Dear Democrats,

We are now officially 30 days from Election Day and in full GOTV mode to get every Democratic supporting vote in! Our Vote by Mail enrollment numbers continue to climb and Democrats are voting (see numbers below), showing evidence that enthusiasm for drastic change is high! Please keep up the great work to enroll VBM voters through October 24 while continuing to get ballots in.

During Tuesday's debate, Trump once again put on full display for the world exactly who he is and attempted to distract from his failed record. Donald Trump’s motto has always been: Trump first, Americans last. He's had four years to deliver on his promises and he’s come up empty handed. Floridians deserve a president of integrity who is focused on serving the people, not himself. Joe Biden is ready on day one to deliver for Floridians.

We send our wishes to President and First Lady Trump, as well as all those diagnosed with COVID-19, for a full recovery. The news of increasing numbers of positive cases in and around the White House underscores the seriousness of this pandemic. No one is immune and we need leaders dedicated to minimizing the spread. The stakes in this election couldn't be more clear. It's time to put true leaders in the White House, in Washington D.C., in Tallahassee, and in every district throughout the state!

Thank you again for all the great work you are doing. As Joe says, for the next 30 days it's no brakes, all gas!
Terrie Rizzo
Florida Democratic Party
FDP Personal Voting Guides
The 2020 FDP personal voting guides are live on Sunshine.Vote! These voting guides allow voters to enter their voting address to see a full list of Sunshine Slate Democratic candidates appearing on their specific ballots!

We've already texted over 1,000,000 Democrats who've received their mail ballots, and we'll continue to text daily as more ballots are mailed. Once Early voting begins, we'll again need hundreds of volunteers around the state to text our Democratic voters and encourage them to vote for our Sunshine Slate candidates all the way down the ballot. You can join our statewide texting campaign by signing up below:
You can also help us spread the word about this fantastic tool so we can elect Democrats up and down the ballot. Just copy and paste this message to Facebook and Twitter:

From a livable wage to a livable environment, Florida Democrats are fighting to ensure the Sunshine State shines bright. View your personalized Democratic Voting Guide today 📲
Down Ballot Days of Action
On Saturday, October 10 at 12 p.m. ET join FDP for a Youth Vote Day of Action! Attendees will include elected officials, candidates, party leaders, activists and volunteers to ensure that every vote is cast and counted! Special Guests Representative Anna Eskamani, Climate Activist Delaney Reynolds and Candidate Nicole Hamm will kick off the event, and following a Q&A session, attendees will join their campaign’s text and phone banks to contact youth voters to chase ballots and ensure Democrats vote their entire ballot!

Please encourage all campaigns to participate in the Day of Action by signing up here. The FDP Down Ballot Elections Department will support campaigns that need phone or text banks created for their districts and will provide a unique VAN Target for each campaign. Volunteers can sign up and share our Mobilize Event for the Day of Action!

Spread the word on social media! Click here to share on Facebook and copy and paste one of these Facebook posts:
  1. Excited to join Rep. Anna V. Eskamani and Delaney Reynolds for a Youth Vote Day of Action! Sign up here for the kick-off event on Saturday, October 10!
  2. Join me with Rep. Anna V. Eskamani and Delaney Reynolds in sending out text messages, reaching out and empowering young voters on Saturday, October 10!
And share one of these messages on Twitter: Option 1 or Option 2
Vote by Mail
Our Vote by Mail (VBM) enrollment margin continues to grow! As of Sunday, 2,475,472 Florida Democrats (46.5%) are enrolled in VBM compared to 1,705,122 Republicans, expanding our historic VBM enrollment lead to 770,350! And 54% of the ballots returned to date are from Democrats while only 28% of returned ballots are from Republicans!

Keep up the great work and continue to enroll our supporters to VBM, educate these new enrollees on how to successfully VBM, and work to turn out every allied voter.

Important VBM dates:
  • October 5 - deadline to register to vote
  • October 19 - ballots not returned by mail by this date should be dropped off at SOE sites
  • October 24, 5 p.m. - deadline to request ballot be mailed to voter
  • November 3, 7 p.m. - SOE must receive completed ballots from stateside voters
  • November 5, 5 p.m. - deadline to cure ballots
  • November 13 - SOE must receive completed ballots from overseas voters
Voter Registration Deadline
The deadline for Floridians to register to vote in the November election is Monday, October 5. Spread the word and share our link everywhere:
Voter Education
Nearly one million of Florida Democrats enrolled to Vote by Mail are new or infrequent voters, and we need your help getting voter education information to them! From now until Election Day, we will be pushing out voter education messages for you to share.

This week, ahead of Monday's voter registration deadline, please share Commissioner Nikki Fried's video encouraging Floridians to register to vote:
Meet the Sunshine Slate
To introduce voters to our new Sunshine Slate, we have launched a weekly "Meet the Candidates" series. Join us Thursday, October 8 at 6 p.m. ET for part 2 of our focus on Miami-Dade County candidates. Stay tuned for updates, and use our Meet the Candidates Social media Toolkit to help us spread the word.
FL Voter Protection Phone Bank
The Florida Voter Protection Team has set up an open virtual phone bank to contact approximately 27,000 Florida voters, with Democrat support scores of 60 or higher, whose Vote by Mail (VBM) ballots were returned as "undeliverable" during the August Primary. We have precious little time to help these voters update their mailing addresses and request a new VBM ballot. We need experienced phone bank volunteers to help call through this list.
Virtual Fundraisers
Monday, October 5 at 5 p.m. ET, we're hosting a virtual fundraiser with special guests Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman Kathy Castor, Congresswoman Donna Shalala and FDP Chair Terrie Rizzo. >>Click Here to RSVP.
On Thursday, October 8 at 5 p.m. ET, our virtual fundraiser will support FDP's Vote-by-Mail programs. Special guests include Secretary Julián Castro and FDP Chair Terrie Rizzo. >>Click Here to RSVP.
Monday, October 12 at 6 p.m. ET join DNC Voter Protection Director Reyna Walters-Morgan, 'Democracy In Chains' author Dr. Nancy MacLean, Florida Senator Daryl Rousson and FDP Chair Terrie Rizzo for a virtual fundraiser exploring and supporting the FDP's efforts to protect voting rights. >>Click Here to RSVP
And on Monday, October 26 at 5 p.m. ET we're hosing a Get Out The Vote Final Push virtual fundraiser with special guests U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth and FDP Chair Terrie Rizzo. >>Click Here to RSVP.
Training Resources
The FDP Data team is now providing weekly VAN training to cover the fundamentals of Votebuilder for Candidates & Campaign Staff:
The Team Blue Pipeline Program (TBPP) professional development training program is a collaboration between the Best Practices Institute (BPI) and DNC Talent Bank, which seeks to provide professional development and training opportunities on a continuing basis to Democratic staff, volunteers, activists, and candidates. Sign up below:
The Facebook Politics team is hosting a series of webinars to learn more about Facebook advertising:
Promote Volunteer Events
Now is the time to engage every Democrat! Share our link to help new volunteers get involved for the final month.
Viral Videos
FDP's newest social media channel, TikTok, had two videos receive over 1.1 million views this week! Check them out here!
CyberSecurity Awareness Month
October is CyberSecurity Awareness Month - a collaborative effort between government and industry to ensure every American has the resources they need to stay safer and more secure online. The theme for 2020 is "Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart."

With the increase in bad actors as we near the election, now is a good time to review the CyberSecurity resources available free on FDP University.
Compliance Corner
The FEC requires DECs to:
  • register and file reports with the FEC if the DEC exceeds certain dollar thresholds related to federal elections.
  • only spend permissible funds to support federal candidates or engage in “federal election activity.”
These requirements can be complicated, so we've compiled a brief overview of how these requirements affect common DEC activities.
Please share these guidelines with your DEC leaders involved with fundraising and campaign activities.

If you think your DEC may have exceeded any thresholds or is planning to spend more than the threshold, please contact

For more information or questions, you can attend financial compliance office hours with our COO Anne Morgan on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. ET by calling (305) 697-4202, PIN 86381#, or email Anne directly at
Event Planning
With Election Day fast approaching, we know our amazing DECs, Clubs, and Caucuses have many exciting and important (virtual!) events planned. If there is an event you would like to request Chair Terrie Rizzo to be a part of, please fill out this request form and our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
FDP News Digest
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