There! That’s pretty much how the conversation goes. The call will usually end pretty shortly after that. I spend about half of the time explaining what I would be doing in order to complete the analysis, and the other half of the time trying to get enough information to make sure I have a pretty good idea of what I am getting into. Some appraisers request the financial data before quoting on the report, but most of the time I don’t worry too much about it.
One of my Limiting Conditions that I keep in each report is that I will not be checking the data provided to me for accuracy. Whatever they provide me, I will use without verification. I do not do any forensic accounting work. I’m not an accountant and for those cases where that was a service the client required, they hired an independent accountant to review all the financial data, and to recreate the last several years’ of tax returns that I was then to use in the valuation.
If you have any questions about the initial phone call, or valuation in general, give me a call. I’m happy to talk shop and enjoy answering questions!