From the Bear Pit
Regional Council Meeting News
June 13, 2022 Regional Council Meeting
Fort Nelson Snowmobile Club Update
Staff have met regularly with the Fort Nelson Snowmobile Club to identify the group’s priorities and develop solutions to achieve those objectives which include:
  • the Club has expressed an interest in expanding its trail network at certain locations close to Fort Nelson.
  • Realignment of a section of trail that is near 55th Street, that would require crossing a FortisBC gas pipeline.
Staff will continue to support the Snowmobile Club by identifying grant opportunities and supporting the preparation of applications, as well as encouraging application to the annual Discretionary Grant-in-Aid program. Staff are committed to holding regularly scheduled meetings with the Club to ensure the NRRM is well-positioned to consider and respond to the user group’s requests and priorities, and will continue to provide updates as additional information becomes available.

Potential Dog Park Revisited
Parks and Trails Master Planning (Phase I) was conducted and completed in November 2015. During the process, public feedback on community parks and trails was gathered in survey form to identify community priorities. The survey identified the desire for an off-leash dog park in the community , along with a need for stricter penalties for those who walk their dogs without a leash.

Currently, Phase II (Asset Condition Assessment) is in progress, and Phase III (Initial Community
Engagement) is planned to be continued in 2023, which would include the refinement of public priorities through stakeholder engagement.
Public Works Loader Purchase Award
The 2022 Budget included $370,000 for the purchase of a new loader for the Public Works to replace the 1995 Case loader. A Request for Quotations for loader supply and delivery was publicly issued and closed on June 2, 2022. Regional Council approved the purchase from Brandt Tractor for the purchase price of $334,323.

Community Bear Response
In 2009 a dedicated agreement with the BC Conservation Officer Service was entered into for a Bear Response Pilot Program (BRP), with the NRRM contributing $30,000 annually. The 2009 Letter of Agreement outlined that Fort Nelson would see the addition of one Conservation Officer (CO) during the period of the agreement with a minimum of 20 hours per week of service to the NRRM to implement the BRP for an estimated peak period of 18 weeks. The program continued until 2017, when the COS experienced capacity issues as a result of only having a single officer available.

At that time, the NRRM used grant funding and a small annual contribution to obtain a Community Coordinator through a WildsafeBC program. The Community Coordinator has been integral in the development of the Bear Hazard Assessment (completed in 2020), providing community education, assistance with monitoring of garbage prior to or after collection days under the Wildlife Attractants Bylaw, and now currently, with the development of the Human Bear Conflict Management Plan

Out of the 5 communities that were contacted, none had implied they had sourced outside assistance
to deal with human bear conflicts. None had advised they were working in conjunction with Wildsafe BC or the COS to create an improved situation. However, it is known that Whistler has worked with
Wildsafe BC and has achieved Bear Smart Community Status.

In response to Council’s resolution of May 24th, 2022, a meeting is being scheduled with the local
Conservation Officer to discuss the current bear situation in Fort Nelson.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Update
Regional Council approved a budget of $1,000 to make a 240 volt outlet available for EV charging at Art Fraser Park, in addition to a second 240-Volt outlet at an alternate location.

Installation of a Level 2 (charges in 3-12 hours) charger through the Charge North Program is anticipated to happen within the next six months.
June 13, 2022 Special Regional Council Meetings
To: John Ebell, Geothermal Project Manager, Tu Deh-Kah Geothermal
Re: Support for Fort Nelson First Nation Tu Deh-kah Geothermal Funding Proposal
A letter of support for the Fort Nelson First Nation’s (FNFN) application for funding assistance for the Nation’s proposed Tu Deh-kah Geothermal Project, through the CleanBC Communities Fund.

From: Councillor Laurey-Anne Roodenburg, UBCM President
Re: 2022 Resolution(s)
UBCM confirmed receipt of attached resolution(s) endorsed by our Council, requesting that the Province of BC maintain the existing tabular rate structure for community forest agreements. The resolution will be included in UBCM Resolutions Book for the 2022 UBCM Convention in September.

From: Kim Eglinski and Bev Vandersteen, Fort Nelson & District Chamber of Commerce
Re: Community Forests; Stumpage Policy Review
Regional Council received correspondence on behalf of the Fort Nelson & District Chamber of Commerce representing businesses in the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (NRRM) in response to the BC Governments proposal to review stumpage as it pertains to Community Forests.

From: Adrian Dix, Minister of Health
Re: Response to Free Prescription Contraceptives
Minister Adrian Dix wrote in response to our letter of March 10, 2022, regarding support for universal access to free prescription contraception, advising that the Ministry of Health is committed to implementing universal no-cost prescription contraception as policy.

From: Joy Fowlow
Re: ICBC License/ Motorcycle Testing in Ft Nelson
Citizen Joy Fowlow wrote in regarding concern around the lack of opportunity to obtain licensing in the NRRM.