Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
25 degrees Scorpio
15 May 2022
10:13pm mountain time
The Full Moon Lunar eclipse falls on Sunday night, May 15, so get your spring planting in before that. Best to plant as the moon waxes towards full as this is when the energy is building, building, building. Working with the ebb and flow of the lunar cycle aligns you with the energetic flow of the moon's
powerful effect. Seeds and seedlings planted before the moon turns Full align with the release energy of the full moon. Seeds break out of their protective coats. Seedlings leave the confinement of their pots, expanding their roots to anchor them for summer's growth. Align with the plant cycles. Release yourself from what confines you, what limits your potential growth. Release stagnant relationship patterns and constricting thought forms. Let go of anything that is not yours so that you can expand into your essential you-ness.

The Full Moon lunar eclipse is a re-boot in all areas related to the Scorpio moon. Scorpio is the fixed water sign that delves deeply into your emotions, especially the ones that seem to manage you more than you manage them - passionate emotions of possession, jealousy, betrayal, and intense obsessive love. Scorpio is the great transformer, ruled by Pluto, revealing where your deepest emotional triggers and resistances can be found. Where the eclipse falls in your own birth chart and what is triggered by the eclipse will show you exactly what is primed to be released and what is ready to be born anew. Tapping into the cycles of the eclipses is such a powerful tool for navigating the ride of your life with more ease and grace. and who doesn't need more of that?


Mercury fully retrograde moving this week back through the early degrees of Gemini. Patience and a good sense of the absurd are a MUST to navigate the mischief of this Mercury retrograde.

Jupiter just entered Aries, sputtering into gear after so much dreamtime in Pisces. Again patience is not only a virtue but a MUST-have! A hefty sense of humor is also extremely useful. Stay in the big picture. Tend to details as necessary.

Venus conjoins Chiron in Aries. Energy available for deep healing though active loving. Not just thinking about how you give and receive love but actually taking steps to BE LOVE. Learn about the NEW ENERGIES of LOVE and how to work with them
Let's connect!
LOVE and starry blessings,
Schedule your ECLIPSE reading today!