Welcome to the SomeTimes Newsletter!
Thank you for your interest in ULTRA TEC Faceting Products.
We are almost halfway through 2023 and the team here remains committed to getting orders our on time!
We've been enjoying the remarkable variety and sheer number of finished gem images and process videos from the gemcutting community worldwide being shared with us in INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.
We love to be able to share and promote your work on social media!!
Now Available!
Dr. Facet's New book is shipping with every FANTASY MACHINE, or available on the ULTRA TEC website HERE.
If you have visited our website since early March you will have have no doubt noticed that the prices on most of our faceting machinery and accessories will be rising on July 1, 2023.
If you are 'ON THE FENCE' or have been waiting for the RIGHT MOMENT, please consider making your purchase in the month of June to lock in at the old prices.
July 27-29, 2023
Hosted by the United States Faceters Guild, the 2023 Franklin Faceting Symposium will be July 27-29, 2023 at the Fun Factory, located at 1024 Georgia Rd. in Franklin, NC.
As we meet collectively in Franklin, whether it be to learn, to improve our skills, to spend money, to mingle with those that share this love of faceting; whatever your reason, it is quite exciting to anticipate this year’s event. The details, although not 100% complete, are beginning to fall in place, and it really is only a little over 8 weeks away.
I am happy to announce the following vendors that will be on site for this year’s event. We love our vendors and thank them for their support. Without them our event would not be possible...
Confirmed Vendors so far include:
Faceting Class Information:
The announcement for registration will go out soon, so stay tuned.
Tom Mitchell will be teaching the faceting class during the first two days of the event on Thursday and Friday. Last year’s class was quite successful, and there were numerous requests to do it again.
There will be room for 6 participants to take this class, and you will need to provide your own machine, light, and equipment. The registration fee, which is to help offset some of the cost of materials you will need during the class is $85 for USFG Members, and $110 for non members. Click here for more details.
Tom Mitchell will be running the Faceting Class and is a vendor at the Symposium
Faceting Class Information:
Tom Mitchell will be teaching the faceting class during the first two days of the event on Thursday and Friday. Last year’s class was quite successful, and there were numerous requests to do it again. There will be room for 6 participants to take this class, and you will need to provide your own machine, light, and equipment. The registration fee, which is to help offset some of the cost of materials you will need during the class is $85 for USFG Members, and $110 for non members. Please visit the USFG page for the latest Class Registration info.
Join the USFG:
If you aren’t a member, it just makes sense to join. At $18 per year, that’s a deal!
A few other items of Interest:
We have plans for some great hands-on opportunities throughout the show regarding dopping techniques, polishing techniques, and exactly what to look for in a competition finish and how to see it.
There will be a Prettiest Stone Contest on Friday evening. You will be able to enter a stone in three categories: Natural, Synthetic / Man made, and Fantasy. Winners will receive a gift certificate for use at the show at the vendor of their choice. And yes, there will be free door prizes given away at this event.
Joining us again this year will be Gerry Boykin and Larry Mattos. Both have tremendous knowledge about concave and fantasy cutting techniques and will have their ULTRA TEC Fantasy machines on hand as they demonstrate and answer questions.
We will have Robert Rubin & Robert Mendoza from ULTRA TEC in the house. They are excited to come to Franlin, to meet you, and to answer your questions about the line up of ULTRA TEC faceting machines.
We still have numerous opportunities for those who have an interest in participating, presenting, and/or supporting this event, so please comment on this post and I will connect with you directly. The success of the USFG, as well as the Symposium greatly depends on you, the membership.
NOTE: This is an edited re-posting of information on the USFG Facebook page.
Rock & Gem Magazine goes from Strength to Strength!
Hashnu authors 3 articles in May
The June 2023 issue of Rock & Gem Magazine features three key articles including a thoughful piece on the "Lapidary Renaissance" that has helped to buoy the gemstone community recently.
Pick up your own copy of the magazine at booksellers and newsstands, or purchase a hard copy or a download at this link
The World's Finest Faceting Equipment...
Thank you again for your interest in our lapidary products. It means a lot! Until the next SomeTimes Newsletter...