I want to congratulate each of this year’s winners once more for the extraordinary work they demonstrated!
In addition, I would like to congratulate Drs. Sai Korrapati, Sarah Clark, and Stephanie Hare for the distinguished awards they received (more on that below).
In the spirit of Research Day, I also want to highlight the incredible work that our faculty has done in recent months with regards to research publications.
Each month, I’ve asked every faculty member of our Department to submit any impactful articles and research findings that have been published in recent months. A reminder to please send anything you’d like featured to Will Dahl for inclusion in this letter as well as exposure on our social media channels!
Thanks to everyone for your hard work and dedication in serving our community, be it our academic community, our students and residents, or our patients!
Jill A. RachBeisel, MD
Dr. Irving J. Taylor Professor and Chair, Department
of Psychiatry