision Document
Commercial Sub-Committee Report
-Amendment development and timing
Wednesday 2:30pm:
Update on Secretarial Amendment to End Overfishing of Red Snapper
Secretarial Red Snapper Amendment Update
Wednesday 4:00pm:
Public Comment
Register to Speak
Thursday 8:30am:
Black Sea Bass (Amendment 56)
Amendment 56 Decision Document
Private Recreational Permit and Education Requirement (Amendment 46)
Amendment 46 Decision Document
Topics for Snapper Grouper AP Spring 2025 Meeting
Thursday 1:30pm:
Mackerel Cobia Committee
Update on 4(d) Rule on Giant Manta Ray
Mackerel Port Meeting Presentation
Mackerel Port Meeting Draft Report
Individual Port Meeting Summaries
Topics for Mackerel Cobia AP Spring 2025 Meeting
This is not an all inclusive list on every topic that may be important to you. Please review the meeting webpage and as always feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about this or any other meeting.
Thomas Newman
Fisheries Liaison