Greetings Area 10 and Friends,
I’m excited to be back in Area 10 after being in Area 6 for the last 4 years. This last year, my husband and I moved to Billings, MT, so Jeff could take a job here. I immediately hunted down the local handbell community, meeting so many lovely people. I am also getting involved in the greater Area 10 by taking on the Communications Chair position.
Briefly about me: I live in Billings with my husband (Jeff) and doggie companion (Casey). We have three grown children who live with their families in various other states. We have six grandchildren, ages 5 months to 11 years. I retired from a career as a public-school teacher in Fairbanks, Alaska ten years ago, and I currently write and edit online as a clinical aromatherapist. The handbell bug bit me nine years ago and has not let go of me since then. I currently ring with two church choirs and our community choir, and I direct a choir at yet a third church. I also play viola in a local string orchestra. I travel to area and national events as time and finances allow, so if you see me at an event, please come up and say hello. I would love to see old friends and make new ones.
Part of my Area 10 responsibilities will include editing the Campanologist monthly newsletter. I appreciate all Joann Wallenburn has done as editor to make our newsletter timely and engaging for so many years. I can only hope to live up to her stellar example.
The purpose of the Area 10 newsletter is to let all subscribers know what is going on in our Area. The only way a newsletter can do that is if people contribute information about what is going on in their neighborhoods. Did you have an event you can tell us about? Do you have an event coming up? Did you see a new YouTube handbell video you think others would like to see as well? Did you learn a new technique? Did you play a new piece you want to recommend? Did you borrow the chimes from the chime loan program? There are so many things we can share with each other if we would be willing to reach out and share that information. This is your newsletter, so should also contribute to it. We want to hear from you!
Please send me your tidbits, your news, your articles, your pictures, your celebrations, your activities at:
If you have time-sensitive information you want to get out, please send that information to me as well to put that information on our website or social media pages.
I look forward to communicating with you more in the coming months.
Until next time,
Sheri Roach