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Fuel Prices — Where We Stand Right Now

Rising energy costs have been a painful, unfortunate fact of life in 2022. The factors leading to higher energy rates are global and complex. We’re as eager as you are to see heating oil prices return to normal.

Some people think that local fuel companies like ours make more money when prices go up. The opposite is true. Our customers cut back on usage and are late paying bills. Meanwhile, we need to pay our suppliers promptly at much higher rates. It’s an awful mess for everyone.

We want to keep you in the loop entering the heating season and help you navigate this winter ahead.

Why Energy Prices Have Risen

We entered this year with high energy prices because of lingering supply chain issues and increasing global demand. Then, Russia invaded Ukraine, and rates surged to unprecedented levels.

It isn’t only oil prices that increased. Propane and natural gas prices have also gone up significantly in 2022. Electric rates have ballooned, and there are serious concerns that there’s not enough capacity to maintain the current grid load. Converting your heating system to another fuel source probably won’t save you money. Switching to gas or electricity is expensive, and no one knows how long it will take to recoup these costs.

But there is reason for hope. We’ve recently seen oil prices come down from their peak. We hope they continue to decrease, and history tells us that they will. It’s just a question of when.

We Can Help You This Winter

You can rest assured that we will be doing everything we can to make sure you have all of the heating oil you’ll need this winter at the most competitive prices possible. Over many years in business, we’ve developed strong relationships with dependable fuel suppliers. And we are taking every step to ensure there will be no disruptions for you during the heating season.

If you’re worried about paying your fuel bills this winter, let us know. We can help you lower your energy usage and we have solutions that can help you manage your energy budget a little easier.

We truly value your trust and loyalty. Keeping you warm and comfortable is our top priority. Together, we’ll get through these challenging times.

(908) 483-9900 |