Parish Updates

First Sunday of August

To serve you better and help guide the flock through this persistent storm, rather than sending you a weekly survival kit (you should already have one stored away for emergencies!), I’ll be sending out a menu rather than a full-course meal. This way, I hope to provide personal reflections of the challenges we all face in our prayer to God, living our Catholic and Christian Faith, and keeping you updated regarding parish and church life which still goes on. This way of communication may be the new normal we will all have to get used to.

1. Seven Days to Reflect and Pray

I’ve reformatted my pastor’s blog Printed as Preached. I’ve sometimes thought that a sermon would be a greater help before rather than after reading a passage of Scripture. This way, our minds can be better tuned in to what our souls are secretly searching for and the seed of God’s Word falls upon fertile soil.

You can go directly to the meditation, print it out or share it with family and friends, perhaps using it as a guide for the week, a bible study or an aid to prayer. This week I reflect on how storms in our lives (think “pandemic”) can stir up to the surface both gems and junk!

Pastor’s Blog This Week’s Meditation

2. Schools and Religious Education

Many parents and schools are now facing the challenges of how to address the need to open our children’s classrooms effectively and safely. Two years ago, St. Margaret’s was one of the first parishes in California to move towards an online format for religious education for those preparing for sacraments and/or children who did not attend regular Catholic schools in the area. Recently, our parish coordinator was asked by the Diocese of San Diego to be a part of their new task force in an effort to make online religious education more available in the context of parish life.

I’m inviting all parents, grandparents and guardians for all children Grades 1-12 to “My Catholic Faith Delivered”. It’s a continuous online and interactive module featuring online tech support, safe monitoring and tutoring as needed from our own trained and certified catechists. Registration is now open during the month of August.

Overview Religious Education Program
Registration for Grades 1 - 12

3. Local Outreach to the Homeless

Our Young Adult Group have teamed up with some of our local Marines and Knights of Columbus to extend our pastoral outreach down Oceanside Blvd in the direction of downtown. Please continue to drop off non-perishable food items when you visit the church and we’ll put it to good use. If you would like to join the efforts of our young adults, talk with Deacon Chuck or “Brooksi” after any of the Sunday morning Masses. Many thanks for all the good you are doing!

4. Need Firewood for the Winter?

August is fire season. Because most of our parish church life is now outside, we are giving more and more attention to making our surroundings safe for you when you attend outside Mass and for our local neighborhoods, often literally in the line of fire. Having removed the old, unsafe and diseased trees beside the church hall, there is plenty of wood available if you have a strong back and a truck. The trees have had a long history shielding the hall. Father was sure to hear their confession before giving them Last Rites.

The Offering Basket Thank You. You’re now covering us!
Parish Website + Outside Mass Times
Daily Prayers and Mass Texts

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