Let us pray...
For the health and recovery of Pope Francis.
For our faithful departed especially, Denise Olivera and Marlene Barboza. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
Memorial Mass for Denise Olivera on Friday, March 21 at 10:00 a.m.
Funeral Mass for Marlene Barboza on Saturday, March 22 at 11:00 a.m.
For the sick of our parish, especially: Neloise Adkins, Bernice Caruso, Carmen Gaffney, Gina Manarin, Ivan Pavlovich, Fred Pond, Beverly Shlapak, Hillary Singleton, and Gift of Grace House residents.
For our men and women in uniform, especially: Christofer Arguedas, Madison Bips, Paul Brieske, Rafael Duralde, Grier Jobson, and Devin Thomas.
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention March - For families in crisis
Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other's gifts, even in their differences.
To add or remove names from our prayer lists, please contact Kelly Schreckenberger: kschreckenberger@sacredheartatlanta.org.