Summer Update!
Trinity Families,

God is so good! We are blessed and honored to be your school. We remain as committed as ever to being the leader in Christian education in Wisconsin, and the 2022-2023 school year will be our biggest and best ever!

With 315 students enrolled, new programs, new spaces, new classes, new faculty/staff, and new experiences, it is undoubtedly an exciting time to be in the Trinity family. Perhaps most exciting is our expansion plan. With a campaign set to kick off in about a month, we will embark on a $14 million plan to double the size of our current campus, bringing in more specialty rooms, a new gym, larger childcare, and more common areas for classes and families. If all goes well, we will break ground during the school year!

Our theme for the 2022-2023 school year is based on Colossians 3:17, "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Here, God asks us to be all in for Jesus with everything we do. So, with a substantial expansion plan ahead of us, a record student enrollment, and so many new programs and extra-curricular activities, we look forward to being All-In, TOGETHER!

May God bless your family as you prepare for this historic year. Know that we are already praying for you and that we are honored to be your school!

Serving the Master Teacher,

Dr. Seefeld

In This Edition

  1. You're Invited to "All-In Sunday"
  2. Stronger Families Events: Love and Logic
  3. Summer Grants Received
  4. HELP WANTED: Substitute Teachers / Volunteers
  5. Renovation and Expansion Updates
You're Invited: All-In Sunday!
Join us as we kick off the school year along with our capital campaign at "All-In Sunday!" All school families are invited to attend worship that begins at 10am (led by Trinity teachers and staff). Then, stay for lunch, ice cream, and tours of our past (historical grounds), present (current building and remodeled spaces), and future (an outline of the future building!)

Families will also be asked to prayerfully consider how to become involved in the Trinity Forward campaign. Representatives from the Expansion and Communication Committees and subcommittees will be on hand to discuss how you can support the campaign!
$63,700 in Grants Received
Supporting Labs, New Classrooms, and Fine Arts
We are pleased to announce that TWO Trinity grant requests were accepted this summer (one from the Lutheran Church Extension Fund and one from a private foundation). These grants will help complete current renovations happening in our lower level (supplying classroom furniture, devices, technology, etc.) as well as support our TWO theatre productions scheduled for this Fall. We praise God for these incredible gifts to support student activities at Trinity.
Stronger Families:
Love and Logic Workshops
The Love and Logic approach to parenting is built around the science of caring and respectful relationships. An authentic, loving connection between parents and their children forms the foundation of good behavior and healthy decision-making. In this Trinity Stronger Families event, join certified L&L presenter and energetic Lutheran school teacher, Mr. Aaron Bauer, as he hosts two workshops on consecutive Sundays for Trinity parents.

Sunday, August 7 - Birth to 5th-grade

Sunday, August 14 - Middle School to High School

Both workshops begin at 9am in the gym.
Help Wanted!
Seeking Volunteers and Emergency Subs!
With more students comes additional opportunities to support the mission and ministry of our school. We are seeking room moms/volunteers to help with recess supervision, in-classroom activities, and teacher support. Volunteer positions can be as little as a few hours a week!

Perhaps even more critical, we are in need of people who would be willing to be trained to be emergency substitute teachers! Emergency subs are needed for when our full-time staff have last-minute emergencies or needs to attend to. These positions are paid! All sub plans and materials are prepared in advance - just show up, love the kids, and work through the provided content. This is an incredible opportunity to serve Jesus by serving our kids!

If you are interested in either volunteering or jumping on to our sub list, please contact Assistant Principal Stefanie Herbert at [email protected]. We would be SO grateful for any help! All substitute teacher candidates must have a 4-year degree and submit a background check.
Renovation and Expansion Updates
Renovations are nearly complete, adding three new classroom spaces, new lower-level and library floors, and completion of our new, updated library. During this remodel...
  • (lower right pic) - The library moves to the lower level of the church and gets a stack refresh, updated checkout kiosk, and added seating spaces.
  • A total of 5 office/workspaces were added to the church basement, making room for our growing ministry team.
  • (upper left pic) Two new classrooms were added to the old library space and will be home to our two kindergarten classrooms (a shared bathroom and two sinks were also installed along with cubbies and coat hooks in the hallway).
  • (lower left pic) What was formerly a computer lab is now an open space ready for our new piano lab. The piano install is set to happen soon! All new classrooms have SMART panels for each teacher.

Site surveyors (top right pic) were also on campus this week, one of the first pre-construction items to be checked off our list as we prepare to build. Leaders from Trinity also met with the City of Mequon to present initial plans and begin discussions about the upcoming build.