Vol. 3 Issue 3, March 19, 2020
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Under Pressure 2.0 available; Resources for Nonprofits; Reliable COVID-19 Local Information; Tips for working remotely; Hamilton LMI
Under Pressure 2.0 Report Available
Under Pressure 2.0 report is a result of speaking to over 130 local employers in the skilled trades in Hamilton and focuses on:
  • Hiring issues from employers' perspectives
  • Hardest to fill skilled trades
  • Employers experiences and critiques on apprenticeships
  • Employers recommendations for potential solutions to the talent shortage

Resources to Help Nonprofits Adapt and Respond to COVID-19
From daycare's to long-term care homes, shelters to food banks, Ontario’s nonprofits and charities are on the front lines supporting and serving communities during this unpredictable and tumultuous time of COVID-19.

The Ontario Not-for-Profit Network has complied a list of information to help not-for-profits during these challenging times.

A Word From WPH Regarding COVID -19

As we are a business located in the busy city centre of Hamilton we are practicing social distancing. All WPH staff are still working on projects and can be contacted easiest by email.

We would like to thank all the front line workers in the medical fields, care and support services, emergency response, pharmacies, grocery stores, and all other services that continue to assure the health and well-being of our vibrant Hamilton Community.

During these times, businesses, especially smaller local businesses, will be greatly impacted by government mandated closures as well as closures for the safety of our community. We hope our community continues to support local to ensure these small businesses remain as an important part of our community.

Hamilton Information Sources for COVID-19
Chamber logo
As business owners, employers, employees, and citizens, this rapidly changing situation is causing worry and concern. To support you through this uncertainty, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce has gathered and prepared several resources of reliable up to date local and global information.

For the direct link to City of Hamilton information regarding COVID-19 please click here : City of Hamilton Updates

Hamilton Labour Force Information:
February 2020
Tips for Working Remotely

Many office-based companies are encouraging remote working where possible. Find some tips to make your remote work successful for the foreseeable future.
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Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca