Full Moon Meditation Telecall
Wednesday, October 24th

Keynote: "Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant."
At this time we are awakening and invoking our intuitive self, a time of increasing golden light until full illumination is achieved within and without, developing fully our spiritual consciousness. It is also a time of initiation that is unfolding as we allow ourselves to embrace the ceremonial order of the seventh ray, which liberates higher creativity and consciousness.

We are now in a time of thinking with our hearts, which allows us to attract similar vibrations, thus being the builders of the new dawn. As we are each a temple of the Golden Flame, the flame of ascension is taking us through the 13 steps and awakening us to our beauty, our divine beauty.

Blessings, love and light,


Full Moon Meditation -  
Wednesday, October 24th

Join us on this telecall to share inspiration f or the journey into the mysteries of Awakened Consciousness, Ascension, and the process of Self Realization as you journey this year of Awakening to Beauty.

Skype Users:  
Add 'freeconferencecallhd.8053991200' to your contacts. At the scheduled date and time of the conference call, select the contact and click "call." Then, locate the key pad and enter the access code.
October 24th ,

9.00pm Eastern
8.00pm Central
7.00pm Mountain
6.00pm Pacific
2.00am UK


Dial-in Number:
Access Code:

 Sacred Tour of France                        May 25 - June 7, 2018
Journey to mysterious France to experience a land rich in tradition. Experience power sites held sacred by those who have sought the Holy Grail, the presence of Mary Magdalene and Black Madonnas including: Rennes-le Chateau, Grotte de Baume, Maries de La Mer, Arles, Carcassonne, Montségur, Lourdes, Rocamadour, and the mystical Languedoc. This special Sacred Tour of France offers an extension to visit the stunningly beautiful Chartres Cathedral, and Paris!
 .......Opening the pathway of the heart to the next level of Awakened Consciousness.......

Blessings, love and peace,


Telephone 833 970 6217