"May your concern be first of all to witness the grace of the Sacrament of Marriage and the primordial good of the family, vital cell of the Church and of society, ... making them aware of the profound meaning of the step they are about to take … However, I wonder how many of these young people that come to pre-marriage courses understand what “marriage” means, the sign of Christ’s union and of the Church. “Yes, yes” – they say yes, but do they understand this? Have they faith in this? I am convinced that a true catechumenate is necessary for the Sacrament of Marriage, and not a preparation with two or three meetings and then onwards
To the Tribunal of the Roman Rota February 25, 2017
Note: We apologize if you have experienced any inconvenience during our up-dates. Our goal is to serve you better. If you are experiencing any difficulties at any time, we appreciate it if you would let us know.
Ordering Materials
Our Order Materials page is “user friendly.” All items available are now listed on the form. To access the Order Materials form, log in and click on ‘Order Materials’ in the upper right corner of your Parish Page. Materials can be ordered 24/7.
Symbols for English and Spanish have been added to the Order Materials Form, to help easily identify the versions we offer.
Separate Shipping Address
An additional function has been added to your parish profile page so you can indicate a separate shipping address, if you choose. For example, if the bill is sent to one address, the materials can now be sent to another address.
Searching for Past Invoices
A search function has been added to your parish profile so you can locate the current or past invoices.
Online Scoring
Fast - Efficient - Accurate
Take advantage of our online scoring option. The following benefits are:
- Results immediately after the couple takes the inventory
- No need to scan, email, FAX or USPS mail to our office
- Offers the option for the couple to pay for the scoring and workbooks
- When couples pay for the scoring and workbooks via credit card, you no longer have to stock workbooks. The Couple's Workbooks are mailed to the couple
When couples take the inventory online, the statements come up randomly, with statements appearing in a different order for each individual taking the inventory. This is to minimize comparing answers if the couple is sitting next to each other, giving more accurate results.
Answer Sheets
Answer Sheets
free & downloadable
on our web-site.
Our revised Answer Sheet (May 2017) permits you to enter your email, Parish Name, address and city information before printing.
Click here for the up-dated Answer Sheet. Without this information on the Answer Sheet, it cannot be easily distinguished which parish the results should be sent. Periodically download a new answer sheet, as copies of copies become difficult for us to read.
Pre-Marital vs Convalidation Answer Sheets
Please remember to use the correct corresponding Answer Sheet for the inventory the couple is completing –
Convalidation. The demographics information is different. If you are unable to access them on-line, please contact us and we will be happy to email or mail them to you. The most recent Answer Sheet is dated May 2017.
Reminder: It is important that couple completes the demographic information on the first page of the Answer Sheet. These are required fields for scoring and getting accurate results.
Inventory Results
when the Fully Engaged Office is scoring
If results are not received within 10 business days, please check your parish profile first to see if the results are available. If not, the contact person should call or e-mail Krista at or (320) 258-7611 with the couple’s initials, or couple ID, your Parish, City and State. Please do not resend the inventory.
On Sunday, July 23, 2017, Fully Engaged will be offering a pre-conference training at the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers (NACFLM) Conference at Catholic University of America in Washington DC. To register, go to:
Participant cost: $75, including materials. Spouse may attend at no extra cost.
To arrange a training for your area, please contact Chris Codden at or call her direct line at (320) 258-7619. The cost for training is travel expenses.
Free Downloadable Resources
Available at our website is a variety of helpful resources you may use with your engaged couples. The resources are available in English and Spanish and can be found at: The resources available are:
Video Links
Additional Resources