Greetings in the Risen Lord,

The Third Sunday of Lent highlights the importance of love, compassion, hope, and patience, both in our relationship with God and with one another. I encourage you to continue participating in acts of service, prayer, and fasting so that your Lenten journey will bear fruit.

Here is a schedule of parish events to assist you on your Lenten journey:

Stations of the Cross

Fridays at 6:00 p.m.

Fish Fry

(sponsored by the Knights of Columbus)

this Friday, March 21

6:30 p.m.

Holy Hour

Fridays following the Stations of the Cross

March 28

April 4

April 11

Adult Faith Formation

The Mystery of Christ's Death and Resurrection

March 23 11:15 a.m.

Some exciting news!

Below are some recent photos of the Apse Canvas being prepped and painted at

Conrad Schmitt Studios in New Berlin, Wisconsin.

I look forward to sharing more with you soon!

Peace to you in Christ Risen,

Father John

Rector and Pastor

Survey open

At the request of Archbishop Hartmayer, the archdiocese is partnering with the Catholic Leadership Institute on initiatives to support our priests and our parishes and help us take next steps toward a more evangelizing and mission-oriented approach in what we do. As part of this work, every parish is being asked to participate in the Disciple Maker Index survey

The parish mission of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is to Encounter Christ and Learn to Live as Disciples. Missionary Discipleship is the practice of following Jesus Christ and sharing the gospel (the Good News) with others. Missionary discipleship involves getting all of the baptized to understand that we are each called to mission.

The 10–15-minute survey can be accessed through the link below now - April 7 and will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enable you to provide your perspective on our parish’s efforts to help you grow in relationship with Christ. All responses will be confidential, and the parish will only receive information about the community as a whole. We will share the link to access the survey with you next weekend.

Please continue to pray for the success of this initiative and for the growth and protection of our parish.

Access the survey here.

Adult Faith Formation

Sunday - March 23

The Mystery of Christ's Death and Resurrection

"The Paschal Mystery" is a phrase we hear and use in the Mass and sacramental rites, but do we understand what it means in the greater story of Salvation, from the Passover in Egypt to the Last Supper and Crucifixion of Jesus?

11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. O'Hagan Parish Hall.

All are welcome!

Knights of Columbus

Inspired to get involved with the Knights of Columbus? We are recruiting men to join us in the many good works we perform for the parish and the community at large. Our Council allows like-minded Catholic men to live out their faith through fellowship and action. We should point out that the Knights of Columbus focus on the family. In many instances, wives, children, and other family members are welcome to participate in our events and activities. Children can benefit from working with their parents on charitable projects and can fulfill community service requirements at their schools. For more information, contact Russ Ford at or 706-819-8391.

To join as an online member, click on the link below:

Join Us | Knights of Columbus ( When completing the online application form, enter the promo code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY to join for free, enter Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus as your parish, Council 15848, as the council connected with the church.

The Amen app is a free Catholic app that offers prayers, meditations, and Bible readings to help you connect with God. It's available on the App Store and Google Play


  • Daily readings: Immersive Bible study and daily readings to help you grow your relationship with God.
  • Meditations: Christian meditations to help calm your mind.
  • Sleep recordings: Sleep recordings and bedtime prayers to help you sleep peacefully.
  • Catholic prayers: Catholic prayers, including the rosary, to help you pray throughout the day.
  • Catholic Mass recordings: Catholic Mass recordings to help you deepen your faith 
  • Stories of faith: Stories of faith to help you find inner peace.

Sunday Readings - Scrutiny Year A Readings (10:00 a.m.)
Sunday Readings

Let us pray...

For the health and recovery of Pope Francis.

For our faithful departed especially, Denise Olivera and Marlene Barboza. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Memorial Mass for Denise Olivera on Friday, March 21 at 10:00 a.m.

Funeral Mass for Marlene Barboza on Saturday, March 22 at 11:00 a.m. 


For the sick of our parish, especially: Neloise Adkins, Bernice Caruso, Carmen Gaffney, Gina Manarin, Ivan Pavlovich, Fred Pond, Beverly Shlapak, Hillary Singleton, and Gift of Grace House residents.

For our men and women in uniform, especially: Christofer Arguedas, Madison Bips, Paul Brieske, Rafael Duralde, Grier Jobson, and Devin Thomas.

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention March - For families in crisis

Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other's gifts, even in their differences.

To add or remove names from our prayer lists, please contact Kelly Schreckenberger:

How do I request a Mass Intention?

Visit: see available intentions.

Once there, click on Request Mass Intention to view available dates and schedule your Mass Intention online.

You may also request Candle Intentions and Flower Memorials on the same page. This is a great way to remember/honor a loved one. Flower Memorials are placed in front of the Marian Statue for one week. Candles are lit for one week.

Exposition of the Eucharist

Weekly Exposition of the Eucharist is offered on Tuesdays in the Marist Chapel of St. Peter Chanel following the 12:10 p.m. Mass from 12:45- 3:00 p.m. If you would like to spend time in prayer with the Eucharist, please ring the doorbell for access.

Our Stewardship of Treasure

Register for Online Giving today by clicking here.

Donate through Quick-Give here!

It’s simple! It’s safe! And it keeps God at the top of our giving list even when you are away!

The Second Collection this Sunday, March 23, is for Stained Glass Windows.

Questions about online giving? Please contact Michelle Rivers, Financial Manager, or 404.974.2246.

Visit our Website
Donate online!
Learn about the Redecoration Project!
Liturgical Ministers Schedule

We look forward to seeing you!

Saturday Vigil: 4pm

Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Spanish), 5:00pm

M-T-W-F: 12:10pm Daily Mass

TH: 12:10pm Scripture & Communion

Confessions: Friday 11:30am and Saturday 3:30pm.

Exposition of the Eucharist in the Marist Chapel: Tuesday 12:45 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 10am-4pm