Departure Testing and Continued Adherence to Safety Practices
If you have been a member of our on-campus population and will be traveling home at the end of the semester, please get tested next week. Knowing your COVID-19 status before you travel protects those around you and the community and loved ones you are returning to.
You have been showing up all semester to keep yourself and our community safe. Let's finish our time Together for Maine this spring safe and smart by getting one last test -- a departure test.
And please continue -- as you have done all year -- following the safety practices that have kept us together as safely as possible throughout the pandemic. Wear your face coverings indoors or when you cannot be safely distanced outside, wash your hands, stay away from large gatherings, and get vaccinated as soon as you can.
I am proud of how our community has stepped up to help lead Maine's public health campaign. If we keep at it, life on campus in the fall will be closer to what we yearn for from before the pandemic. It is up to us to make it happen.
Thank you for all your commitment to keeping our universities safe through the year. And for our students, I wish you good luck with your final exams, projects, and papers as the semester comes to a close.