This Month's Comic: Unplug 2020
Workplace violence and harassment CLC
Updates Webinar
Date: January 26, 2021 at 1:00pm-2:30pm EST
This is a Canada Labour Code Webinar, that we are offering free to our existing Systems 24-7 clients, $250 + HST for Non-Systems 24-7 clients.

In this webinar we will review the updated Workplace Violence and Harassment Regulations for Federally regulated workplaces. Including completing an effective workplace violence and harassment hazard assessment, which is now required, the 10 elements to be included in your policies, training requirements and how to implement these at your workplace.
NOTICE to our Federally Regulated Clients. As of January 1st, 2021 there is an update to the Canada Labour Code (CLC) Part II, specifically regarding workplace violence and harassment. Dunk & Associates is working on updating our CLC content to reflect these changes and putting together a package outlining exactly what you must do in your workplace. This package will be released in the January 2021 Implementation (Compliance) Package. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at 1-866-754-8839.
From the Desk of Nancy Dunk: 2021 A Bright New Year?
Who else feels like all these promises of a bright 2021 just aren’t realistic? I always like to start off the new year with an inspiring and positive note from my desk with messages to motivate you all. But this year, I am not sure. It’s 10 minutes to the deadline for this newsletter, and I am not feeling awe inspired. Should I write something, should I leave it?
We are all in This Together
It was only a few short months ago when the pandemic “lock down” first began that those who worked in health care were considered heroes. They were revered and admired for the personal sacrifices they chose to make in order to keep the rest of society as safe as possible. Regrettably, a few of these brave and selfless workers made the ultimate sacrifice, as they lost their lives as a result of contacting COVID-19 in the line of duty.
Write it for the Workers
Health and safety is an ever-changing sphere. As employers, you can sometimes feel like you’re wading your way through a sticky swamp, not sure where to go. You finally discover a good path to take, only to find yourself four feet deep in another mess. Ten years ago, the answer was simple.
COVID-19 Safety/Operational Plans
In order to keep your business open and operating safely most provinces/territories are requiring businesses to create a COVID-19 Safety or Operational Plan. To assist you in creating these plans, Dunk has compiled the provincial and territory specific templates that exist and put together sample completed templates for reference. If your province or territory does not have a COVID-19 Safety or Operational template, Dunk has created a generic template based on the government requirements. To access the documents please go to Read the instructions at the top of the plan and complete the template specific to your workplace. Ensure the plan is frequently reviewed, updated and readily available should an inspector stop in to see how your workplace is doing its part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Inspection blitzes are happening across the country so be prepared by having a completed plan ready.
Your January Compliance Package is now Posted
If you are enrolled in the compliance package program, your package is now posted. Login to your site to access your package under the compliance packages feature. All assignments must be completed to keep your Health & Safety Program in compliance.
Your Complimentary Resources this Month
2021 Wellness Calendars
Our 2021 Wellness Calendars are something you don't want to miss this year. We are offering a black and white printer friendly version and an interactive-colour version. Each month is full of activities, monthly mottos, daily tips and so much more. Each month different from the next so make sure you download the full year calendar to enjoy, if you only want one month at a time we are offering that as well.
January 2021 Wellness Calendar - Black and White Version | Colour Interactive Version
Register Now for our January Webinar
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Registration to all our monthly webinars is free to everyone.
Seats are limited, register today!
The December giveaway winner was Jessica, who received the last prize of our 2020 monthly giveaway contests. Thank you to everyone that participated, we had so much fun reading all your responses and wish we could have awarded all of you. We look forward to another 20 years in business, and thank you again for your support.
Thanks for reading. See you in February!
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