Fully Engaged New Website
Tips to Navigate the New System
(320) 258-7611
Logging in
The new Fully Engaged homepage has a fresh, easy look at
You will click on "Parish" to login to your account.
On the next screen,
Click on Parish Login

Note: Admin Login is for Fully Engaged Staff only

Enter your Login Email and Password
Your login email is a unique email in the system.

When we launched, your new login information was changed to either your Billing and Results contacts listed in your parish profile. The temporary password is parish!admin to begin. You can reset it once you are logged in.

Please note: The login email must be a unique for each account. If you serve several parishes, we may have used the "alternate" email address shown on your parish profile. If you are having trouble, please call Jill at (320) 258-7611 or Chris at (320) 250-9778.
Forgot your password?
If you forgot your password, click and an email will be sent to you to rest your password.
To Visit Old Site
If you need to retrieve results for a couple entered into the old site or review previous invoices, you still have access to our old site.

To visit our old site, instead of logging into your parish using your email and password, click on Visit Old Site.

You will be redirected to our old site and you may log in as before, using your old user name and password.
Engaged Couples who are entered into the old system

Engaged Couple login

If you have an engaged couple in the old system who has not yet taken the inventory, the welcome email they received with the link has been revised.

The use the URL string sent them and add the word "old" to the beginning of it.

For example, the URL string for our demo parish in the old system is:
It is now:

The Couple ID remains the same.
Your New Main Page
Your new main page is specifically designed to be easier to maneuver and has the most common actions at your finger-tips. On this main page you can access couples already in the new system, add a new couple, access and pay any outstanding invoices or order materials.
Any questions or concerns, please call us at (320) 258-7611 or email us at
Chris Codden – Director, Fully Engaged
                                                          Jill Svihel – Coordinator, Fully Engaged

Dawn Gohmann—Clerical Support, Fully Engaged
(320) 258-7617