From the Bear Pit
Council News
Publication Date: February 14, 2024
Committee of the Whole Meeting February 12, 2024
Prioritizing Downtown Revitalization Projects
Approved in principle last Fall, the Downtown Revitalization Plan aims to guide future detailed design and construction projects capturing the community’s vision, needs, and priorities for downtown Fort Nelson. Among the many projects identified within the Plan, three rose to the top as either quick-wins or short-term gains, including establishing a cohesive theme and identity through a Branding Strategy exercise involving community engagement, proposing a central gathering space to support year-round activities, and prioritizing a parking study addressing accessibility and parking needs comprehensively. Overall, Council supported the three projects, with general agreement to pursue branding in 2024, subject to budget approval.
Efficiency Options for Construction Projects
A roundtable discussion occurred about challenges the NRRM has faced in recent years in securing competitive bids for major projects, particularly in asphalt and inroad works like water and sewer projects. To mitigate challenges in the coming tender/construction season, staff have engaged with contractors to understand issues and explore solutions, including grouping asphalt works into multi-year projects, acquiring a 5-7-year inventory of gravel required for roadworks to shift to an owner-supplied model, and separating the road and sub-surface work for the 44th Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement project. While some challenges like inflation are beyond NRRM's control, efforts are ongoing to investigate project planning and owner-controlled options for creating efficiencies in procurement processes.
Regional Council Meeting February 12, 2024
Official Community Plan Update - Advisory Committee and Gaps Analysis
Planner Radha Adhikari presented a high-level report outlining milestones achieved, including the establishment of the Advisory Committee, with its first meeting scheduled for next week. With March approaching, they are preparing communication materials, to be released in the coming days. Council expressed appreciation for the forthcoming work and its anticipated impact. Stay tuned for the launch of the engagement hub at
FoodCycler Pilot Program
Following a proposal from the FoodCycle Science Corporation, and a successful internal trial, the Environmental Advisory Committee recommended Council consider implementing a food waste recycling pilot program for up to 100 residents to increase food waste diversion from the landfill, complementary to the NRRM's existing vermicompost program. With funding from the Local Government Climate Action Program, and no tax levy impact, the pilot program will provide FoodCyclers at a reduced cost to participating residents, after which time the unit will be theirs to keep. Stay tuned for participation details.
Northern Rockies Environmental Action Challenge
As a continuation of the initial proposal from the Environmental Advisory Committee in November 2023 to offer an organic diversion contest in the community to increase awareness and use of the local vermicompost project and decrease waste entering the landfill, a recommendation was made to initiate the Northern Rockies Environmental Action Challenge. In support, Council approved the allocation of $10,000 from the NRRM’s Local Government Climate Action Program (LGCAP) fund to support this initiative. Follow our NorthernRockies/latestnews or our Facebook page (NorthernRockiesRM) for the launch of this challenge.
For Discussion
Letter from Deirdre Syms, Executive Director, BC Epilepsy Society
Re: Request for Proclamation - Purple Day March 26, 2024
Regional Council received a request to proclaim March 26th, 2024, as International PURPLE DAY®. Expressing support, Mayor Fraser proposed wearing purple at the March 25th Council meeting to show solidarity and proclaim March 26th as Purple Day for Epilepsy Awareness.
Letter from Robin Holstein, Vice-Chair of Northern Trails Heritage Society
Re: Request for Letter of Support
Council agreed to support the Northern Trails Heritage Society's application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust's Marketing Initiative grant for the Doors Open - July 2024 project. This initiative will offer free access to built heritage assets, fostering a greater appreciation of our area's architecture and history.
For Information
Letter from Minister Bindi Sawchuk, Municipal Affairs
Re: Capacity Funding Local Government Housing Initiatives
NRRM Letter to the Northern Trails Heritage Society
Re: Letter of Support; Grant Opportunities for Unique PLACES in VIRTUAL Spaces
Letter from Northern Development Initiative Trust
Re: 2024 Grant Writing Support
Letter from Fort Nelson Ministerial Association
Re: Christmas Hamper Campaign
NRRM Letter to Annette Weger, Hospital Site Administrator and Nathan Cook Unit Chief NCEHS
Re: Appreciation for Commitment to Patient Care During Service Interuptions
Letter from Peace River North MLA Dan Davies
Re: Fires Still Burning in the Peace River North
Council Information Package- Jan 24, 2024
Council Information Package- Jan 31, 2024
Council Information Package- Feb 7, 2024
Mayor's Discretionary Account Report - Forth Quarter 2023
Heritage Week
February 19-25, 2024
Council proclaimed February 19-25 as Heritage Week, celebrating the area's rich history showcased in its Museum, Public Library, historic sites, and cultural landscapes. This week coincides with National Heritage Day, allowing communities across British Columbia to honor their unique heritage and sense of place.
Chamber of Commerce Week
February 12-16, 2024
Regional Council has proclaimed February 12-16, 2024, as "Chamber of Commerce Week" for the Fort Nelson & District Chamber of Commerce. Recognizing their dedication to enhancing the local business community, the Chamber promotes discussion, innovation, and evidence-based decision-making. Chamber members contribute significant volunteer hours annually to support economic prosperity in the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality.
Council reported on the meetings, activities and appointments to Committees/Boards related to their roles on Council.
Fort Nelson Rotary Club and Fort Nelson Tourism & Events Society
The Northern Rockies Tourism & Events Society, along with the Rotary Club of Fort Nelson, plans to bring RibFest to the community from July 26th to July 28th, 2024. They aim to replicate the success of RibFest from Fort St. John (FSJ) and discussed potential benefits such as attracting visitors from outside the NRRM, collaboration with FSJ organizers, and opportunities for not-for-profit groups or Rotary. Additional activities like a softball tournament, artisans' market and live music were also being planned. The request included facility usage and fee waivers. Further discussion was deferred to the next meeting, requesting that staff report back on the potential cost of the waivers, as well as the potential to consider amendments to the Discretionary Grant-in-Aid Policy or Recreation Rental Exemption Policy.
Support for Application to Rural Transit Solutions Fund
Regional Council has approved an application to Infrastructure Canada’s Rural Transit Solutions Fund for up to $50,000. This funding will support a technical and feasibility study concerning local and intercommunity transportation. The decision follows the approval to apply for Northern Development Initiative Trust funding to support the undertaking of a technical and feasibility study related to local and intercommunity transportation.
2024 Emergency Preparedness Public Education Planning
Due to drought conditions, a busy season is expected with ongoing burns. A community education blitz is planned to promote preparedness, including FireSmart activities residents can undertake on their properties as well as enhancements to Spring Fling Week to support FireSmart work throughout the community. Efforts are ongoing to educate residents on fire risks and emergency response plans and will be ongoing throughout the months to come.
2024 Budget Update and Confirmation of Schedule
CAO Scott Barry updated Mayor and Council on the 2024 Budget, confirming that the review of the draft Budget will take place during the week of March 4th, and following a schedule similar to previous years. Additionally, further engagement and an open house with the community will be scheduled to occur tentatively during the week of March 18th.
BC Hydro EV Charging Station Update
An update was provided on the BC Hydro EV charging station project, such that when the NRRM declined a request to assist with costs to develop the property offered initially, BC Hydro sought and formalized a partnership with the Red Apple Store instead. it was agreed that Red Apple's location was more central and suitable for the project and would be a good addition to the community.
Career Opportunities at the NRRM
Job Posting No. 2023.34
Closing date: Until Filled
Job Posting No. 2024.01
Closing date: December 31, 2024
Closing date: Until Filled
Closing date: February 23, 2024