Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv., joined his auxiliary bishops for the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Bishops Joel Konzen, S.M.; Bernard Shlesinger, III and John Tran, in a statement about yesterday's shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia. 

Read the statement here
View FY23-24 Annual Report

Greetings in the Risen Christ!

I am very happy to share with you this fiscal year-end report of your Stewardship. With the cooperation of clergy, staff, lay-ministers volunteers and all parishioners who have participated faithfully in Christian Stewardship, we have been able to be dutiful to the Lord with all that He has entrusted us, while simultaneously maintaining good fiscal responsibility for our community’s finances. As you will see herein, we have successfully balanced our offertories and mission-supporting expenditures.

Our parish mission is to Encounter Christ and Learn to Live as Disciples, and we deliver on that mission every day through personal devotion to our calling, and by your kind generosity. We have made full use of this year’s financial resources to fund our parish’s day-to-day worship, ministry, and administrative operations, thus enabling our many ministries that touch the lives of hundreds of parishioners and beyond. In this report, we share some important stories and details from the valuable work our ministries have completed throughout the year.

I also note the steady increase in the number of parishioners over the past few years, mirroring the population growth of our city. Together, we continue to demonstrate the parish's integral role in the community around us, with our Basilica serving as a spiritual beacon for the Catholic faith in our area. As we move in and out of the Basilica, be it for Mass, ministry participation, or personal prayer time, we witness the ongoing development around us. From the proposed project, The Stitch, that will reconnect neighborhoods above the connector and other nearby residential and office developments, our parish church, now in its 126th year in this very location (and 144th in existence), stands as a testament to the dedicated parishioners it serves and their ability to adapt to the changing environment.

Having reflected on the achievements of the year past, I look forward to the year ahead as substantial progress has already been made on our interior redecoration project For Such a Time as This. Thank you for your patience while the Church undergoes this important work and I look forward to sharing with you the Phase 1A completion this Advent. I thank you for your faithful dedication to our Lord Jesus, your continued prayers, and your support to this parish; please know that I pray for you and your families daily.

Peace to you in Christ Risen,

Fr. John


View FY23-24 Annual Report

St. Teresa of Calcutta

Feast Day September 5

She once said, “By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus.” By an act of Congress, she was granted Honorary Citizenship in the United States in 1996 (one of only 8 so honored, two of whom were granted it while still living – the other being Winston Churchill). On June 12, 1995, while visiting Atlanta for the opening of the gift of Grace House, (where her Sisters, to this day, minister to homeless women with HIV/AIDS within our parish boundaries), Mother Teresa attended Mass and spoke here at the Basilica. She is the patroness of World Youth Day and the Missionaries of Charity, intimately united to those for whom she had spent her life.

Learn more about Saint Teresa's ties to the Basilica!

Take home a piece of Sacred Heart history!

In case you missed our weekly recent Tuesday update about the redecoration project, we are now offering (for a suggested donation of $20) salvaged blackened bricks from the June 4, 1978 firebombing of the church. You can reserve your bricks online now. They will be available for pick-up beginning the weekend of September 15.

Read about the history of the firebombing and reserve your brick(s) here.
Learn more about the Redecoration Project!
Register here for Faith Formation
Click here to donate school supplies!
The most urgent task of our day is the compelling proclamation of the gospel. Only when we see everything through a Biblical worldview can we experience real hope! Our minds need to be renewed repeatedly as we live in a time where despair, division, and anxiety run rampant.
Join The Rescue Project Challenge, a 14-day online series with Father John Riccardo, where we reflect on the explosive good news that is the gospel, pray with hope, and invite others to join this journey. 
Join the challenge!

Inquiry Sessions begin Sunday, September 15 at 11:15 am.

Interested in becoming Catholic?

Wondering what it's all about?

Are you an adult baptized in the Catholic faith but not yet confirmed?

Learn more!

Knights of Columbus

On Saturday, August 31, Basilica Knights of Columbus sold water, coffee, and doughnuts to attendees of the annual Dragon Con Parade.  We received many positive comments from attendees, especially from repeat customers from past years. Thanks to the many customers, this fundraiser was very successful. With the funds raised from the sales, we are able to fund a stipend for an Archdiocesan seminarian.  

Inspired to get involved with the Knights of Columbus? We are recruiting men to join us in the many good works we perform for the parish and the community at large. Our Council allows like-minded Catholic men to live out their faith through fellowship and action. We should point out that the Knights of Columbus focus on the family. In many instances, wives, children, and other family members are welcome to participate in our events and activities. Children can benefit from working with their parents on charitable projects and can fulfill community service requirements at their schools. For more information, contact Patrick Waldron at or cell 571-643-2894.

To join as an online member, click on the link below:

Join Us | Knights of Columbus ( When completing the online application form, enter the promo code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY to join for free, enter Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus as your parish, Council 15848, as the council connected with the church.

Atlanta Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women


September 20-22, 2024

St. Andrew Catholic Church

Roswell, GA

Click here to register

September 25 - November 3

You are welcome to join us for one hour of prayerful vigil 8:00am-8:00pm during the Atlanta Campaign.


Feminist Women's Health Center1924 Cliff Valley Way, NE

Atlanta, GA 30329 

Questions? Contact Cathy Weaver, Respect Life Ministry.

Interfaith Atlanta announces our 4th annual Interfaith Festival on Sunday, September 22nd, 2024, from 2:00 - 5:30 p.m. on the campus of Columbia Theological Seminary: 701 S. Columbia Dr., Decatur, GA, 30030. Join us for friendship, entertainment, food, and a community service opportunity. Feel free to bring a blanket or lawn chairs to relax on the lawn while enjoying the entertainment offerings. Food and beverages will be available for purchase.

Sunday Readings

Let us pray...

For our faithful departed. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.


For the sick of our parish, especially: Neloise Adkins, Bernice Caruso, Gina Manarin, Ivan Pavlovich, Fred Pond, Bob Schorr, Calvin Scott, Hillary Singleton, and Gift of Grace House residents.

For our men and women in uniform, especially: Christofer Arguedas, Madison Bips, Paul Brieske, Rafael Duralde, Nathan Fouratt, Grier Jobson, and Devin Thomas.

We pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and for the common good, especially caring for the poor and those who have lost their jobs.(Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for August)

To add or remove names from our prayer lists, please contact Kelly Schreckenberger:

Our Stewardship of Treasure

Offertory - Fiscal Year to Date

July 1, 2024-July 31, 2024

Offertory (In-Pew): $13,299.00

Offertory (Electronic): $15,934.00

Total Offertory: $75,575.35

Offertory Budget: $70,000.00

Difference: $5,575.00

Offertory July 2023: $57,226.60

Difference 2023 to 2024: $18,348.75

Archbishop's Annual Appeal

Parish Goal: $91,500.00

Amount Received: $77,482.01

Remaining Balance: ($14,017.99)

Unpaid Pledges: $12,875.86

Thank you to all who have already completed their pledge payments or have donated online. For those of you who have not had an opportunity to participate, but still desire to be a part of the 2024 campaign, please visit the archdiocesan website:

Online Giving

Register for Online Giving today by clicking here.

Donate through Quick-Give here!

It’s simple! It’s safe! And it keeps God at the top of your giving list even when you are away!

The Second Collection, this Sunday, September 8, is for St. Vincent de Paul.

Questions about online giving? Please contact Michelle Rivers, Financial Manager, or 404.974.2246.

Visit our Website
Donate online!
Learn about the Redecoration Project!
Liturgical Ministers Schedule

We look forward to seeing you!

Saturday Vigil: 4pm

Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Spanish), 5:00pm

M-T-W-F: 12:10pm Daily Mass

TH: 12:10pm Scripture & Communion

Confessions: Friday 11:30am and Saturday 3:30pm.

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 10am-4pm