From the Bear Pit
Regional Council Meeting News
Publication Date: October 20th, 2023
Committee of the Whole Meetings Aug. 14 - Oct. 10 2023
Bear Smart Community Status Update
Representatives from WildSafeBC, Conservation Officer Services and the Ministry of Environment provided presentations on black bear activity in the community.
Government Transfers Policy Development
Regional Council met on two occasions between August and September to begin building the purpose, objectives and principles in relation to a Government Transfers Policy, which will provide a framework under which the NRRM grants discretionary funds to organizations delivering community-based services. Community-Based services are deemed beneficial to the community, but are delivered independently from the NRRM and without municipal oversight or control.
Regional Council Meetings Aug. 14 - Oct. 10, 2023
Local Harm Reduction Initiatives & Community Outreach Van
Local representatives from the Northern Health Authority and the Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society provided a presentation and overview of the Local Harm Reduction Initiatives & Community Outreach Van.
Bear Smart Community Status - Waste Management and Bylaw Enforcement (deferred from August 14 Meeting)
On September 26, 2022, Regional Council endorsed the Human-Bear Conflict Management Plan as a guiding document for the NRRM with the objective of reducing human-bear conflicts and attaining the status of a Bear Smart Community. Continued effort is being made to implement the HBCMP successfully and promote greater community safety.
Recruitment & Retention Education & Training Incentive (RRETI) Program Evaluation
At the August 11, 2022, Special In-Camera Regional Council meeting, Council approved the RRETI Program. Council’s approval of the program included the direction to undertake an evaluation after one year to assess whether the program was achieving its goals. A plan to review and evaluate the effectiveness of the program has been developed and the final report is targeted for completion by October 23, 2023.
Andy Bailey Regional Park and Campground Improvement
Andy Bailey Regional Campground was identified as needing accessibility upgrades to meet current and future demands. As discussed in Administration Report #101/22 from December 15, 2022 - Parks and Trails Active Mobility Projects, funding was secured to create the detailed design for improvements to increase access within the park. With a presentation of 50% design completion received on August 14, 2023, a subsequent presentation of the design at 95% completion was provided at the October 10, 2023 Committee of the Whole Meeting, where Regional Council subsequently gave approval to proceed with the portions of the Andy Bailey Regional Park project covered by the Destination BC grant, and for staff to present items outside of that scope as other funding options arise.
BC Hydro Public EV Fast Charging Network Plan
BC Hydro indicated they would like to have EV charging host site(s) confirmed by mid-September. After a number of discussions over several Regional Council meetings in August and September, BC Hydro communicated a willingness to reconsider an early choice of NRRM-owned property located on Airport Drive, in the downtown core area which is currently unutilized. Council approved the location.
Parker Lake Recreation Area Survey Results
The Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (NRRM), in collaboration with Recreation Sites and Trails BC (RSTBC), published a public survey on May 8th, 2023 to help inform current and future community use and interest at the Parker Lake Recreation Area. The survey sought feedback from individuals, user groups and other organizations to determine what types of improvement would be most beneficial to the community and region. The survey closed on May 26, 2023, with 255 responses received.
Request for Extension to CEBA Repayment
On September 14, 2023, the Prime Minister announced extended deadlines for CEBA loan repayments. Read more here.
2023 Fourth Quarter Grant-in-Aid Requests
Four complete applications for the 2023 Q4 Grant-in-Aid program were received from the Northern Rockies Child Development Association (formally known as the Fort Nelson Family Development Society), Fort Nelson Hospital & Healthcare Foundation, Fort Nelson Ministerial Association, and Fort Nelson’s Women of Influence. Council approved all applications.
Development Permit DP-2301, 5331 50th Avenue South
Council approved DP-2301 for the proposed alteration to the structure, building exterior renovations, and signage at 5331 50th Avenue South, formerly Husky, recently purchased by Fort St. John Co-op.
Public Notice Bylaw No. 220, 2023
With the imminent closure of the Fort Nelson News, the NRRM's alternate means of providing public notice has been investigated, with the recommended option being the enactment of a
local bylaw describing how public notice will be undertaken. Various municipal activities require, under the Community Charter, the Municipality to provide notice to the public. The Public Notice Bylaw was adopted on September 12, 2023.
Wildfire/FireSmart Structural Protection Unit
In light of the heavy wildfire season the NRRM encountered, a request was made to start a fund for the purchase of the Structural Protection Unit which totals about $220,000. To start, a request was made to apply for The Union of British Columbia Municipalities’ (UBCM) 2023 Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF) Volunteer and Composite Fire Departments Equipment and Training Grant, to fund up to $30,000. Council fully agreed to apply for this grant and asked staff to come back next meeting to review if this could be funded this year through General Surplus funds.
Ride- Hailing Transportation
In both August and September, the lack of community transportation options was discussed. Staff came back in the October 10, 2023 meeting to present an updated investigation. In December 2022, Coastal Rides provided an introductory letter to Council informing the NRRM of their current operations and relaying options for the municipality’s consideration for partnership to provide ride-hailing services. Council indicated that they would like to wait until after the completion of a transportation study - which is planned to commence this year. However, with the winter coming, Council has agreed to have staff reach out to Coastal Rides to provide a proposal to the NRRM.
2023 UBCM
Mayor Fraser, Councillor Soles, Councillor Dickie, along with senior staff attended the 2023 Union of BC Municipalities Convention in September. Council had successful conversations with Ministry of Children & Family Development Minister Mitzi Dean, Ministry of Forests Minister Bruce Ralston, Premier David Eby, Ministry of Municipal Affairs Minister Anne Kang, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation Minister Josie Osborne, and BC Emergency Health Services BCEHS.
NDIT Grant for Secondary Arena Bleacher Seating
As the Secondary Arena does get used more than what it was designed for, it has been apparent by users, groups, and staff that permanent bleachers should be added in.
As the grant ($100,000) is more than the amount of the bleacher cost, Council has asked staff to look for additional improvements to utilize the full grant.
Animal Welfare
While the Animal Control Bylaw is on the docket for review, there is a conflicting matter from the decision made to suspend the 72-hour hold of impounded animals until the option of euthanasia made in the March 22, 2021, Regional Council Meeting. Although this was a well-intentioned policy amendment, it creates significant challenges for those animals that are deemed untreatable or unadoptable (in cases of poor or aging health, and behaviour concerns for example), leaving these animals perpetually kenneled with poor quality of life. With the concerns around efforts of rehoming/ adoption/ transfers before euthanasian, Council asked staff to create a policy to ensure full efforts are made and euthanasian is the last resort and to bring it back for the next meeting.
Town Square Renewal Project
A Fire and Life Safety review in 2010 brought to light a range of deficiencies within the Town Square Complex ranging from mechanical (heating and cooling), and electrical to accessibility. Plans to renew have been in development but postponed due to other prioritized projects, unsuccessful grant applications, and inflation in construction costs. The latest report highlighted an updated estimate of over $26 million, which is well over the previous estimate of $18 million. Staff assured that the building is a safe work environment, but updates do need to happen. Staff have prioritized some time-sensitive work and will continue to do this until the next update.
For Information
From: Community Forest Limited Partnership
Re: Board of Director Update
A letter was received from the Community Forest Limited Partnership introducing both Percy Wright and Ben Wall to the organization.
From: Dwayne McDonald Deputy Commissioner, Commanding Officer BC RCMP
Re: Collective Agreement Negotiations between the Treasury Board of Canada and the National Police Federation
A letter was received from Dwayne McDonald providing an update on the status of negotiations.
From: Cathy Ulrich, President and CEO of Northern Health
Re: Concerns Regarding Memorandum of Understanding
A letter was received from Cathy Ulrich updating Council on revisions to the MOU among Northern Health and Regional Hospital Districts.
To: Gurinder Parmar, Senior Specialist, Energy Transition, NorthRiver Midstream Inc.
Re: Letters of Support for Fort Nelson Sequestration Well Optimization - CCUS RD&D Storage and Transportation Focus Area Expression of Interest
Letters were written on behalf of the NorthRiver Midstream's proposed projects in the region.
From: Rebecca Bishop, Program Officer - UBCM
Re: 2023 Next Generation 911 Funding Approval
A letter was received from Rebecca Bishop informing Council that a grant in the amount of $45,000 was approved for the NRRM.
From: Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition
Re: Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) Repayment Deadline
An email was received from the Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition on the support of the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) repayment deadline.
From: Kristi Leer, Member of the Northern Rockies Accessibility & Inclusion Committee
Re: Thank You for the Improvements to the Fire Pit Area at HME Hill
A thank you letter was received from Kristi Leer for the accessibility improvements of HME Hill.
From: Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
Re: Effective Resource Allocation, BC Emergency Health Services
A letter was sent to Hon. Adrian Dix, Ministry of Health on the lack of utilization of local ad hoc support for medical air evacuations.
For Discussion
From: Leah Edmunds, Coordinator, Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society
Re: Request for Letter of Support
A letter was received from Leah Edmunds requesting a letter of support for a number of grants to assist in the renovation to make their space more accessible for persons with disabilities.
From: Dan Davies, MLA Peace River North
Re: Community Forest Concerns
A letter was received from Dan Davies in relation to the Community Forest General Partnership Corporation.
From: Mark Theobold, Superintendent of School District 81
Re: Establishment of a Foundry Centre in Fort Nelson
A letter was received from Mark Theobold informing Council that Foundry BC is taking applications to open more centers around the province.
From: Urs Schildknecht, Northern Rockies Lodge
Re: EV Charging Stations Muncho Lake
Email correspondence from Urs Schildknecht was received disapproving BC Hydro's installation of EV Charging Stations in proximity to Northern Rockies Lodge.
From: Northern Paws Animal Rescue
Re: Animal Responsibility Program Proposal
A proposal from North Paw Animal Rescue was received to formally establish an Animal Responsibility Program.
Council Reports on the meetings, activities and appointments to Committees/Boards related to their roles on Council.
- Council did not proclaim Rail Safety Week in the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality.
- An email poll had initially been circulated to Council to consider Councillor Enax's attendance at the Tourism Conferences. Council resolved that Councillor Enax be authorized to attend the Destination Development Planning Session/Workshop and the Northern BC Tourism Summit.
- Councillor Andrews was contacted about the March to Remember Fallen Firefighters being held on September 10 at 11:00 a.m. This was open to the whole community, and several members of Council attended.
- A Notice of Motion was given by Councillor Enax on September 5, 2023 requesting that the NRRM exhibit at the Quartzite Sports, Vacation and RV Show in January 2024. On October 10, 2023 staff indicated that in previous years the NRRM participated on behalf of Destination BC with a group partnership, "North to Alaska", which is no longer running. Council asked staff to look into partnerships to re-initiating the North to Alaska group.
The NRRM applied for 3 annual NDIT Grants to support funds of $8,000 to offset the costs of providing grant writing and support services, $50,000 to partially fund a Regional Economic Development Officer position, and $20,000 to fund the 2024 Fort Nelson Business Façade Improvement Program.
- A Notice of Motion was given by Councillor Gerwing regarding the importance of the Annual Parade of Lights to the Community and that it risked being discontinued due to the uncertainty of an organizer to lead it. At the October 10th meeting Council was advised that the event coordinator has confirmed that the event will proceed in December 2023 as previous, and the NRRM would continue to participate has they have in past.
- Council proclaimed September as Literacy Month in the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality.
- At the September 5, 2023 meeting it was risen and reported that Dr. Sabah Mohsin’s application to the Northern Rockies Recruitment, Retention, Education & Training Incentive Program be approved in principle, subject to confirmation of eligibility with Northern Health.
Career Opportunities at the NRRM
Job Posting No. 2023.32
Closing date: October 23, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
Job Posting No. 2023.33
Closing date: October 25, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
Closing date: October 27, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
Request for Expressions of Interest in Equipment Services
The Fort Nelson Community Forest (FNCF) is looking for interested parties to supply various equipment services that would include road maintenance and upgrades. Services include, but are not limited to:
- Delivery and placement of small volumes of gravel (per cu. m. gravel costs and hourly delivery costs outside of 5 km radius of Fort Nelson)
- Winter road opening
- Winter road maintenance
Information should include:
- Equipment list and 2023-2024 rate schedule
- Current WCB clearance letter
- Proof of Liability insurance
- Copy of business licence
Interested parties should send their information to by October 27, 2023 at 2:00 pm.
Advisories, Public Notices & Hearings
Permissive Tax Exemption Notice for 2024 Taxation Year
A permissive tax exemption is a means for Council to support non-profit organizations within the community which further Council’s objectives of enhancing the quality of life (economic, social, cultural) and delivering services economically.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Regional Council for the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality intends on adopting a tax exemption bylaw at their Regular Council meeting on MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2023, which will provide tax exemptions to land and/or improvements that are owned or occupied by charitable, philanthropic or other not for profit corporations. In accordance with Section 227 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that the following properties will be receiving tax exemption status for the 2024 taxation year.