Yesterday's Traditions.
Tomorrow's Vision.
19 Convenient Locations
Phone: 1.888.759.2266
Volume 2 - Issue 1
February 2020

Welcome to 2020! I hope the new year finds you in good health and ready to make the new decade both prosperous and memorable.

In our last “From The Vault” newsletter, I promised to share the details on our next CONNECT initiative. We’ve already completed successful efforts on kindness, gratitude, learning, and happiness. In Februray, we introduced “CONNECT for Wellness,” a campaign to help our employees focus on their health and really think about wellness in five unique areas.

Physical wellness will concentrate on all things health-related, but we won’t just focus on fitness and exercise, although they are key elements in the process. We’ll be sharing healthy recipes and workout tips while trying to increase our physical activity every day. Nutrition and diet will play an important role in the discussion, as well as water consumption and the crucial aspect of getting a restful night’s sleep. “Take the stairs, not the elevator” will be a popular refrain during this initiative!

Financial wellness may not be front-of-mind, but making sure your finances are in order goes a long way to reducing stress and improving your overall outlook on life. Creating budgets, establishing a pattern of saving and donating to a worthy cause all circle back to connecting for wellness in our daily lives. As bankers, this one is near and dear to our hearts and certainly a concept where we should “walk the talk.”

The social wellness component will inspire us to look at the relationships in our life – friends, family, coworkers, and community. Cultivating and strengthening relationships is consistently cited as one of the most important factors in our lives as we age. CONNECTING with people in meaningful ways can have a profound and lasting impact on our overall health. Reach out to a friend, volunteer, and perhaps most important, put down the phone and talk to someone face-to-face.

Environmental wellness will encourage First Keystone employees to look at the world around them and find ways to ensure our surroundings are clean and healthy. One look at the headlines shows how important it is to take care of the bigger picture.

The final component will involve taking care of our emotional wellness . And here’s where we build on the previous CONNECT initiatives. We will continue to practice gratitude and kindness as we make wellness a part of our daily lives. Also, concentrating on our mental health will help to establish the appropriate work/life balance that’s crucial to our success in both areas. Whether it’s through breathing exercises or mindful meditation, we will share the tools to bring our emotional wellness into focus.
There’s been a lot written about the concept of corporate culture, but at First Keystone we’re committed to building a culture of wellness that will benefit our employees, our customers, and our communities. We’ll meet the challenges and make the changes that will improve our day-to-day interactions and increase our productivity. And rest assured, we’ll have some fun along the way.
Over the next three months, we will be tracking our progress in a variety of ways and exploring many fresh and exciting ideas. Our goal is to help each other improve our overall health and wellness by working in teams. We will be sharing our ideas and resources to motivate each other so we can incorporate better habits into our lives. Considering the 100% participation we achieved during previous CONNECT initiatives, I’m sure this journey will be just as successful. I’ll keep you posted on our progress!
As always, I’d like to close by expressing my sincere appreciation for the hard work and dedication of all the First Keystone employees as they contribute to reaching our common goals – financial and improving our corporate culture. And thank YOU for your confidence and continued support of FKCB. The Board of Directors, management, and our entire staff are firmly focused on increasing value for our customers and our communities

Warmest Regards,
Elaine A. Woodland

Even the IRS knows that tax season can be stress season for some people.
The IRS wants to help taxpayers as much as possible. With the 2020 tax season here, you can keep in mind these tips.

Following them will help you get this year’s taxes done accurately and on time. 

  • Gather records. Good recordkeeping ensures nothing gets overlooked. Records such as receipts and cancelled checks can provide proof of expenses.

  • Start with The IRS website is an excellent resource available 24/7. You can click on the filing tab for links to filing tips, answers to frequently asked questions, and IRS forms and publications. The IRS Services Guide outlines the many ways to get help.

  • Use online tools. The IRS website is home to many useful online tools. One of these is the Interactive Tax Assistant, which provides answers to many tax questions. It gives the same answers that an IRS representative would give over the phone.

  • File electronically. Most taxpayers file electronically these days for its ease and convenience. The tax software uses the taxpayer’s responses to complete the Form 1040 and any needed schedules. For taxpayers who filed paper returns in the past, this may be the year to consider the benefits of filing electronically.

  • Choose direct deposit. The fastest and safest way to a refund is to file electronically and choose direct deposit. The IRS issues most refunds in less than 21 days.

  • Report all income. You must report all your income from Forms W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, and Forms 1099. Other income may be reportable as well, even if you do not receive a statement.

  • Avoid errors. You should take extra time to review your tax return so you file accurately the first time. Filing electronically is the most accurate way to eliminate many common errors. Paper return filers should check all names and double check all Social Security numbers. They should also be sure to sign the tax return.

  • Check out Publication 17. This guide, which is available on and as an eBook, covers a wide range of tax topics to help you file your tax returns.

Mobile Remote Deposit

Fast, easy and convenient- make deposits
using your smartphone 24/7
To learn more or sign up for our Mobile Remote Deposit

First Keystone Community Bank employees are committed to
helping our communities by supporting organizations through volunteering, collections, monetary donations, etc.

During our most recent CONNECT initiative, we looked for
ways to express our gratitude for all the important people
and wonderful opportunities in our lives. Along the way, we were
once again able to reach out and help people and organizations
in our community. We followed the simple idea of
“something to give, something to do” and collected money
and much-needed items for those in need.

Thank you to all our customers, friends and family who
helped make our efforts a HUGE success!

Berwick Retirement Village
First Keystone Community Bank employees spread holiday cheer and sang Christmas carols to the residents of the  Berwick Retirement Village .

The Mitten Tree
Our Shickshinny employees, customers and friends gave winter items that were donated through Northwest Area School District's Future Farmers of America. The items went to  Ruth's Place Women's Shelter , Homeless Veterans Shelter- Wilkes Barre and the McCully House in Kingston .

The Cliff Youth Center
Our Freas Avenue office collected much needed items and accepted monetary donations for a local youth center,  Central PA Youth Ministries - The Cliff Youth Center .

Berwick Teen Center
Our Main Office Tellers and Customer Service Representatives donated toiletries,
cleaning supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, snacks and quick meals for the  Teen Center  
in Berwick.

Berwick Area School District
Members of our Financial Services
and Commercial Loan Departments teamed up to spread some joy by buying gifts for the Angel Tree Children from the  Berwick Area School District.

Animal Resource Center (ARC)
The Accounting, Marketing and Buildings/Grounds Departments collected items for the  Animal Resource Center (ARC) in Bloomsburg. Their efforts helped us donate toys, food, blankets, cleaning products and other supplies to the shelter.
Haven to Home Canine Rescue
Our Salem Twp. Office and their customers & friends not only donated food, collars and toys but they also made monetary donations to Haven to Home Canine Rescue that will help defray medical bills for the dogs.

New Bethany Ministries
Our Bethlehem Loan Office with the help of customers and friends collected food that was donated to New Bethany Ministries.

Toys for Tots
Our Mifflinville Office and four Pocono Offices collected new, unwrapped toys for the Toys for Tots program. The items that were collected brought Christmas joy to local children in need.

Feed a Friend
Our Danville Branch partnered with the Danville Riverside Food Bank, located in the Shiloh United Church of Christ, to be a collection site for their Feed a Friend Program.

Most experts suggest that you conduct a regular
personal financial review on an annual basis
or after a major life event.

You're entitled to a FREE Financial Review as one
of your Keystone Advantages!

Reviewing your finances on a regular basis is the best
opportunity to ensure you are moving forward and on the
right track to reach your goals.

Visit you local FKCB office and speak with one of our friendly
Keystone Bankers to schedule your FREE Financial Review.

At this time of year, many high school students are choosing where
they want to go to college and are excited to further their education.
This can be one of the most exciting times in a person’s life.
However, that excitement can often blind students to the fact that
less-than-honorable parties are often looking to exploit prospective learners
for their own financial gain. Here are some of the common scams
that new and continuing students may encounter
during their academic careers. 

Student Financial Service Scam 
There are many types of scams that pose as legitimate offers for scholarships, grants and financial aid services. The student is contacted by telephone, mail or email with a great offer but is asked to provide personal information or pay upfront fees in order to proceed. These fees are usually paid by gift card or money wire.

The Unpaid Tuition Scam 
The scammer contacts the student or the parents claiming that the tuition bill has been unpaid and that payment needs to be made immediately without affecting the student’s enrollment. 
Online Income Scam
Scammers prey on college students promising them a job online and ways for them to make quick and easy money. The company will either ask the students for money upfront or send them a check for their work and ask them to send a portion back to the company.
Buying Books Online Scam
Scam artists set-up fake websites and offer
great deals on expensive textbooks only to
never deliver the textbook and leaving the
victims out of money as well as not getting
the textbook they ordered.
Roommate/Rental Scam
The scammers normally pose as an individual selling or renting a property or as a property management business conducting the transaction on behalf of a client who is the alleged owner of the property. Potential renters are then solicited for money in exchange for promises that the homes will be shown to them or rented to them upon completion of their payment. Then, once the payment is received, the prospective buyer or tenant eventually realizes that there is in fact either no home for sale or that the property is in fact occupied.

Here are some tips to remember.

Completing financial aid forms, especially a FASFA form, does not cost anything to fill out.

Be sure to speak with someone from your school before making payments on a supposed unpaid bill. The school would most likely send a paper bill before calling and threatening immediate payment.

Research thoroughly into any business before providing personal financial information or credit card information. Make sure that the website is a secure website (https://).

Never give your personal information to anyone who contacts you out of the blue.

Do research, talk to friends/family and school officials to learn more about how to be protect yourself or your loved one from a scam.

If you believe you have been a victim of a scam, report it to your local police immediately, contact your bank or credit card company, and file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.

Article information- Attorney General Josh Shapiro, Ben Davis College Resource Center.

As part of the mission to service our customers and community,
we are proud to introduce a blog that will deliver helpful,
enjoyable and informative articles that are relevant
to our LOCAL communities.
We will cover topics such as saving for retirement, purchasing
a new home, improving your credit score, the process of
starting your own business, and much more.
The blog will be two-fold in that it will be educational, but it
will also show the lighter side of the bank. We want to highlight our employees, alert you to exciting events in your community, and focus on other human-interest stories in the area.

We invite you to follow this link to read all our recent blog posts and subscribe to follow our blog in order to
connect with us and receive updates when new
stories and articles are posted.
We hope you’ll come along for the ride!

You may know that your credit records affect your ability to get an affordable loan, a job, an apartment, or many other essentials of daily life. But, did you know the three nationwide consumer reporting companies—Equifax, TransUnion­, and Experian—aren’t the only companies that collect information on you.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has put together a list of all the
consumer reporting companies. Use this list to help you take advantage of your right to review the information in your consumer reports, and dispute possible inaccuracies with companies as needed. See all companies here. You can also download a pdf of the document.

Who can see your consumer reports
Consumer reporting companies must follow legal restrictions, but can generally provide your consumer reports and scores to an array of businesses, including:
  • Debt buyers and collectors
  • Lenders, including those that offer credit cards, home, payday, personal, and title loans, auto loans or leasing, student loans, and security deposit financing and lease guarantees on home rentals
  • Insurance companies
  • Employers, volunteer organizations, and government agencies to determine eligibility for government assistance
  • Landlords and residential real estate management companies
  • Banks, credit unions, payment processors, and retail stores that accept personal checks
  • Companies that market and sell products and services specifically to lower-income consumers and subprime credit applicants, such as short-term lending and rent-to-own businesses
  • Communications and utility companies 
  • Retail stores for product return fraud and abuse screening; as well as retail stores that offer financing, such as appliance and rent-to-own businesses
  • Gaming casinos that extend credit to consumers and/or accept personal checks

Know when to check a report
With the exception of employment screening, users of your reporting data generally don’t warn you in advance when they’re about to take an adverse action against you based in whole or in part on your consumer report. That's why the accuracy and completeness of your consumer reporting data is extremely important.

Check your reports regularly
It’s important to review your credit reports from the three nationwide consumer reporting companies—Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian—every twelve months to ensure they are accurate and complete. This is especially important if you intend to purchase a home or car with credit, or otherwise intend to apply for credit in the future. Check your reports before making financial decisions.
If you are applying for a job, an insurance policy, or a lease, you should fact-check your background screening reports to ensure there are no errors. 
Check your reports if you think you may be a victim of identity theft. Data breaches are an unfortunate reality. It’s important to be aware of your options to take greater control of your consumer reporting data. 
Fact-check your reports and consider blocking third-party access to your consumer reporting data through a security “ freeze.” 
Article information taken from CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)
Greater Columbia County Area

Friday, March 13th to Sunday, March 15th
Friday & Saturday 7:30pm - Sunday 1pm & 7:30pm

Friday, March 20th to Sunday, March 22nd
Friday & Saturday 7pm, Sunday 2pm

Friday, March 20th to Sunday, March 22nd
Friday 3pm - 8pm - Saturday 10am - 7pm - Sunday 10am - 4pm
Bloomsburg Fairgrounds, Bloomsburg

Wyoming Valley Area

Saturday, March 28th 9am - 4pm
Chacko's Family Bowling Center, 195 N. Wilkes Barre Blvd., Wilkes-Barre

Pocono Area

Saturday, March 28th to Sunday, March 29th
Saturday 10am - 6pm - Sunday 10am - 5pm
Kalahari Resort & Convention Center, 250 Kalahari Blvd., Pocono Manor

Greater Columbia County Area

Saturday, April 25th
Walk to Defeat ALS
Starts at 10:00am
Jingle Hall, Crispin Field, Berwick

Pocono Area

Saturday, April 4th
4pm - 10pm
Kalahri Resort, Pocono Manor

111 W. Front Street | Berwick, PA 18603 |  Toll Free:  (888) 759-2266