From Vision to Action:

what we’ve heard and how we’re responding   

Here is a summary of the eight points from the LEAD listening report, and what we’ve been up to this summer/fall.

1. Foster trusting relationships and mutual support across our synod


This is a divided time in our nation, as it is in our synod. We have begun to use a resource called the Covenants of Presence by Parker Palmer as a way to form connections, deepen relationships that lead us to vulnerable sharing as we build trust with one another. We have seen this work powerfully in our deanery gatherings and look forward to expanding its use.  In the fall, we did a healing service with the Cap North/Cap South deanery gathering that was especially meaningful given the level of hurt in that part of the synod. In the Spring we plan to do a renewal of vows in the deaneries when we gather with them.

We also held a joint leadership convo with the Gulf Coast Synod at Lutherhill; while the attendance was not large, the feedback from the participants was excellent. We’re also supporting grassroots initiatives that are going on in our synod; for instance, awarding grants to the Hill Country deanery and a group of pastoral leaders called the “Clergy Competency Committee” for them to hold their own regular gatherings.


Southwestern Texas Synod

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