From the Provost's Desk

November 22, 2024

Dear St. Mark’s Community,


Grace and peace to you all. 


This Sunday’s Gospel, John 18:33-37 speaks powerfully into times of oppression and struggle. In this passage, Jesus stands before Pilate—calm, resolute, and unyielding in his mission. When asked, “So you are a king?” Jesus responds, “My kingdom is not from this world.” In the midst of injustice and the threat of violence, Jesus points to a greater truth: the reign of God’s love and justice that transcends all earthly powers. 


Oppression seeks to silence, to control, to diminish the humanity of others. Yet, Jesus shows us what it means to stand firm in truth and love. His leadership does not rely on force or fear but on the unshakable reality of God’s kingdom—a kingdom of liberation, healing, and hope for all. 


As followers of Christ, we are called to embody this same courage in the face of oppression. True leadership in such times is not passive or complacent; it speaks truth to power, lifts up the marginalized, and acts with the conviction that God’s justice will prevail. It is a leadership rooted not in the ways of the world but in the life and teachings of Jesus—a life that embraces the oppressed and proclaims freedom for the captives. 


In our own lives and communities, where do we see oppression at work? How might we, as the body of Christ, stand alongside those who are suffering? How can we point to the reign of God’s truth and love, even when the cost is great? 


As we reflect on this passage, let us draw strength from Jesus’ example. Let us remember that, even in the midst of oppression, God’s kingdom is breaking through—in acts of courage, in voices raised for justice, in hearts opened to love. We are not alone in this work; the Spirit moves with us, empowering us to stand firm and to lead with compassion, truth, and hope. 


May we have the courage to follow Christ’s example and to proclaim his kingdom, even in the most difficult of times. 


With every blessing, 


The Rev. Timothy M. Kingsley 



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