
Today I stand in unity with Jacksonville and the Black community in mourning three innocent lives taken in a hate crime. My condolences are with the families of the victims, and the full FDP team offers its unwavering support to our leaders in Jacksonville and Duval as they seek answers and healing for their communities. Please join us in offering both prayer and action to those affected.

We are monitoring Tropical Storm Idalia as it is expected to become a hurricane before making landfall this week. In an abundance of caution, please note we are postponing Week 5 of the Take Back Florida Tour and preparing to assist with recovery efforts. Please see below for additional information, and be sure to prepare for Idalia and future storms.
Nikki Fried
Florida Democratic Party
Jacksonville Community Support
If you, a loved one or anyone you know is experiencing any kind of mental distress as a result of the hate crime perpetrated in Jacksonville, please dial 9-8-8 to be connected for free 24/7 to a team of crisis specialists from the United Way.

Please see below a community event honoring the lives taken in Jacksonville.
Hurricane Preparations
We are monitoring Idalia and reports that expect the storm to make landfall in Florida as a hurricane as soon as Tuesday. Please be advised our Tallahassee office will close Monday in preparation for the storm, and staff may be slow to respond in the case of power outages and/or evacutations. Please see below for resources to prepare for a hurricane.

POSTPONED: Tour Week 5
Due to a possible Hurricane making landfall in Florida, we are postponing the last week of our Take Back Florida Tour. We encourage everyone to take all necessary precautions and prepare for the storm.
CALL TO ACTION: National Voter Registration Day September 19
The Florida Democratic Party is hosting a statewide day of action for National Voter Registration Day on September 19. We ask that your DEC, Club, or Caucus join us by using the mobilize link below to create an event in your community to register voters and sign them up for vote-by-mail.

In the coming weeks we will be:
  • launching a detailed toolkit for your organization to use when planning your events. 
  • hosting multiple training sessions to get everyone caught up on the new voter registration laws and best practices when out in the field talking with a voter. 

To join our Day of Action, please use the Mobilize link below to create a voter registration event in your community:
State Convention

2023 State Convention will be held at the Rosen Centre in Orlando October 27th-29th. Sign up at to make sure you receive all upcoming State Convention updates. The room block for State Convention is now open and availability is limited - be sure to reserve your room before the September 27th deadline!
Chairs Community Champion
Nominations are now open for the Chair's Community Champion Award! The Chair's award will recognize community leaders and/or active volunteers, honoring an individual’s outstanding contribution to their community. The Chair's award will celebrate unsung heroes serving both our party and their communities who deserve recognition. 

A new Honoree will be announced each month beginning August 2023 and recognized through the FDP website, newsletter, and social media channels. 

For additional nomination criteria, please review the nomination form below. 
Statewide Tour Photos
New Spanish Language Channels

Be sure to follow FDP on our newly launched Spanish language channels on social media. You can find Partido Demócrata de Florida on FacebookInstagramTwitter and Threads. Follow us at @PartidoDemFL! 
FDP VR and VBM Grant Program
As a reminder, the final submission deadline for DEC and State Caucus grant proposals is September 12, 2023.

In order to be considered for funding, proposals should meet the following criteria:
  • Provide short and long term goals for the remainder of 2023 and leading into 2024
  • Outline of strategic impact to the targeted community
  • Display data supportive of targeted areas
  • Total cost of the program
  • Total funds raised by the DEC or state caucus for the program
  • Total funds requested from FDP for the program

Chartered DECs and State Caucuses are eligible for consideration. To receive funding, plans must meet the above criteria and receive approval of the chair. DECs and Caucuses must be in compliance and good standing to receive funds.

Final Submission Deadline - September 12, 2023
FDP Voter Registration Guidance
Effective July 1, 2023, SB 7050 makes a number of changes to Florida Voter Registration laws.

As of July 1, all DECs, Clubs, Caucuses, and affiliated organizations must stop using FDP’s 3P number.

No volunteers or party leaders are currently authorized to be agents of the FDP 3P number, and this authorization will not be extended to volunteers.

To continue registering voters, FDP recommends use of electronic devices to register voters through the online application - which requires no receipt, protects volunteers from penalties of missing the deadline, and no applicant information is retained.

If a DEC, Club, or Caucus continues to operate with a 3P, they must register for their own number with the state Division of Elections.

Please review the full guidance at the link below, and contact [email protected] with any questions.
Ballot Petitions
Floridians Protecting Freedom launched a citizen-led ballot initiative campaign to give Florida voters the chance to ensure that their personal medical decisions are theirs and theirs alone to make. Volunteers can sign up to help and also sign up for training at the FPF page linked here.

Many DECs and Caucuses are also carrying the Florida Right to Clean Water petition as they knock on doors and talk to voters. We encourage all of our DECs to carry both of these petitions.

FDP will be supporting this effort and we have added both petitions to our petitions page. We are urging all of our DECs, Clubs, and Caucuses to collect signatures for both of these ballot measures.
Campaign Resume Bank

Our Campaign Committee has been hard at work making it easier for potential candidates in 2024 to win. They have developed the resume bank below for candidates to find great talent to help with campaigns. Candidates will be able to "shop" through potential campaign staff, interns, and volunteers using filter features by availability, location, language proficiencies, skills, etc. The ultimate goal is to have hundreds of resumes for our candidates to look through and find the best fit for their needs! Please complete the form below add your name to the list.
Chair's Challenge
Competing and winning demand resources, and I am proud to announce the launch of our Chair's Challenge. You can join the chair's monthly challenge by becoming a recurring donor to FDP. Help us reach our end of month goal with just $5 a month!
FDP News Digest
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