This Week at Ascension + August 17, 2022
"Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." - Psalm 96
Tonight, August 17
Jonathan Myrick Daniels,
Seminarian and Martyr, 1965 (from Aug. 14)
In-person and Live-streamed Said Mass at 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 21
The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Proper 16C
9:00 a.m. In-person Sung Mass
with Organ and Hymns
11:00 a.m. In-person & Live-streamed
Solemn High Mass
Image: Enter through the Narrow Door
Dear ones,
Recently, someone asked me why Ascension had an interim rector instead of a called rector. It seems like a good idea to replay what I said.
Whenever there is a change in staffing, whether in business, schools, churches, or other institutions, there is an opportunity to reflect, regroup, and redirect. It is a chance to look back on the past, reevaluate, and move into the future with a renewed purpose or vision. In cases where damage, hurt, or dysfunction exists, an interim period affords an avenue to pursue exploration, reconciliation, and healing.
For a congregation, there are typically five focus areas.
- The starting point is to look at the parish’s heritage: How have we come to be who and where we are today.
- Next, an investigation of what a change in leadership needs to consider.
- At the midpoint of the process, establishing and re-establishing connections within the community and diocese becomes the focus: what is our place, and what do we wish it to be?
- All of these influence the next focus: What is our mission? Tied up with this area is the development of a vision for the future: Who/Where/What do we want to be?
- The final focus area is one of decision: Choosing to commit to the mission and vision for the future.
We’ll be starting our Heritage inquiry in September. We’ll go all the way back to the beginning and work our way to the present. Along the way, there will be things that occur to us about how the vision of Ascension has changed. That’s not bad. Parishes, like people, are organic, living things; if they don’t change over time, they will die.
Ascension has a deep, complex history. It made Ascension who it is today. We have the opportunity to ensure that Ascension continues to be a force working for the Kingdom of God.
—Fr. Heard
Requiescat in pace Michael Paul Clark, Sr.
We have need of volunteers, ushers, and acolytes to serve at the requiem of Michael Clark this coming Saturday, and your help would be much appreciated! If you can lend a hand before or after the catered luncheon, greet and assist visitors, or participate as an acolyte, please sign up here or contact MB Hwang if unable to sign up online.
Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him;
May his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
A Postcard from the Curate
Greetings from Old Town Alexandria—and a Tavern known to have been frequented by George Washington. We also got a private tour of Christ Church—where the Washingtons had a family pew!
—Mtr. Murphy-Gill
Fall Programs at Ascension
While the parish has been experiencing its typical summer down time, I’ve been busy planning for our fall together. As I begin to embark on my second year with you all (hard to believe!), I’ve been focusing on providing monthly opportunities for spiritual formation and for Christian education each month during our program year as well as chances for fellowship and fun. I’m delighted to share with you all what we have planned for September:
Church music of the Elizabethan Era to the Commonwealth with David Schrader
Tuesdays, Sept 6, 13, and 20
On Zoom at 7 p.m.
David Schrader will lead us in a conversation about the history of the music held dearly by our tradition.
Bible Study
Fridays beginning Sept 9
On Zoom at 10 a.m.
In September we will study the Book of Revelation in collaboration with a group from St. Chrysostom’s.
Life of the Beloved Half-Day Retreat
Saturday, September 24
8 am to noon
Inspired by Henri Nouwen’s important text, we’ll reflect on how we are each God’s beloved and how to live with this knowledge.
In October, we’ll do pet blessings in honor of St. Francis on Saturday, October 9 and provide hospitality and blessings to runners and spectators of the Chicago Marathon the next morning. We have also been invited by Church of the Atonement to participate in a half-day retreat on Anglo Catholicism currently planned for Saturday, October 15. In November, we’ll spend a few weeks talking about death, and specifically our own and how to prepare ourselves and our loved ones for it both spiritually and practically.
More details will follow on all of the above events and opportunities as we move into fall. I look forward to continuing to grow in faith with you.
—Mtr. Murphy-Gill
Ordination of the 13th Bishop of Chicago
On Saturday, 17 September 2022, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and other bishops of The Episcopal Church will gather with our diocese to ordain Paula Clark as Bishop Diocesan of Chicago. The service will be held in the ballroom of the Westin Hotel in Lombard, IL.
Each parish has been allocated eight seats for the ordination. We asked for names of folks that wanted to attend and have submitted our list to the diocesan office. Fr. Heard has elected not to attend, so that another person from Ascension would be able to attend. The service will be live-streamed. If you are interested in joining a “watch party” at Ascension, please express your interest to Fr. Heard.
Communion in Both Kinds
For Wednesday evening and red-letter day services, the chalice has been shared with those present. There has been no guidance at a diocesan level for a couple of months and it is reported that there are other parishes that are and have been receiving in both kinds for some time. With Bishop Martins’ encouragement, Fr. Heard elected to make communion in both kinds available to the parish last Sunday.
Following the distinctly Anglican maxim, “All may, some should, none must”, choosing to receive the chalice is an individual decision. Should you choose not to receive, please cross your arms on your chest and remain in place until the minister has offered the words of reception, “The Blood of Christ, the cup of salvation.” This is the custom for those in recovery, that the chalice has been offered, and they elect not to receive.
If you have questions or concerns, please speak with Fr. Heard.
Ascension Heritage Conversations
The interim and transition work in a parish begins with an exploration of the history and heritage of the institution. We are the culmination of our beginning and the development of the culture that has brought us from that first Sunday of 1857 to who and where we are today. Our beginning was rocky, and beset with difficulties as well as triumphs. Through the years, the events in the life of Ascension have formed us, and at the same time, burdened us with recollections of the difficult times.
Beginning in September, we’ll combine the 9 o’clock coffee hour with a time to talk through what’s happened in the past and think about how it shapes us today. In Saint Michael Hall, with folks from the 11 o’clock, I invite you to come, learn, and share in exploring our history. We’ll start on 4 September with an introduction and overview. We’ll take the 11th off, as I will be out-of-town, and resume on the 18th and 25th. I hope our time together will be a spark for more conversations as we think about who we, as the people of Ascension, are called to be and do for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
—Fr. Heard
From the Rector Search Committee
The Search Committee is in the process of developing the Parish Profile. The Parish Profile will be placed on the Ascension website as soon as it is finalized. More information will be forthcoming. Stay tuned.
Cynthia Perrizo and David Schrader
Do you have a need for special prayer in your life? Whether your prayer needs are because you have an upcoming surgery, an ill family member, or you’re just feeling particularly lonely lately, Fr. Heard and Mtr. Murphy-Gill would like to know.
We’ve created a way for letting us know about your requests for prayers in a way we hope makes it easy for you to reach out, though you can always call the church or reach out to one of the priests personally.
Organ and Choral Repertoire for August 21, 2022
[Offertoire pour Deux Choeurs] CFF 72
César-Auguste Franck (1822-1890)
At the Entrance Procession
At the Offertory
At the Communion
587 RHOSYMEDRE (9a.m.)
At the Retiring Procession
[Grand Choeur Dialogue] CFF 93
César-Auguste Franck
Mass Setting
White/Powell Congregational
Offertory Motet
Daniel Friderici (1584-1638)
Cantate Domino
Communion Motet
Giulio Bentivoglio (1864-1939)
O salutaris hostia II
Chanted Mass Propers from the Graduale Romanum
Between Masses, please don’t forget that The Choir of the Ascension has recorded upwards of 60 tracks that you can listen to anywhere you have an internet connection. They can be found here:
Ascension Connections
(with your click and God's help)
Meeting ID:
792 031 7452
Password: 1133
Join-by-Phone Option: (312) 626-6799
Weekly Ascension Schedule
For connections:
9:00 a.m. In-person Sung Mass
11:00 a.m. In-person and Live-Streamed Solemn High Mass
6:30 p.m. Said Mass
For our prayers: Burton Nelson, Winslow, Pablo Illás, Victor Fernandez,
LaVerne Saunders, Beth Hall, Sue Lenz, Brenda Martins, Claire Green, Lee Gould, Gertrude Isaac, Marty Stenson, Paula Clark, Bishop-elect, Bobby Morton, Pastor
Birthdays: Judy Nitka, 8/15; Woody Abbott, 8/16; Scott Cisek, 8/18;
John A. West, 8/18; Jim Caldwell, 8/19; Marvin Files, 8/19; Peter Frame, 8/20;
Fr. Shane Patrick Gormley, 8/20; Elizabeth Way McLaughlin, 8/20
Requiescat in pace: Anthony Couchman, Priest; Michael Paul Clark, Sr. 7/20/2022; lsa Marie Klages, 8/14/1991; Lena Patrick, 8/15; Shirley M. Akan, 8/15/2008;
James Hobson Dunkerley, Priest, 8/16/2018; Sylvia Isabelle Fertig, 8/17/2011;
Joann Bruce Montgomery, 8/20/2013
Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them;
May their souls and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
The Rev. Thomas Heard, Interim Rector
The Rev. Meghan Murphy-Gill, Curate
Susan Schlough, Treasurer
Br. Nathanael Deward Rahm BSG, Parish Office
Vestry of Church of the Ascension
Ian Barillas-McEntee, Jim Lo Bello, Ken Cozette, Marlea Edinger, Sean Hansen, George Pineda, Joshua Simpson, Sam Sommers, Enrique Vilaseco, Vestry
Approved minutes of Vestry meetings are always available online to parishioners who request the link. If you would like Internet access to these Vestry Minutes, please email the Parish Office and request the link. Once you access the web page, you can read all recent Vestry meeting minutes.
The link remains live indefinitely. Any parishioner who has the link will not need to request a new link from month to month.