From the Bear Pit

Council News

Publication Date: October 24, 2024

Special Regional September 12, 2024

Phoenix Theatre Drive-in Temporary Use Permit

At the September 3rd, 2024 Regional Council meeting, a report regarding the Phoenix Theatre Management Society’s application for a Temporary Use Permit Extension was considered. The application sought approval to continue using the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality property at 5307 50th Ave S for a drive-in cinema for a further three years. Public notice and notifications to adjacent property owners and tenants were provided as required by legislation. Following these steps, the application was approved, allowing the drive-in cinema to operate for the three-year term.

Admin Report #45/24 | Video Recording

Patient Transportation Project Updates

A complimentary project underway with the Community Health Plan Steering Committee is currently in stage 2, with community surveys and data collection set to finish by the end of 2024. Discussions focused on potential partnerships, including Villers Air, for non-emergent medical travel and finding funding. The goal is to determine budget needs and explore sponsorships to start a pilot project, aiming to offer services every two weeks or monthly. A motion was passed for staff to look into different grant options to be used for a patient air transport pilot project.

Admin Report #46/24 | Video Recording

Northern Community Shuttle Program

The Northern Communities Shuttle program report presented the chance to create a shuttle service for the general public, not limited to seniors or healthcare. It was noted that staff will need to spend time exploring options, with interest from several partners, and there may be a funding request in October. Ideas included working with ride-share options and coordinating with nearby communities like Fort Nelson or Prophet River First Nation. A motion was passed that work be undertaken to explore potential partners and business models to apply for the Northern Community Shuttle Program.

Admin Report #47/24 | Video Recording

Special Regional October 2, 2024

Public Safety Concerns Raised by Community

Staff Sergeant Jim Fenske updated the community on recent issues, noting progress in investigations and the deployment of 12-14 additional officers. The incidents are isolated and targeted, not broader threats. A permanent Staff Sergeant is being planned, with additional staffing capacity being brought in to assist with the increased call volumes and allow for members on duty during times of the day when response is more required.

Residents voiced frustration over a lack of communication from local leaders. They called for more transparency, with some suggesting stricter regulations and safety measures. Mayor Fraser acknowledged the criticism and explained that the Council is limited by what information the RCMP shares publicly.

Fire Chief Childs praised his team for their efforts and highlighted the collaboration with the RCMP in ongoing investigations. The public expressed gratitude for the fire department’s work. Following the meeting, Mayor Fraser hosted a Facebook Live to update a broader audience on the conversations had at the Regional Council meeting earlier that day.

View Full Agenda | Video Recording

Committee of the Whole October 15, 2024

Recruitment & Retention Education & Training Incentive Program Proposed Updates

Proposed updates to the RRETI program include delaying nurse incentives to year 2 or 3 of the program to improve retention in light of Northern Health's $30,000 recruitment incentive offering, focusing incentives on long-standing vacancies rather than set amounts per position, increasing scholarship amounts potentially tied to first-semester completion, clarifying utility and property tax responsibilities in year 2 and onward of the housing incentives for physicians, and exploring Fort Nelson First Nation's involvement in program contributions following recent elections. These changes aim to enhance recruitment, retention, and regional collaboration.

Proposed Program Updates | RRETI Program | Video Recording

Regional Council October 15, 2024

Airport Janitorial Services Award

Airport janitorial services was awarded to H&G Contracting 0786108 BC Ltd. for a two-year term in the amount of $27,497.64 annually plus applicable taxes with an option to extend with mutual agreement of both parties.

Admin Report #48/24 | Video Recording

Solid Waste Residential Curbside Collection Award

Solid Waste Residential Curbside Collection awarded to Wide Sky Disposals 1989 Ltd. in the amount of $101,100 annually plus all applicable taxes and annual increases; for a three-year term with an option for an additional term based on the mutual agreement by both parties.

Admin Report #49/24 | Video Recording

Fuel Supply Contract Award

Fuel supply to the Municipality was awarded to FN Bulk Sales for a three-year agreement with an option to extend for an additional term based on the mutual agreement of both parties.

Admin Report #50/24 | Video Recording

Recruitment and Retention, Education and Training Incentive Quarter 3 Update

In the third quarter of 2024 (July 1 to September 30), the RRETI program disbursed $15,850 to support new healthcare recruits. This included welcome packages and financial bonuses for Registered Nurses, Lab Technicians, Physicians, and a Pharmacist. The total covered $1,500 for welcome packages and $11,350 in financial incentives. Additionally, a condo donated by Fort Nelson First Nation and North River Midstream housed a locum physician, Dr. Fourie, from June 26 to September 30, 2024, and will accommodate two clinical nurses from October 14 to December 6, 2024.

Admin Report #51/24 | Video Recording

Viewpoint Economic Marketing Project Update

Filming was completed in August 2023, with a first draft shown to the Regional Council and Fort Nelson First Nation (FNFN) in October. Edits were made, and final drafts were presented in February 2024. The project, funded by NRRM, is set for release on U.S. television in late 2024, targeting the 2025 tourism season. Regional Council voiced support for a private showing at the Community & Business Awards in October which has been approved by Viewpoint as long as it is not livestreamed.

Admin Report #52/24 | Video Recording

Rural and Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program

Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (NRRM) is seeking to address ongoing economic stagnation by applying for a grant through the Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP). This $100,000 grant would help fund the development of an Economic Diversification Strategy, which aims to reduce reliance on traditional industries like natural gas and forestry, and explore new opportunities in sectors such as tourism, renewable energy, and value-added agriculture. This initiative will update existing strategies and guide the region toward sustainable, long-term economic growth.

Admin Report #53/24 | Video Recording

Community Shuttle Transportation Program

The Northern Rockies Seniors Society (NRSS) currently holds the grant for the previous NDIT transportation initiative and is willing to continue, but they need support to do so. The budget presented included conservative figures, anticipating a revenue shortfall of $55,000 annually. Ongoing discussions with partners, including Fort Nelson First Nation and Prophet River First Nation, are necessary to establish a sustainable service. Regional Council's formal support was received for NRSS's application and a commitment to fund $55,000 annually for two years, should additional partnerships not materialize.

Admin Report #54/24 | Proposed Route | Sample Fees | Video Recording

Council Communication Policy Updates

Council recently reviewed the Council Communication Policy to ensure timely and personalized responses to official correspondence. Key points include standardizing responses to correspondence, the potential adoption of a code of conduct for elected officials, and the development of a broader organizational Communication Strategy. This strategy would guide how the NRRM communicates with residents and stakeholders, ensuring transparent and meaningful engagement. Updates are planned for consideration in the 2025 budget.

Admin Report #55/24 | Current and Proposed Policy | Video Recording

Service Award Recognition Policy Update

The proposed updates to NRRM’s Service Recognition Policy were approved with a slight adjustment to keep the higher years of service awards unchanged in years 20 and beyond. An option for flowing service award values to a charitable donation has been added for retiring council members, in addition to staff. These changes aim to provide greater clarity around eligibility, address employee concerns about the delivery of service awards, and adjust the values and types of awards that employees may receive.

Admin Report #56/24 | Current and Proposed Policy | Video Recording

Community Facility Fee Waiver Policy Adoption

Council discussed replacing the Community Facility Fee Waiver Policy with the amended Recreation Centre Rental Exemption Policy. Questions arose regarding the definition of financial need, which will be based on budget considerations and at Council's discretion. The intent is to allow nonprofits to apply while maintaining waivers for legacy events such as funeral services. To ensure fairness, the change will take effect on January 1, 2025. A motion was passed to repeal and replace the policy and amend the Grant-In-Aid program to remove in-kind grants in aid for facility rental fees.

Admin Report #57/24 | DRAFT Policy | Video Recording

Zoning Amendment (Site-Specific Services Establishment) Bylaw No. 228, 2024

On September 5, 2024, the property owner of 4448 50th Ave N submitted an application for a site-specific Zoning Amendment. The amendment is needed to allow a potential tenant to operate a massage and esthetics business, classified as a Personal Services Establishment, which is not permitted under the current zoning. The owner, who bought the property a year ago, has been renovating the building for tenant use. Currently, two out of the four units in the building are occupied, and the prospective business plans to occupy one of the remaining units. The Zoning Amendment (Site-Specific Personal Services Establishment) Bylaw No. 228, 2024 was given its first and second readings, and a Public Hearing on the amendment has been scheduled for 6:00 pm on November 12th, 2024.

Bylaw Report | Location Photos | Map | Bylaw No. 228, 2024 | Video Recording

Mayor Fraser New Appointments

In light of a changing work schedule for Mayor Fraser, to ensure continuity in leadership during this time, Councillor Gerwing has been appointed as Deputy Mayor for a one-year term. This will allow Councillor Gerwing to chair council meetings and maintain effective communication with the community during periods of Mayor Fraser's absence.

Mayor Fraser anticipates missing at least three meetings but plans to participate virtually whenever possible. Additionally, some adjustments were made to council portfolios: Councillor Dickie will oversee the Education portfolio, while Councillor Enax will take on the Recreation portfolio. All other portfolios will remain unchanged.

Video Recording


For Information

Letter from Archie Harold, Chief Councillor, Fort Nelson First Nations

Meeting Request


Letter from Sylvia Wiebe

Request for Support the Hong Kong Veteran's Commemorative Association


Letter to Fort Nelson First Nation Council

Congratulation FNFN Election Letters


Letter from Kristin Lowe, Fort Nelson First Nation

Election Results


Letter to Andrea Sommerville, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, BC Parks

Draft Strategic Management Plan for Backcountry Protected Areas of the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area


Letter to Joelle Ward, Director Caribou Recovery Program

Notification for Wildlife Habitat Area Proposals for Boreal Caribou


Letter to Wall Family and Staff

Business Challenges


Letter to Seanah Roper

Community Safety Concerns


Letter to Rick and Carol Seidel

RCMP Protection in our Community


Council Information Package - September 4, 2024


Council Information Package - September 11, 2024


Council Information Package - September 18, 2024

No package

Council Information Package - September 25, 2024


Council Information Package - October 2, 2024


Council Information Package - October 9, 2024


Council Reports

Council reported on the meetings, activities and appointments to Committees/Boards related to their roles on Council.

Video Recording


A permissive tax exemption is a means for Council to support non-profit organizations within the community which further Council’s objectives of enhancing quality of life (economic, social, cultural) and delivering services economically.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Regional Council for the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality intends on adopting a tax exemption bylaw at their Regular Council meeting on MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2024, which will provide tax exemptions to land and/or improvements that are owned or occupied by charitable, philanthropic or other not for profit corporations. In accordance with Section 227 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that the following properties will be receiving tax exemption status for the 2025 taxation year.

Applications and more information can be found on the Permissive Tax Exemptions webpage, or by emailing

Career Opportunities at the NRRM

Job Posting No. 2024.20

Chief Fire Prevention Officer

Closing date: Until Filled

Job Posting No. 2024.14

Natural Resources/FireSmart Coordinator

Closing date: Until Filled

Job Posting No. 2024.01
Closing date: December 31, 2024

Closing date: Until Filled
Bidding Opportunities

No current opportunities.

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