From the Bear Pit
Council News
Publication Date: November 16th, 2023
Committee of the Whole Meeting November 14, 2023
RRETI Program Shows Promise in First Year
In 2022, incentive programs such as complimentary physician housing and locum physician relationships were formalized with the Recruitment, Retention, Education and Training Incentive Program (RRETI) and the Regional Health Recruitment Liaison role.
The NRRM created the first Regional Health Recruitment Liaison role in Northern BC. The Liaison works closely with health employers to facilitate the development and coordination of recruitment campaigns including design and marketing approaches, on-site logistical, promotional and community-level supports such as site visits, navigating the housing market, school system and spousal/partner employment options.
The RRETI Program provides financial assistance and incentives to attract, retain and train priority healthcare professionals to work in the Northern Rockies. RRETI is open to eligible healthcare professionals recruited by, and working for public, private or non-profit sector employers, in addition to secondary school students whose primary residence in the Northern Rockies region, including the Fort Nelson First Nation and Dene Tsaa Tse K’Nai First Nation (Prophet River Band).
The overview showed the incredible value of the program and it was recommended that Council continue this program and do a more comprehensive evaluation in 2025 to gain insight into retention.
Regional Council Meeting November 14, 2023
Streeper Kennels Signage and Community Branding
On May 24, 2022 Regional Council received a request via a public delegation, that the NRRM consider recognizing Streeper Kennel's dog sled racing accomplishments through means such as signage, highway pullouts, and information kiosks located at the community’s entrances. Since then multiple discussions have been had about costs, the best approach, and community branding. Ultimately the decision was made to roll this idea into the Downtown Revitalization Project, while staff looked at ways to celebrate the Streeper's accomplishments without funding and committing to something the community may want to be changed during the revitalization community input.
Official Community Plan Update Kick-Off
The Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Official Community Plan (OCP) was adopted on October 24, 2011. Other than changes resulting from incidental amendments, a fulsome review and update of the OCP has not been undertaken.
Since the development of the OCP, the NRRM has experienced significant changes in the economy, industry, and demographics. As the OCP is foundational to most planning projects and regulatory land-use bylaws, it is essential that policies and objectives contained within are reflective of the community's vision and are based on a current and practical outlook concerning the future state of the community over the next 20 years. Over the next few weeks, staff will be working with McElhanney Ltd., (the project managers) to have initiation meetings, Council education sessions, partner interviews, and a community tour.
Accessibility Grant Allows the NRRM to Expand Walkway
In 2023, Council approved a budget of $110,000 to proceed with the installation of a 3m wide asphalt pathway connecting the Fort Nelson Heritage Museum and the Triple G Hideaway Campground.
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is now offering a cost-sharing program. The focus of the program is primarily on infrastructure that supports safer walking, riding, rolling and use of mobility devices. The funding program can provide 70% of total costs which allows the NRRM to lower their contribution while gaining more infrastructure.
Andy Bailey Improvement Options
As the Andy Bailey Park Improvement Project continues to move forward, Council requested staff present items outside of the scope of the BC Destination Development grant as separate optional items in preparation for the upcoming budget season. Although Council has already moved in support of the project generally, additional projects identified through the public engagement process can be further considered based on cost after the project is bid and based on overall pricing.
National Addictions Awareness Week
Mayor Fraser Proclaimed November 20th to 24th National Addiction Awareness Week. Urging all citizens, businesses, public and private agencies, schools, and community members to support and participate in alcohol and drug-free activities and recognize the theme for 2023 as “Everybody Knows Somebody”.
For Discussion
From: Karen Newmoon, Executive Director, Northern Lamplighters Activity Centre Association
Re: Request for Resolution of Support
The NRRM supports the application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust for funding to assist with the purchase of new chairs for the Lamplighters Hall.
Letter from Leonard Hiebert, Chair of the Peace River Regional District (PRRD)
Re: Update on the Proposed Emergency and Disaster Management Act
The NRRM supports the PRRD in their requests to Minister Ma to postpone the deadline for feedback. Council has requested staff send a letter to Minister Ma with shared concerns.
Invitation from MLA Dan Davies and Constituency Staff
Re: Holiday Open House December 6, 2023
Council has been invited to MLA Davies Holiday Open House.
For Information
Letter from Dwayne McDonald, Deputy Commissioner Commanding Officer BC RCMP
Re: Update Regarding Recruiting and Vacancies in BC
NRRM Letter to NorthRiver Midstream Inc
Re: Letter of Support for NorthRiver Midstream Carbon Capture and Sequestration Hub Project
NRRM Letter to the Foundry Establishment
Re: Expression of Support for the Foundry Centre in Fort Nelson, BC
Council Information Packages:
Council reported on the meetings, activities and appointments to Committees/Boards related to their roles on Council.
A yearly request is put forward for Council to give permission to write off uncollectible taxes.
- All 2024 First Quarter Grant-in-Aid Requests were accepted.
Career Opportunities at the NRRM
Job Posting No. 2023.37
Closing date: December 4, 2023
Job Posting No. 2023.35
Closing date: Until Filled
Job Posting No. 2023.34
Closing date: Until Filled
Job Posting No. 2023.25
Closing date: Until Filled
Job Posting No. 2023.01
Closing date: December 31, 2023
Closing date: Until Filled
Closing date: November 23, 2023
Frequently Asked Questions
Town Snow Removal Procedures
Q. When does snow clearing get started and when will my street be done?
- A. When the snow starts to fall, one tandem truck is dispatched to plough the snow off the streets and apply a sand/calcium chloride mixture. When snow increases, so does the fleet. The snow removal is done on a priority basis. First to be cleared are major access routes to the hospital, ambulance, and schools.
Q. Is there a special program for senior residents?
- A. Yes! Seniors can apply (some restrictions may apply) to have their driveways cleared of snow at no cost. This snow removal is scheduled to be done after priority town roads are cleared. Please note, this does not include walkways or decks.
Q. Can the plow or grader not leave windrows on my driveway?
- A. When the grader is used for snow removal operations, the front-end grader is also used to clear the windrow left by driveways. The front-end loader DOES NOT clear snow windrows left by the tandem trucks – it couldn’t keep up given the frequency of tandem truck ploughing.
For questions or concerns contact Public Works at 250-774-2541 ext 2191