Full Circle
Circle Center's Weekly Update
Cherish simple things such as family, friends and love, because great things appear simple from far away. Place your simple things in the best light; there’s enough sunshine for all of them .”
- Val Uchendu
Welcome back to  Full Circle,   our weekly newsletter designed to keep you in the know about what’s going on while we are all practicing physical distancing.

We continue to be inspired by the stories that you share with us and the creative ways we are all adapting to this crisis. We are amazed by the ways you are finding to stay connected and work through the turbulent emotions and frustrations we are all experiencing. Today we share some of these stories, from the therapeutic methods of artistic expression that are an integral part of our program, to finding the grounding effects of nature, and even a well timed super-hero costume. Our community is pulling together to get through this pandemic, and we encourage you to explore the wealth of mental health resources available. And whether it is through painting, drawing, writing or music, we hope that you find time to do something each day that brings you joy, even if it is just sitting outside listening to your favorite songs, or taking a walk on a spring day.
Dr. Gwyn Griffin, daughter and caregiver to our participant Sadie Griffin, and sister to participant Sharon, has taken a new approach to sorting through the caregiver experiences during this stressful time: converting them to poetry. One of the first members of local poetry group, River City Poets , Gwyn understands the ability of poetry and writing to help us understand our emotions and express them. She has been capturing her mother’s story poetically and welcomes the opportunity to share these tributes with other caregivers as well as work to translate their caregiver stories into prose. 

Sadie and Sharon in their
Thanksgiving Portrait at Circle Center

Click HERE to learn more about River City Poets and Click HERE to
see more about Gwyn and Sadie's story
Art has long been something that has connected us here at Circle Center, especially when we have photography from well known local photographer Parks Rountrey on display in our halls. Currently, though our hallways are quiet, the gorgeous vista of the James from Parks hanging in our front hallway is a beacon of hope for brighter days ahead.

Parks would typically spend his days walking and exploring as he pursued his art, so when Circle Center suspended on-site services and Parks was unable to bring his wife Karen, who has attended since 2016, he faced a conundrum. True to his earned nick-name from his Circle Center support group, "WWPD" ( What Would Parks Do ), thanks to his can-do attitude and seemingly endless ability to conjure up solutions to any problem, he found a way. Parks and Karen now ride around in a golf cart that Parks had specially outfitted with additional safety features and extra seat belts to accommodate Karen - and even one for their dog! They've now been able to enjoy all of the things they used to when they would take those long walks together - checking out spring's abundant gardens, trees and flowers, chatting with neighbors, and simply enjoying being together in the fresh air.

Click HERE to learn more about Parks' photography.
& SuperHero's Too...
As Director of Operations, Lisa Pacelli's nephew proves, sometimes you just need a new costume to improve your outlook on these times. Kevin, who has autism, has maintained his routines and community engagement through Zoom calls with his job coach and other adults with disabilities...with a little flair. He dons a different super hero costume nearly every day. We could all use a little Captain America in our lives!
A Therapy Dog Sets Sail...
During these quieter days in the office our Director of Finance Stefanie King's rescue lab Riley has been brightening our days as our occasional Staff Therapy Dog . As we see the benefits of therapy dogs in our program, we’ve been enjoying his friendly visits and uplifting spirit! To celebrate being such a good boy, on a recent beautiful Sunday, Stefanie and Riley hit the waters in their new inflatable kayak. He was hesitant to start but loved his day on the water!
...and bunnies hop with new names
We had submissions near and far, from the beloved gals of The Golden Girls, to the members of the Fab Four, The Rolling Stones and the Mamas and The Papas. Our staff agreed, though, that we could all use a little classic remembrance. So, we introduce you to Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, Peter, and their mom, Beatrix.
Mental Health Resources Available
Former Circle Center staff member, Caitlyn Patey, LCSW, has taken her social work skills to a new environment, and shares with us a variety of mental health resources via Thriveworks. During these stressful times, we appreciate the communal effort to connect and for the variety of mental health resources available in our community. Thriveworks and other local counseling groups are currently accepting new patients and offering tele-health appointments.

As we explore the different ways to stay busy, engaged and positive during these trying times, we encourage you to check out our resources to help with Stress Management. Through humor, relaxation, art and nature, we invite you to use these activities and to share them with anyone who might also benefit from them.

Moving our Mission Forward
How can you help:

  • DONATE Your donation means more than it ever has. Consider a donation today to help us stay ready to open our doors as soon as we are safely able to! Click here to donate now!

  • SHOP Did you know you can support Circle Center while shopping? Stock up on your essentials from Amazon and Kroger, and support Circle Center in the process. Click here to learn how!
Virtual Faces of Circle Center .
Circle Center Participant's connected recently during a Zoom call. Elaine Ratfliff, wife of participant Jim, has proven herself to be quite tech savvy and set these friends up on a virtual Call. Though they miss seeing each other in person, we were so happy to see our friends light up when they saw each other's faces again!