How to Avoid Wolves in Shepherd's Clothing
What happens to a church property when most of its member depart, leaving only an unpopular pastor and a few of his close friends and family to determine its use?

In some situations we have seen, the pastor seems to deliberately drive the bulk of the congregation away so that he can sell the property for his own personal benefit without having to account for the money.
Written by Whitman H. Brisky
The Legal Battle Continues
The legal struggle that started in 2010 continues for Saul Juarez, Elias Juarez, Oscar Sanchez, and Ruben Sanchez, four followers of Jesus trying to stop gang violence in their neighborhoods through evangelism and advocacy. In early 2018, the Kane County Circuit Court denied all claims by Kane County and Elgin against each man. Nevertheless, their innocence has yet to be fully vindicated.
Thousands of Dollars in Free Advertising for Your Church or Nonprofit
Advertising can be expensive, but this is where churches and nonprofits have a potential advantage. Google has a program called Google Ad Grants, which provides up to $10,000/month indefinitely in Google Ad credit to qualifying non-profit organizations. Potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in free advertising! So how does it work?
Don't Get Left Behind!
The 2019 Edition of our Church Legal Checklist is now available. This updated and improved version also includes a new section to make sure your church is able to fully asses other areas of risk.

Click the button below to get a free digital copy sent straight to your email.
Christian Legal Society Midwest Retreat
The Christian Legal Society will be having their annual Midwest Regional Retreat at Lake Geneva Conference Point Center in Wisconsin, February 1-3.

Attend this event to enjoy fellowship, recreation, and discuss some very important topics relating to the Gospel and its connection to law.
Lawyers For Jesus Podcast Highlights
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Courtside Ministries in Chicago Tribune
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