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"Fulbright U.S. Student Program Overview"

3-4 PM ET

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"UK University Virtual Fair"

1-3 PM ET

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"Applicants with Disabilities – MIUSA and Alumni Ambassadors"

4-5 PM ET

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Georgetown Fulbrighter Spotlight

Bayley Wivell (MSB'22)

ETA - Taiwan

Teacher Bayley Wivell hugs a group of students in the classroom

From Bayley Wivell (MSB'22) - "I've spent this year teaching English in a rural district on the North Coast of Taiwan. I work at a small local school and teach around 70 kids ranging from kindergarten to 6th grade! In addition to English class, I run our after school English club and monthly English Day activities, and I participate in many school activities."

Application Suggestion:

"Be intentional about why you are applying to the specific program you choose! Keep an open mind and good luck - it is a year full of growth in many ways."

Advising Corner


A common question that has come up during recent advising sessions is: Is it too late for me to apply for Fulbright?

The good news is: No, it's not too late!

What follows is a timeline to assist you over the next couple of months with links to resources, including previous editions of this e-newsletter.


  • Decide on the Fulbright location and award that most interest you.
  • Create a Fulbright application in the online portal, indicating Georgetown University as the U.S. institution through which you are applying.
  • Schedule an advising appointment.
  • Think about and contact three individuals who can write strong recommendation letters (research/study) or can complete recommendation forms (ETA). Once decided, register these individuals in the Fulbright application portal.
  • Familiarize yourself with the affiliation process and, if necessary for your project, begin reaching out very soon to potential affiliate sites.


  • Continue working on drafts of your Personal Statement and Statement of Grant Purpose. Begin sharing your drafts with advisors and professors for early feedback.
  • If you are proposing graduate degree enrollment for your Fulbright grant, review closely and follow the degree program's application requirements and timeline.
  • If a Foreign Language Evaluation is necessary, contact "a professional language teacher, preferably a university professor" about completing this. 
  • Continue researching and reaching out to affiliate sites.


  • Check in again with your recommenders to make sure their letters/forms will be submitted in the portal by Georgetown's September 1 internal deadline.
  • Finish your application draft, including your Personal Statement and Statement of Grant Purpose.
  • Finalize affiliation letter/s to submit in the portal by September 1.
  • Complete the Center for Research & Fellowships' required Waiver and Agreement Form.

September 1, 12 PM (noon) ET - Internal Deadline

  • By September 1 at 12 PM (noon) ET (at the latest), submit your draft application in the Fulbright portal.
  • The center highly recommends that you submit your application draft by mid-August.


  • Meet with your campus mentor to go over your draft application materials, which the center will provide directly to the mentor.
  • Make any last edits to your application and essays.

October 10, 5 PM ET - Competition Deadline

  • Fulbright's competition deadline is October 10 at 5 PM ET; this is the latest time - no exceptions - by which you must submit your completed application in the Fulbright portal.
  • The center highly, highly encourages you to submit your completed application in the portal by October 1 at 12 PM ET to have extra time in the event a problem arises. Note: After 5 PM ET on October 6, the center can no longer unsubmit your application in the portal.


A screenshot of the homepage of Georgetown's Writing Center

Writing Center

As you think about and work on drafts of your Fulbright essays this summer, we want to highlight Georgetown's Writing Center.

From the center's website: "The Georgetown Writing Center is a free resource offered by the Georgetown Writing Program. We provide synchronous peer tutoring by trained graduate and undergraduate students who can assist you at any point in the writing process."

Visit the Writing Center

Yellow rotary-style phone

Contact Us!

Commit time in the weeks ahead to work on your Fulbright application and drafts of your personal statement and statement of grant purpose.

Be sure to schedule an appointment with an advisor for application and essay feedback well before the September 1 internal deadline.

Schedule an Appointment

Healy Hall's clock with a pinkish sunrise

It's a Fulbright Friday!

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Advising Appointment

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